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Simon and Garfunkle: He was my brother...

A song associated with the slaying of three civil rights workers, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Michael Schwerner.

Brave people. My heros.

He was my brother
Five years older than I
He was my brother
Twenty-three years old the day he died

Freedom rider
They cursed my brother to his face
“Go home, outsider
This town is gonna be your buryin' place

He was singin' on his knees
An angry mob trailed along
They shot my brother dead
Because he hated what was wrong

He was my brother
Tears can't bring him back to me
He, was my brother
And he died so his brothers could be free
He died so his brothers could be free

Edited to add:

In December, (1967), Judge Cox sentenced the men (who killed the 3 civil rights workers) to prison terms ranging from three to 10 years. After sentencing, he said, “They killed one ******, one Jew, and a white man. I gave them what I thought they deserved.” None of the convicted men served more than six years behind bars.

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Simon and Garfunkle - Kathy's Song

And as I watch the drops of rain
Weave their weary paths and die
I know that I am like the rain
There but for the grace of you go I.

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