What are you listening to?

High Kings - Green Fields of France

again, the pointless slaughter of WW2 :(

Oh how do you do, young Willy McBride
Do you mind if I sit here down by your graveside
And rest for a while in the warm summer sun?
I've been walking all day, and I'm nearly done.
And I see by your gravestone you were only nineteen
When you joined the great fallen in 1916.
Well I hope you died quick and I hope you died clean.
Or Willy McBride, was is it slow and obscene?
What better national anthem could be then this?

You're having a Scottish moment huh? It's the sporran and kilts isn't it? :smoke:


Earlier I was listening to Béla Bartók "String Quartet No. 5", on the record player.

You Tube being amazing, they have all of Bartók's String Quartet's uploaded.

The painting in the background of course, this is Wassily Kandinsky's "Composition VIII" from 1923, Kandinsky's early Bauhaus period....I love Kandinsky, one of my favourite artists.

This is the Allegro from "String Quartet No. 5":

Then I listened to Imarhan, who are Tuareg from Algeria and are on City Slang Records which is owned and run by some friends of our's in Berlin:

City Slang Records


The whole Imarhan album is completely astonishing.

This is Imarhan's song "Tahabort" which is amazing, incredibly intricate guitar work and in general just extraordinary noise, they're on tour throughout Europa this month and also March, we must go and watch them do their thing:

Edited to add comment.

The House Of Love "Marble" from the album "A Spy In The House Of Love" released in 1990 on Fontana Records.

Also the title of the Anaïs Nin novel which she wrote in 1954 and is pictured on the above albums front cover.

A Spy in the House of Love - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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