What Are Your Attitudes About Intolerant, Prejudiced Heterosexuals?

Hetero fascists, like the segregationists, are part of God's people, and with love and time can be brought back into humanity.
Absolutely they can! But there has to be a will to do so. Many prefer aligning on the side of hate rather than erring on the side of caution and refraining from making open derogatory remarks that are hurtful to people not in their camp.
I don't care if it's a choice, or completely biological, or somewhere in between.

My problem is with gays marrying.

I just don't believe the definition of marriage was ever intended to include two people of the same sex.
Both sides of guilty of hate, just as some on both sides of LDS priesthood and women issues. Need a lot more love.
It is not simply a case of live and let live. It is not ill do what I will and you do the same. It is a DEMAND that I MUST accept your sexual orientation. Well, I don't. There is no reason for me to. Just as it is a state of being (not a choice) to be gay, a disgust of gay is perfectly natural for heterosexuals. It simply does not make and sense.

You're right that it's a demand. I support their demand.

People used to oppose interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, intercultural marriage...

...Until someone DEMANDED it!

The lone standing superpower in the world just HAPPENS to support all of those. Coincidence? While the lesser nations of the world (middle east, Africa, Russia, China, etc.) oppose them.

If your fellow countryman deserves happiness, then you have NO right to take it from them.
And I notice that you cut out the part where I stand by gay rights.

Now there is a difference in the fight for gay rights and this need to throw it out there and demand acceptance. I agree with gay rights - it is deplorable that I get different rights because of who I am attracted to.

Your hack job on my post is unusual for you. Why did you try and frame it as though I don't support equal rights? You do understand that acceptance and rights have nothing to do with each other, right?
It is not simply a case of live and let live. It is not ill do what I will and you do the same. It is a DEMAND that I MUST accept your sexual orientation. Well, I don't. There is no reason for me to. Just as it is a state of being (not a choice) to be gay, a disgust of gay is perfectly natural for heterosexuals. It simply does not make and sense.

You're right that it's a demand. I support their demand.

People used to oppose interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, intercultural marriage...

...Until someone DEMANDED it!

The lone standing superpower in the world just HAPPENS to support all of those. Coincidence? While the lesser nations of the world (middle east, Africa, Russia, China, etc.) oppose them.

If your fellow countryman deserves happiness, then you have NO right to take it from them.

America is a superpower therefore they are right ???
^ One of the assholes.

Hey [MENTION=33456]Freewill[/MENTION] you contribute to the suicide statistics amongst gay children. Way to go :thup:


Committing suicide is a mental illness that affects hetero's and homo's.

Expand on that please.
Committing suicide has nothing to do with ones sexual orientation. Your insinuation that Freewill contributes "to the suicide statistics amongst gay children" is quite a foolish statement to make.
Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.

^ One of the assholes.

Hey [MENTION=33456]Freewill[/MENTION] you contribute to the suicide statistics amongst gay children. Way to go :thup:


Exactly what did I say that should bother a gay child? Nothing, absolutely nothing. You are exactly the problem. Apparently you take offense over nothing. Superiority complex I would think. Believe as you or you're and asshole, got ya. Nice open mind.
It is not simply a case of live and let live. It is not ill do what I will and you do the same. It is a DEMAND that I MUST accept your sexual orientation. Well, I don't. There is no reason for me to. Just as it is a state of being (not a choice) to be gay, a disgust of gay is perfectly natural for heterosexuals. It simply does not make and sense.

You're right that it's a demand. I support their demand.

People used to oppose interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, intercultural marriage...

...Until someone DEMANDED it!

The lone standing superpower in the world just HAPPENS to support all of those. Coincidence? While the lesser nations of the world (middle east, Africa, Russia, China, etc.) oppose them.

If your fellow countryman deserves happiness, then you have NO right to take it from them.
And I notice that you cut out the part where I stand by gay rights.

Now there is a difference in the fight for gay rights and this need to throw it out there and demand acceptance. I agree with gay rights - it is deplorable that I get different rights because of who I am attracted to.

Your hack job on my post is unusual for you. Why did you try and frame it as though I don't support equal rights? You do understand that acceptance and rights have nothing to do with each other, right?

Do you support gay marriage? If you do I'll apologize and grovel for forgiveness.

But most conservatives I've encountered on this site support "equal" rights. Not equal rights.
Both sides of guilty of hate, just as some on both sides of LDS priesthood and women issues. Need a lot more love.

Reject the idea that those opposed to marriage equality are not part of humanity; support education & love that will free them from the bondage of fear, and its progeny, distrust and hatred.
Both sides of guilty of hate, just as some on both sides of LDS priesthood and women issues. Need a lot more love.

Reject the idea that those opposed to marriage equality are not part of humanity; support education & love that will free them from the bondage of fear, and its progeny, distrust and hatred.

You might wanna start out with denouncing the homophobe mantra.
You're right that it's a demand. I support their demand.

People used to oppose interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, intercultural marriage...

...Until someone DEMANDED it!

The lone standing superpower in the world just HAPPENS to support all of those. Coincidence? While the lesser nations of the world (middle east, Africa, Russia, China, etc.) oppose them.

If your fellow countryman deserves happiness, then you have NO right to take it from them.
And I notice that you cut out the part where I stand by gay rights.

Now there is a difference in the fight for gay rights and this need to throw it out there and demand acceptance. I agree with gay rights - it is deplorable that I get different rights because of who I am attracted to.

Your hack job on my post is unusual for you. Why did you try and frame it as though I don't support equal rights? You do understand that acceptance and rights have nothing to do with each other, right?

Do you support gay marriage? If you do I'll apologize and grovel for forgiveness.

But most conservatives I've encountered on this site support "equal" rights. Not equal rights.

LOL. I don't accept groveling :D but yes, I support gay rights. I would alter your statement though - most REPUBLICANS on this site do not support gay rights. I am a libertarian which I would still place under the 'conservative' side of the political spectrum but I DO NOT condone the government treating any citizen different than any other.

Gay rights is exactly that - if I am allowed to get married then a gay person should to. To anyone that they want (as long as they can consent). All the privileges associated with that should be identical.
I don't care if it's a choice, or completely biological, or somewhere in between.

My problem is with gays marrying.

I just don't believe the definition of marriage was ever intended to include two people of the same sex.

That's the reason marriage is a contract specifically limited to two. There are after all only two genders. One of each is required to create a third person.

A same sex marriage, if that was the intent, would not limit the number of contracting parties.
I don't care if it's a choice, or completely biological, or somewhere in between.

My problem is with gays marrying.

I just don't believe the definition of marriage was ever intended to include two people of the same sex.

That's the reason marriage is a contract specifically limited to two. There are after all only two genders. One of each is required to create a third person.

A same sex marriage, if that was the intent, would not limit the number of contracting parties.

Did you know that over 75% of orphans worldwide go unadopted every year?

And that 10's of thousands of gay couples adopt from that pool of children who otherwise would never know any parents?
I don't care if it's a choice, or completely biological, or somewhere in between.

My problem is with gays marrying.

I just don't believe the definition of marriage was ever intended to include two people of the same sex.

That's the reason marriage is a contract specifically limited to two. There are after all only two genders. One of each is required to create a third person.

A same sex marriage, if that was the intent, would not limit the number of contracting parties.

Did you know that over 75% of orphans worldwide go unadopted every year?

And that 10's of thousands of gay couples adopt from that pool of children who otherwise would never know any parents?

Did you know that what you posted doesn't apply to what I posted at all?
Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.

The five time married Cary Grant was not gay according to his daughter and Dyan Cannon who was his lover. Although Grant was said to encourage rumors of bisexuality because it attracted women.

The myth was expanded by gays (who say everyone is gay from Jesus to Abraham Lincoln) because Grant was close friends with Randolph Scott. Scott stayed with Cary Grant after his divorce. In 1944 Scott remarried and remained married until his death in 1987.

Gays have a need to say every man, and most women of note is gay. Especially those who are long dead can be called gay. It's not like they will get out of their graves to prove their accusers wrong.
That's the reason marriage is a contract specifically limited to two. There are after all only two genders. One of each is required to create a third person.

A same sex marriage, if that was the intent, would not limit the number of contracting parties.

Did you know that over 75% of orphans worldwide go unadopted every year?

And that 10's of thousands of gay couples adopt from that pool of children who otherwise would never know any parents?

Did you know that what you posted doesn't apply to what I posted at all?

Hmm... :eusa_think:

Did I screw up?

Do you think it's a good idea for a same sex couple that has adopted a child to have the same benefits as any couple of parents that is raising a child?

For the benefit of the child?

Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.

The five time married Cary Grant was not gay according to his daughter and Dyan Cannon who was his lover. Although Grant was said to encourage rumors of bisexuality because it attracted women.

The myth was expanded by gays (who say everyone is gay from Jesus to Abraham Lincoln) because Grant was close friends with Randolph Scott. Scott stayed with Cary Grant after his divorce. In 1944 Scott remarried and remained married until his death in 1987.

Gays have a need to say every man, and most women of note is gay. Especially those who are long dead can be called gay. It's not like they will get out of their graves to prove their accusers wrong.

Holy shit.. WHAT in the world are you talking about? I don't think I've EVER seen a more insane set of paragraphs on this forum EVER :cuckoo:

By BOTH of you lunatics :rolleyes:

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