What beliefs define a 21st Century American conservative?

Yet the self defined conservatives have not answered the basic question.

Conservatives since Jefferson have wanted freedom from government. This is why conservatives want to cut taxes. It reduces government and increases freedom as our Founders intended.

Is that really too complicated for a liberal to grasp?
As I said....
You have no right to impose your morality on others
You may think it is wrong to let old/poor people starve, et al,...

This is it, in a nutshell.

It is wrong to let old/poor people starve.

Exactly, so we should be able to donate OUR money to efficienct charities rather than force our money to be taken from us and given to an inefficienct gov't and put faith in the morals of politicians and bureacrats.

I could donate 100% of my earnings and still old/poor people would starve...and it would still be wrong.

The government is the only way we can ensure old/poor people in America don't starve.

You quote Matthew in you signature, too bad you miss the point.

Do you really want to help the old/poor or is it lip service? Are you really ok with letting your neighbor die so you don't have to pay taxes?

If you are, I am truly sorry for you and really have nothing more to say. I am on the opposite end of the compassion spectrum than you and will happily spend your money along with mine to make sure others live.

I hope there are more of me than there are of you.
The government is the only way we can ensure old/poor people in America don't starve.

actually through history govt is the reason people starved. Now you understand why Jefferson gave us freedom from governemnt. Welcome to your first lesson in American history.

This is the present, welcome to today.

yes we saw what Hitler Stalin and Mao did today! How did Jefferson know government was evil?
I am on the opposite end of the compassion spectrum than you

you are a morality bigot. You assume you are morally superior merely because you want government to provide welfare.

Call me what you’d like as long as you accept the fact that people will die without the help of our government “of the people”.

So are you really ok with your neighbor dying so you don't have to pay taxes or do you feel the government has SOME modicum of obligation to help?

How about if it’s just the bare minimum? Say life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
I am on the opposite end of the compassion spectrum than you

you are a morality bigot. You assume you are morally superior merely because you want government to provide welfare.

Intolerant of morality? LOL

a liberal is a bigot. He feels he is superior without reason. In this case he think he is morally superior merely because he wants government welfare.

Liberals give less to charity indicating the are not at all morally superior
actually through history govt is the reason people starved. Now you understand why Jefferson gave us freedom from governemnt. Welcome to your first lesson in American history.

This is the present, welcome to today.

yes we saw what Hitler Stalin and Mao did today! How did Jefferson know government was evil?

What do Hitler, Stalin and Mao have to do with our democratic republic?
you are a morality bigot. You assume you are morally superior merely because you want government to provide welfare.

Intolerant of morality? LOL

a liberal is a bigot. He feels he is superior without reason. In this case he think he is morally superior merely because he wants government welfare.

Liberals give less to charity indicating the are not at all morally superior

You make a lot of assumptions and accusations for a guy willing to let your fellow Americans die so you don't have to pay taxes.
What defines a 21st Century conservaitve?

1. Avarice.

2. Bigotry

3. Hypocrisy

4. Ignorance (willful and otherwise)

5. Anger

6. Fear

7. a callous disregard for others.

8. Hate
Call me what you’d like as long as you accept the fact that people will die without the help of our government “of the people”.

more people die from governemnt than are saved by it.

So are you really ok with your neighbor dying so you don't have to pay taxes

are you ok with hundreds of millions dying because of liberal government

or do you feel the government has SOME modicum of obligation to help?

people have an obligation while government should stay far away

How about if it’s just the bare minimum? Say life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

too stupid; Jefferson did not say liberal government provided life!!!
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you are a morality bigot. You assume you are morally superior merely because you want government to provide welfare.

Intolerant of morality? LOL

a liberal is a bigot. He feels he is superior without reason. In this case he think he is morally superior merely because he wants government welfare.

Liberals give less to charity indicating the are not at all morally superior

Prove your opinions.
There will be no consistent set of beliefs that are "conservative" for the whole of the 21st century anymore than there was for the 20th or the 19th.

I don't expect consistency, I'm really wondering what those individuals who define themselves as conservative believe.

Well after reading the first page of nothing but what liberals say conservatives believe, thought I'd better chime in.

First, and I know these answers are hard to deal with, it depends. A conservative is not a conservative is not a conservative. There are social conservatives, there are fiscal conservatives, there are constitutional conservatives and all kinds of others in between.

This is only my two cents and my own experience, but I think the 21st century conservative is becoming more libertarian. I'm 31 now, but when I was in college I called myself a conservative because that's what my beliefs most closely alligned to....I thought. But the reality is on social issues, I'm pretty liberal. I think marajuana should be legal and in a woman's right to choose.....to a point and I have no problem with homosexuality and think they should have the same rights as any other couple. I don't believe I'm in the minority in thinking that way anymore among self professed conservatives. The old religious right conservatives are starting to die off and aren't being replaced by younger people that hold the same prejudices.
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You make a lot of assumptions and accusations for a guy willing to let your fellow Americans die

there you go again, a proud liberal bigot because you support liberal welfare. HItler Stalin and Mao killed hundredes of millions with liberal government. why do you think our founders did not provide for federal welfare? Are you morally superior to them too?

so you don't have to pay taxes.

more bigotry!! THe liberal is superior because he wants to pay for liberal government welfare. Too bad liberals give less to charity than conservatives in reality!
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Quote: Originally Posted by Nic_Driver
Call me what you’d like as long as you accept the fact that people will die without the help of our government “of the people”.
more people die from governemnt than are saved by it.

No they don't.

Quote: Originally Posted by Nic_Driver

So are you really ok with your neighbor dying so you don't have to pay taxes
are you ok with hundreds of millions dying because of liberal government

Not even a good try at obfuscation. I don't accept your premise but there is no denying mine. People in America will die directly without government intervention.

Quote: Originally Posted by Nic_Driver

or do you feel the government has SOME modicum of obligation to help?
people have an obligation while government should stay far away

So are you saying you're ok with letting your neighbor die so you don't have to pay taxes?

Quote: Originally Posted by Nic_Driver
How about if it’s just the bare minimum? Say life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
too stupid; Jefferson did not say liberal government provided life!!!

Reread my post. I don't mention liberal or Jefferson, try to stay on topic but you failed to answer didn't you?

HItler Stalin and Mao killed hundredes of millions with liberal government.

Seriously? You're going with this? "Hitler" and "liberal government" in the same sentence? That's the best you've got?

That's funny right there.
No they don't.

how many do you think Hitler Stalin and Mao killed??

Not even a good try at obfuscation. I don't accept your premise but there is no denying mine. People in America will die directly without government intervention.

What does that mean?? If you encourage people to become dependant on you for food and health care of course they will die if you with draw it. If a government surgeon stops in the middle of an operation the patient will die! That is your great conclusion, liberal!!
Hitler, Stalin, and Mao killed hundredes of millions with liberal government.

Seriously? You're going with this? "Hitler" and "liberal government" in the same sentence? That's the best you've got?

That's funny right there.

Hitler was a National Socialist! If you want a 400 page book read "Liberal Fascism" See why we say, welcome to your first history lesson?

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]


Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”
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