What beliefs define a 21st Century American conservative?

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Hitler was a National Socialist! If you want a 400 page book read "Liberal Fascism" See why we say welcome to your first history lesson?

And I can spray paint a lead bar yellow but that doesn't make it gold.

dear, Jefferson said life liberty happiness!!!!!!! Welcome to your first lesson!!

Are you putting me on or are you really that slow? Tell me you're just kidding and you got my inference from the start please.

answer what exactly????????????????

...oh...you didn't...move on…
If you encourage people to become dependant on you for food and health care

Who would encourage an elderly woman whose husband died and left her nothing to become 'dependent'?

Maybe Hitler would but we all now know that you'd let her die.
This is it, in a nutshell.

It is wrong to let old/poor people starve.

Exactly, so we should be able to donate OUR money to efficienct charities rather than force our money to be taken from us and given to an inefficienct gov't and put faith in the morals of politicians and bureacrats.

I could donate 100% of my earnings and still old/poor people would starve...and it would still be wrong.

The government is the only way we can ensure old/poor people in America don't starve.

You quote Matthew in you signature, too bad you miss the point.

Do you really want to help the old/poor or is it lip service? Are you really ok with letting your neighbor die so you don't have to pay taxes?

If you are, I am truly sorry for you and really have nothing more to say. I am on the opposite end of the compassion spectrum than you and will happily spend your money along with mine to make sure others live.

I hope there are more of me than there are of you.

If the government was the only way to keep people from starving how did we keep people from starving before the government stepped in and screwed up the food supply?
The government is the only way we can ensure old/poor people in America don't starve.

actually through history govt is the reason people starved. Now you understand why Jefferson gave us freedom from governemnt. Welcome to your first lesson in American history.

This is the present, welcome to today.

Welcome to today, food banks are saying that 1 in 4 Americans are hungry, a higher percentage than anytime since the depression, and that they literally cannot meet the demand. The government is doing a great job.
If you encourage people to become dependant on you for food and health care

Who would encourage an elderly woman whose husband died and left her nothing to become 'dependent'?

liberals of course. Who would take care of their loved ones if he knew the liberal would take care of them

Maybe Hitler would but we all now know that you'd let her die.

yes and you'd save her because you are a morally superior liberal bigot
What defines a 21st Century conservaitve?

1. Avarice.

2. Bigotry

3. Hypocrisy

4. Ignorance (willful and otherwise)

5. Anger

6. Fear

7. a callous disregard for others.

8. Hate

This, along with your snarky OP, is why I, and many others, did not attempt to answer your question, we knew it was nothing but an attempt to score points by declaring your moral superiority and self righteousness. You used to be an intelligent poster, now you are a partisan hack.
actually through history govt is the reason people starved. Now you understand why Jefferson gave us freedom from governemnt. Welcome to your first lesson in American history.

This is the present, welcome to today.

Welcome to today, food banks are saying that 1 in 4 Americans are hungry, a higher percentage than anytime since the depression, and that they literally cannot meet the demand. The government is doing a great job.

yes, the liberals mismanage the economy and then use it as an excuse to manage the poverty that results until we have a soviet standard of living.

Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread- Jefferson.
If you encourage people to become dependant on you for food and health care

Who would encourage an elderly woman whose husband died and left her nothing to become 'dependent'?

liberals of course. Who would take care of their loved ones if he knew the liberal would take care of them

Maybe Hitler would but we all now know that you'd let her die.

yes and you'd save her because you are a morally superior liberal bigot

That's funny, you brought up the morality of it, I simply stated I wanted to feed the poor and old.

Are you feeling guilty of something?
Quote: Originally Posted by Nic_Driver
Who would encourage an elderly woman whose husband died and left her nothing to become 'dependent'?
liberals of course. Who would take care of their loved ones if he knew the liberal would take care of them

Everyone and anyone if they were able, it's part of the term "loved ones".

Maybe not for you though, maybe this is hitting too close to home?

What happened to make you so bitter?
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That's funny, you brought up the morality of it,

actually you've been saying you were compassionate and morally superior because you suppoprt welfare

I simply stated I wanted to feed the poor and old.

but why if not on grounds of compassion or morality? Think before you post.

liberals don't feed the poor though they want the government to do it, while conservatives actually do it!

Are you feeling guilty of something?

yes because a liberal morality bigot has the compassion to use government to feed the poor.
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This is an easy one. The rich should be worshipped. The middle class should be ashamed. The poor are dragging the country down. The more you make the more votes you should get. That about sums it up. Oh, and war is the greatest thing ever.
Who would encourage an elderly woman whose husband died and left her nothing to become 'dependent'?

liberals of course. Who would take care of their loved ones if they knew the liberal would take care of them instead [/quote]

Everyone and anyone if they were able, it's part of the term "loved ones".

ah so there is only moral hazard when a bank is being bailed out but not when humans are being bailed out. Don't humans run banks?

Maybe not for you though, maybe this is hitting too close to home?
What happened to make you so bitter?

ah, liberals are morally superior because they support welfare and conservatives are bitter because they give more to charity?
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Conservatives are going to heaven first. right? You know I actually used to have a slight belief in this....isnt that sad?
This is an easy one. The rich should be worshipped. The middle class should be ashamed. The poor are dragging the country down. The more you make the more votes you should get. That about sums it up. Oh, and war is the greatest thing ever.

if you have evidence of the above I will pay you $10,000. Bet? or admit to being a liberal.
Conservatives are going to heaven first. right? You know I actually used to have a slight belief in this....isnt that sad?

I too assume conservatives like Jefferson go to heaven first.

"To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father's has acquired too much, in order to spare to
others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of
association--the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson:
Conservatives are exceedingly authoritarian, conformity is paramount; dissent is ridiculed and discouraged. Pragmatism is despised:

I would say not just the far end of conservatism but main stream as well are of the authoritarian personality type. That today’s conservatives cannot handle change of any kind. Which also explains why they see nothing wrong with the current authoritarian hierarchical system and cannot understand a leaderless system like OWS. It goes completely against their though processes.

… whereas those with the authoritarian cognitive style used to be more evenly split between the parties, decades of appeals for “states rights” and “law and order,” and against ERA, gay rights and immigration reform have concentrated this particular personality type in the GOP. And the consequence of that decades-long process has been the emergence of a Republican party that is, to a remarkable degree, built on viscera — on appeals to anger and resentment, and a deeply-felt conviction that America is breaking down irretrievably and that the way to stop that process is to demonize and marginalize outgroups deemed responsible for that breakdown. And this is no longer a geographically confined phenomenon, but a fully national one.

The Mind of A Conservative | MyFDL

The second paragraph quoted above describes our own USMB rightists perfectly.
This is an easy one. The rich should be worshipped. The middle class should be ashamed. The poor are dragging the country down. The more you make the more votes you should get. That about sums it up. Oh, and war is the greatest thing ever.


You managed to add idiocy to the thread.

We can always count on the left............

Thanks again.

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