What Bathroom Should Transgender People Use?

The woods makes a perfect bathroom for non humans. Either that or they can just go in their automobiles. Doesn't matter as long it is out of site from regular people.
The woods makes a perfect bathroom for non humans. Either that or they can just go in their automobiles. Doesn't matter as long it is out of site from regular people.

Oh, so that was YOU peeking under the door! ;)

I can't say that I care what bathroom someone uses. Unlike some, I just do my thing and leave. I don't peek and judge. But then, I'm an adult, quite comfortable with my own sexual identity have no need to control others.
Can I assume that those who have no problems with what bathrooms someone uses would be perfectly happy with getting rid of gender-specific bathrooms?

The day before going into the hospital for surgery, we ate a really classy place with just incredible food.

There were three bathrooms - his, hers and both.

OTOH, on the road we drive from our house in town to the lake house, there's a shabby little mom and pop place we've been in for lunch. Same thing - three bathrooms.

This is a non-issue that's being mixed and stirred by losers who are scared to death they might be gay.

Present company excluded, of course.
Can I assume that those who have no problems with what bathrooms someone uses would be perfectly happy with getting rid of gender-specific bathrooms?

The day before going into the hospital for surgery, we ate a really classy place with just incredible food.

There were three bathrooms - his, hers and both.

OTOH, on the road we drive from our house in town to the lake house, there's a shabby little mom and pop place we've been in for lunch. Same thing - three bathrooms.

This is a non-issue that's being mixed and stirred by losers who are scared to death they might be gay.

Present company excluded, of course.

I bring it up because if there is any reason to separate the genders, then what bathroom a transgender person uses is not just foolish musing. Since almost every business in this country seems to have separate bathrooms, and I've seen no evidence of any kind of large scale change happening, it leaves one to wonder what the reason for having separate bathrooms is and how it applies to transgender people.

I imagine it won't come up very often in most places, but as it may be a question with legal or civil rights ramifications, it may still be an important consideration.
OTOH, on the road we drive from our house in town to the lake house, there's a shabby little mom and pop place we've been in for lunch. Same thing - three bathrooms.
XXXXXXXX what "shabby little mom and pop place" is going to have three bathrooms?

This is the CDZ. Please keep it civil. - Intense
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Can I assume that those who have no problems with what bathrooms someone uses would be perfectly happy with getting rid of gender-specific bathrooms?

The day before going into the hospital for surgery, we ate a really classy place with just incredible food.

There were three bathrooms - his, hers and both.

OTOH, on the road we drive from our house in town to the lake house, there's a shabby little mom and pop place we've been in for lunch. Same thing - three bathrooms.

This is a non-issue that's being mixed and stirred by losers who are scared to death they might be gay.

Present company excluded, of course.

I bring it up because if there is any reason to separate the genders, then what bathroom a transgender person uses is not just foolish musing. Since almost every business in this country seems to have separate bathrooms, and I've seen no evidence of any kind of large scale change happening, it leaves one to wonder what the reason for having separate bathrooms is and how it applies to transgender people.

I imagine it won't come up very often in most places, but as it may be a question with legal or civil rights ramifications, it may still be an important consideration.

Its more and more common here too.

The hospital where I was is in a university city and educated people are terrified of transgenders. Neither are kids - unless their parents teach them to be.

Some of the fear paranoia about bathrooms is related to how backward some still are about the very natural bodily function of eliminating waste.

There are plenty of parents who still don't teach their children the actual words for bodily parts and/or functions ad they never get over that fear as they themselves age.
Can I assume that those who have no problems with what bathrooms someone uses would be perfectly happy with getting rid of gender-specific bathrooms?

Like Noomi said -

And, there are some in France, Belgium and I seem to remember seeing them in London.

Lotta to-do over nothing.
Can I assume that those who have no problems with what bathrooms someone uses would be perfectly happy with getting rid of gender-specific bathrooms?

Like Noomi said -

And, there are some in France, Belgium and I seem to remember seeing them in London.

Lotta to-do over nothing.

Occupied/Unoccupied works, with an inside lock on the door. ;)

And, since all stalls have an inside lock, end of story.
Rapists would be posing as trannies and frequenting women's restrooms looking for victims.
Rapists would be posing as trannies and frequenting women's restrooms looking for victims.

Right. Because rapists can't find victims any other way.
I didn't say that but why give them more options?

Yes, because clearly, going through the trouble of dressing up like a woman to go into a woman's bathroom is such a clever plan and not in the least bit inconspicuous.

Let's get real here for a moment, eh?

How many documented cases are there of cross-dressing rapists?
Right. Because rapists can't find victims any other way.
I didn't say that but why give them more options?

Yes, because clearly, going through the trouble of dressing up like a woman to go into a woman's bathroom is such a clever plan and not in the least bit inconspicuous.

Let's get real here for a moment, eh?

How many documented cases are there of cross-dressing rapists?
I'm saying that it will give men an opportunity to victimize women by pretending to be a cross dresser in order to be in the right place at the right time. One does not have to be a practicing cross dresser to take advantage of that opportunity.

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