What Are Your Attitudes About Intolerant, Prejudiced Heterosexuals?

Nobody said forced change, Starkey. I know I didn't. And yes, I know "Nothing of what I'm saying has No scientific grounding", ALL of it DOES have scientific grounding. Thank for the admission, very admirable of you. brain plasticity and homosexuality Its a PROVEN FACT, Jack!

Only to the mental midgets. You have to post acceptable peer-reviewed verifiable studies. That is not it.

Ever heard of Brain Games & Brain Training - Lumosity The whole thing works because of brain plastisity, moron. You could use it, I suggest you sign up for it! Thank me later! SMH Lmao!

Brain Fitness Program - Lumosity
Nobody said forced change, Starkey. I know I didn't. And yes, I know "Nothing of what I'm saying has No scientific grounding", ALL of it DOES have scientific grounding. Thank for the admission, very admirable of you. brain plasticity and homosexuality Its a PROVEN FACT, Jack!

Only to the mental midgets. You have to post acceptable peer-reviewed verifiable studies. That is not it.

Ever heard of Brain Games & Brain Training - Lumosity The whole thing works because of brain plastisity, moron. You could use it, I suggest you sign up for it! Thank me later! SMH Lmao!

Brain Fitness Program - Lumosity

Ok cite, yes. I have used their mental exercises. Lumosity brain training has nothing to do with human traits, it assists in passing tests, and answering puzzles. Costs too much to use yearly when there are many online resources free.
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There are those who mistakenly believe a person's sexual orientation can be changed and try to force them to change it. It can't be.

Everyone's sexual orientation falls somewhere along the continuum of bisexuality. Everyone is capable of enjoying sex with both genders.

This is easier to realize for those of us who are still young. The old people are far less physically attractive and thus are presented with minimal oppurtunity to sexually explore their inherant bisexuality unless they are paying for sex.

For the young and youthful, however, we are in our prime! The peak of our beauty is at hand! Tis far easier for us to find other beautiful people to explore our sexuality with. There are so many options! Why limit yourself to only half of what the world has to offer? By convincing yourself that you are "straight" or "gay" you are blinding yourself to half of your sexual potential!

Embrace your nature fully!

Anyone can alter their sexuality by making conscious choices to pursue sexual encounters with either sex. Enjoyable encounters will alter your preference for the better, unenjoyable encounters will alter your preference of that gender for the worse.

Sexual orientation is a choice, and something that can be altered over time through your decisions, your experiences, your thoughts, and through sheer force of will.
I disagree. Find some evidence, post it please. I seek many positive things in female friends, would lose some were sexual activity involved.
Only to the mental midgets. You have to post acceptable peer-reviewed verifiable studies. That is not it.

Ever heard of Brain Games & Brain Training - Lumosity The whole thing works because of brain plastisity, moron. You could use it, I suggest you sign up for it! Thank me later! SMH Lmao!

Brain Fitness Program - Lumosity

Ok cite, yes. I have used their mental exercises. Lumosity brain training has nothing to do with human traits, it assists in passing tests, and answering puzzles. Costs too much to use yearly when there are many online resources free.
You know why I posted that though, don't you? Brain plastisity & homosexuality have been linked, it's proven science. They've found that homosexuality causes changes in brain structure, skin texture, & the scent of the practicing homosexual, the first study for proving a gay gene lead to this discovery, peer reviewed & duplicated. Starkey is a moron claiming otherwise.

Look up TrueOrigins.org, I cannot reproduce their material online so that is why I haven't even bothered. You'll get an in-depth understanding of the theory.

Don't be stubborn now, Peach. You are a truth seeker, right?
Pop and Lockejaw merely tell us what they believe, give us biased and flawed evidence, and then say, "top this."

We already have. Step along.
The brain plastisity argument actually has PROVEN CONCRETE EVIDENCE to go on. Genetic & epigenetic causes have nothing more than theory, period. You guys are just looking for the most politically expedient way to normalize homosexuality, and you are willing to accept lies & distort facts in order to do so.

The Ends Justify The Means...The trademark of the liberal mind. Get lost, you lose.

So you fail once again, Starkey.

It must suck being wrong all the time.
Vermont has taken a dramatic turn to the left, largely due to the purchase of big chunks of real estate by New Yorkers in search of a second place to vote.

But Vermont may have had a tolerant attitude that most would think odd for the state back in the day:

An uncommon household: The history of an early American same-sex marriage - Ideas - The Boston Globe

"In a graveyard in the village of Weybridge, Vt., stands an unusual headstone. It is inscribed with the names of two women, Sylvia Drake and Charity Bryant, who were born during the Revolutionary era and died in the middle of the 19th century. The women were pillars of their community for four and a half decades, living together in a small house, running a tailoring business, teaching Sunday School, and acting as surrogate mothers and caregivers to hundreds of nieces and nephews. They were also, according to their own understanding and that of those around them, a married couple."
Ever heard of Brain Games & Brain Training - Lumosity The whole thing works because of brain plastisity, moron. You could use it, I suggest you sign up for it! Thank me later! SMH Lmao!

Brain Fitness Program - Lumosity

Ok cite, yes. I have used their mental exercises. Lumosity brain training has nothing to do with human traits, it assists in passing tests, and answering puzzles. Costs too much to use yearly when there are many online resources free.
You know why I posted that though, don't you? Brain plastisity & homosexuality have been linked, it's proven science. They've found that homosexuality causes changes in brain structure, skin texture, & the scent of the practicing homosexual, the first study for proving a gay gene lead to this discovery, peer reviewed & duplicated. Starkey is a moron claiming otherwise.

Look up TrueOrigins.org, I cannot reproduce their material online so that is why I haven't even bothered. You'll get an in-depth understanding of the theory.

Don't be stubborn now, Peach. You are a truth seeker, right?

But, do the brain changes causes homosexuality, rather than homosexuality causing brain changes? I seek knowledge and liberty, always.
Homosexuality Causes those changes, that is what is known. What leads up to those changes prior to is still unknown, Im sure it could get results without half the funding the gay gene research gets.

Why do you think such promising information is being slept on in favor of research that hasn't had nearly as much?

Political expediency, that's why.
Ok cite, yes. I have used their mental exercises. Lumosity brain training has nothing to do with human traits, it assists in passing tests, and answering puzzles. Costs too much to use yearly when there are many online resources free.
You know why I posted that though, don't you? Brain plastisity & homosexuality have been linked, it's proven science. They've found that homosexuality causes changes in brain structure, skin texture, & the scent of the practicing homosexual, the first study for proving a gay gene lead to this discovery, peer reviewed & duplicated. Starkey is a moron claiming otherwise.

Look up TrueOrigins.org, I cannot reproduce their material online so that is why I haven't even bothered. You'll get an in-depth understanding of the theory.

Don't be stubborn now, Peach. You are a truth seeker, right?

But, do the brain changes causes homosexuality, rather than homosexuality causing brain changes? I seek knowledge and liberty, always.
There are those who mistakenly believe a person's sexual orientation can be changed and try to force them to change it. It can't be.

Everyone's sexual orientation falls somewhere along the continuum of bisexuality. Everyone is capable of enjoying sex with both genders.

This is easier to realize for those of us who are still young. The old people are far less physically attractive and thus are presented with minimal oppurtunity to sexually explore their inherant bisexuality unless they are paying for sex.

For the young and youthful, however, we are in our prime! The peak of our beauty is at hand! Tis far easier for us to find other beautiful people to explore our sexuality with. There are so many options! Why limit yourself to only half of what the world has to offer? By convincing yourself that you are "straight" or "gay" you are blinding yourself to half of your sexual potential!

Embrace your nature fully!

Anyone can alter their sexuality by making conscious choices to pursue sexual encounters with either sex. Enjoyable encounters will alter your preference for the better, unenjoyable encounters will alter your preference of that gender for the worse.

Sexual orientation is a choice, and something that can be altered over time through your decisions, your experiences, your thoughts, and through sheer force of will.

Everybody that is old was once young. Even in my youth, I never found men to be attractive or a potential sex partner.

At my daughter's wedding last weekend, one of the male photographers was actively hitting on me. He even went so far as to tell me, "I don't usually go for older men, but you are absolutely delicious". I told him, "First of all, I don't swing that way. You can be gay all you want to, I don't care, but I'm not interested. Second of all, you're young enough to be my child. Even if you were a hot chick hitting on me, I wouldn't climb into the sack with you. You're way too young."
Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.

^ One of the assholes.

Hey [MENTION=33456]Freewill[/MENTION] you contribute to the suicide statistics amongst gay children. Way to go :thup:


Committing suicide is a mental illness that affects hetero's and homo's.


But nothing says Drama Llama quite like a 400 lb queer dressed in a tutu hanging from a rafter surrounded by pictures of Justin Bieber.
Pop and Lockejaw merely tell us what they believe, give us biased and flawed evidence, and then say, "top this."

We already have. Step along.

No, I state fact, and the fact is that male/female coupling has created every human being that has ever walked the face of the earth.

Same sex are freeloaders on civilizations highway.

You can deflect all you want, but the truth always wins out.
Homosexuality Causes those changes, that is what is known. What leads up to those changes prior to is still unknown, Im sure it could get results without half the funding the gay gene research gets.

Why do you think such promising information is being slept on in favor of research that hasn't had nearly as much?

Political expediency, that's why.
You know why I posted that though, don't you? Brain plastisity & homosexuality have been linked, it's proven science. They've found that homosexuality causes changes in brain structure, skin texture, & the scent of the practicing homosexual, the first study for proving a gay gene lead to this discovery, peer reviewed & duplicated. Starkey is a moron claiming otherwise.

Look up TrueOrigins.org, I cannot reproduce their material online so that is why I haven't even bothered. You'll get an in-depth understanding of the theory.

Don't be stubborn now, Peach. You are a truth seeker, right?

But, do the brain changes causes homosexuality, rather than homosexuality causing brain changes? I seek knowledge and liberty, always.

What leads up to those changes prior to is still unknown, Im sure it could get results without half the funding the gay gene research gets.

It is broader than "gay gene", it is biological research, our opinions are framed both by what we learn through outside sources and through are lives, thus I believe in biological causation.
There are those who mistakenly believe a person's sexual orientation can be changed and try to force them to change it. It can't be.

Everyone's sexual orientation falls somewhere along the continuum of bisexuality. Everyone is capable of enjoying sex with both genders.

This is easier to realize for those of us who are still young. The old people are far less physically attractive and thus are presented with minimal oppurtunity to sexually explore their inherant bisexuality unless they are paying for sex.

For the young and youthful, however, we are in our prime! The peak of our beauty is at hand! Tis far easier for us to find other beautiful people to explore our sexuality with. There are so many options! Why limit yourself to only half of what the world has to offer? By convincing yourself that you are "straight" or "gay" you are blinding yourself to half of your sexual potential!

Embrace your nature fully!

Anyone can alter their sexuality by making conscious choices to pursue sexual encounters with either sex. Enjoyable encounters will alter your preference for the better, unenjoyable encounters will alter your preference of that gender for the worse.

Sexual orientation is a choice, and something that can be altered over time through your decisions, your experiences, your thoughts, and through sheer force of will.

Everybody that is old was once young. Even in my youth, I never found men to be attractive or a potential sex partner.

At my daughter's wedding last weekend, one of the male photographers was actively hitting on me. He even went so far as to tell me, "I don't usually go for older men, but you are absolutely delicious". I told him, "First of all, I don't swing that way. You can be gay all you want to, I don't care, but I'm not interested. Second of all, you're young enough to be my child. Even if you were a hot chick hitting on me, I wouldn't climb into the sack with you. You're way too young."

"No thank you" is no longer enough, some need to deny any gay tendencies, sad. One can turn down advances without explaining WHY.
America is the most tolerant Country on the globe. If the homosexual community thinks America's families will roll over for homosexual perverts to molest their kids because they are afraid of being called "intolerant" they are probably less than 10% right. If the homos think some hairy freakazoid in a dress deserves my respect they might as well call me "intolerant" too.
I'm a proud prejudiced heterosexual. I hate the gays for pushing their gayness in my face. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Fred. Why do they insist on special rights? Those special rights are ours. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Joe. They also spread HIV through buttsex. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Dave.

What's this thread about again?
I'm a proud prejudiced heterosexual. I hate the gays for pushing their gayness in my face. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Fred. Why do they insist on special rights? Those special rights are ours. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Joe. They also spread HIV through buttsex. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Dave.

What's this thread about again?

Don't waste energy rereading it.........................:eusa_angel:
I hope homosexuality is biological, you would have to be really sick in the head to want to be homosexual
I'm a proud prejudiced heterosexual. I hate the gays for pushing their gayness in my face. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Fred. Why do they insist on special rights? Those special rights are ours. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Joe. They also spread HIV through buttsex. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Dave.

What's this thread about again?
I couldn't help but laugh at this message of yours, I love it! :D :D :D

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I'm a proud prejudiced heterosexual. I hate the gays for pushing their gayness in my face. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Fred. Why do they insist on special rights? Those special rights are ours. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Joe. They also spread HIV through buttsex. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Dave.

What's this thread about again?

Actually... God made Adam and Lilith.

Lilith recognized Adam as an equal, but Adam recognized her as inferior. She then sought to become independant of him and screamed out the forbidden name of God, acquiring Godly powers, and left the Garden of Eden through sheer force of will.

It was only after this that God made Eve... Adam's submissive little bitch who allowed herself to be inferior to Adam.

Lilith became a powerful legendary demon Goddess, abandoning paradise and remaining immortal. Eve and Adam lost their immortality and were banished from paradise, eventually dying and rotting away.
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