What are you eating right now!!!!!!!?????

Shattered said:

Protein and fat.

Granola and sugar is just going to send your system into overdrive, and you'll want *more* food.. (You remember all this...)

I do - but Atkins doesn't work on me...I lost a few pounds, then 'nothing'...stayed in induction phase - per their site - for about 5 weeks.


Now, I just stopped eating so much...Snacks here and there, usually whole-weat, and just a hand full, and salad for lunchy.

dmp said:
I do - but Atkins doesn't work on me...I lost a few pounds, then 'nothing'...stayed in induction phase - per their site - for about 5 weeks.


Now, I just stopped eating so much...Snacks here and there, usually whole-weat, and just a hand full, and salad for lunchy.


Then perhaps...you needn't lose as much as you think.. Overly critical, maybe?
dmp said:
Not at all. I'm near 'obese' by most body-fat-scales. :(


73" tall, 225lbs.

Bodyfat scales are bullshit unless you get one specifically customized for you.

I'm 6'2ish and 230, and nowhere near obese. Don't judge you fattiness based on some non-scientific BMI or BMI-like index. They don't take muscle mass into consideration hardly at all; they're garbage.
dmp said:
Not at all. I'm near 'obese' by most body-fat-scales. :(


73" tall, 225lbs.

Those scales must be prepared by people who stand to make money from people trying to lose weight. Looking at your pics, you are not anywhere near to being obese. :)
The ClayTaurus said:
But the chili must be Greek.
The ClayTaurus said:
eating less will slow your metabolism and result in you burning fewer calories than if you ate a little bit every couple hours or so.
Eat whatever you want when you're hungry, stop when you're satisfied, not stuffed. The perfect diet. :)
The ClayTaurus said:
Only beef and a refried-bean like sauce, no?
No, no, no, no! No BEANS (unless it's a 5-way or a 4-way bean).
The chili is an incredibly pungent, BO scented mess. But it tastes good!

It's got all kinds of weird spices, like cinnamon & chocolate. The beef is boiled up really fine, it has a little tomato paste, and weird spices. It's more of a sauce than a chili.

Here's a run-down of Cincinnati-style chiili:
You have your chili spaghetti (AKA 2-way). This consists of spaghetti topped with Cincinnati/Greek chili.

3-way: spaghetti, then chili, then mild shredded cheddar.

4-way: spaghetti, then chili, then either kidney beans OR chopped onion, then mild cheddar.

5-way: spaghetti, then chili, then kidney beans, then onion, then cheddar.

A coney is a hot dog with Greek/Cincinnati chili.
A Cheese Coney is a hot dog with chili, cheddar, and optional onion and mustard.

A chili cheese pup has no hot dog.

Now you're ready to eat in Cincy! :)
so am having a T-Bone NY steak...quick fried with lotsa garlic salt and pepper...baked potato...and salad...with a small glass of wine...Pisano red!
Baked Ham...butt portion...bone in...pinapple and special family seasoning...mashed potato's and gravy..and Broccili with onion and bacon...smothered with Cheddar cheese sauce...I'm in the mood to protest Islam and any other religion who says I can't do this....LOL
archangel said:
Baked Ham...butt portion...bone in...pinapple and special family seasoning...mashed potato's and gravy..and Broccili with onion and bacon...smothered with Cheddar cheese sauce...I'm in the mood to protest Islam and any other religion who says I can't do this....LOL

from last night...more Islam protesting...ham steak...artichokes with lemon and butter...and a salad with ranch dressing and added bacon bits...If this makes me a racist...so be it...sorry Israel I like the other "White' meat....as Jesus said....It's not what goes into the body that fouls it-but that which comes out!...End of Story.... :poke:
getting a headache trying to explain my dry sense of humor in here...so I looked in the fridge and saw about two lbs of left over ham...said hell no...enough protesting for the last two days...found some HB and lotsa fixings and stuff for a Italian night...so pasta with red sauce...garlic bread and Italian salad for tonight!Maybe a beer is in order to sooth the wild beast!
archangel said:
getting a headache trying to explain my dry sense of humor in here...so I looked in the fridge and saw about two lbs of left over ham...said hell no...enough protesting for the last two days...found some HB and lotsa fixings and stuff for a Italian night...so pasta with red sauce...garlic bread and Italian salad for tonight!Maybe a beer is in order to sooth the wild beast!
*hint* if you have to try and explain, it isn't working. *end hint*
Kathianne said:
*hint* if you have to try and explain, it isn't working. *end hint*

Babe...Sony and Cher...now if the person whom you think I offended ask's for a apology...then I will be more than happy to give one...as for your asking "No way Jose" it did not or should not have affected you...'Touche' is in order!
Kathianne said:
*hint* if you have to try and explain, it isn't working. *end hint*

We've had this discussion. I've told him time and time again, if you have to explain it, it isn't humor.
countless un-registered members took the time to chastize my lack of humor...whats wrong with this picture? :rotflmao:

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