What black people think about racism

In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism
But instead will likely only hear your myopic views on how you view racism and nothing of racism by blacks toward whites.
the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy,
Will that include coverage of the Emancipation Proclamation, or that slavery was in common practice all over the world back then including Africa?[/QUOTE]
unfixed damage caused by those policies
So the Civil War was all for nothing? I hope not because that's all the "fixing" you're ever going to see.
and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks.
No doubt promulgated by race-baiting "victimizers" like you instead of just going out and getting an education and a job.
Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
So you hand-picked who you invited, which included exactly NO White people? If racism is a white only issue, and you are not white, then you know nothing about whites and are in no position to speak on the subject. All your opinions are thus null and void.
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Yes, there is systematic racial discrimination in our country and it favors blacks. It's called affirmative action.
I don't usually do this without posting citations however I just posted a detailed explanation of why you and others who believe as you do are wrong, with supporting evidence. Unfortunately all of my work disappeared on or around June 21st when 4 days of posts disappeared off of the site, so until I can recover that data, this is the best I can do.

Your understanding of what Affirmative Action entails is incorrect. First of all it's race neutral and second of all, white women have benefited from the passage of this legislation more than any other demographic

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also requires contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin." The phrase affirmative action had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961.
Executive Order 11246 - Wikipedia
Unfortunately, all you have been taught in life is belligerence, hatred and whining, and so you continue to lag behind.
My parents nor any of the other adults in my life as I was growing up taught me anything in regards to racism. I learned about American Apartheid and chattel slavery because I was a voracious reader as a child and read just about anything I could get my hands on. Naturally I was horrified and traumatized by the realization of the kind of hatred and evilness that has to exist in order for such a system to have been established and for it to have thrived, but eventually I came to understand that these people were a subset of the white race, that all white people were by no stretch of the imagation all racists.

You don't think it's kind of arrogant to assume that I lag behind anyone when it's clear that I don't lag behind you?

This blame game of yours is the very mechanism that is keeping you down. You live a life of perpetual adolescence where everything you do is whitey's fault and not your own.
Perpetual adolescence lol? I don't play games but I can ascertain cause and effect which you apparently don't seem too familar with. I don't ascribe blame to groups of people, I instead provide evidence of culpability for those acts committed by specific individuals, unlike you who seem to be attributing characterists of others to me based on nothing other than my race. And/or maybe because you don't like my opinions.
There is absolutely nothing that prevented Barak Obama, Condoleza Rice or Oprah Winfrey from achieving what they have and there is nothing preventing you or any of the other racist blacks here. What keeps you back is your belligerence and never-ending excuse making.
Being well-connected, having opportunities presented to you and having money all help with achieving one's goals in life. There are a whole lot of white people who will never achieve what Obama, Rice or Winfrey have so are they all belligerent and excuse makers as well? Hell, why haven't YOU achieved what they have?

And show me a single post I have made which can be categorized as belligerent?

I don't believe that as a child the ONLY REASON you knew anything
about "race" is because you are a "VORACIOUS READER"-----since
your parents never mentioned race. Did you live in a test tube or on a
petri dish.. I don't remember my parents "mentioning race" either-----I read lots but I did not need reading to know that there are "races" -----you seem to IMAGINE that the issue of "race" was INVENTED in America by
Americans who INVENTED chattel slavery.
What I have learned in places like this is whites will do anything to avoid looking at racism.
Bull. I hear about racism every freeking single day. I've worked with and gotten along with a TON of black people. Two of my five best friends in life were Blacks. We're just sick and tired of hearing it from YOU and YOUR particular one-side bullshit my way or the highway revisionist white guilt trip view of world history.
Yes, there is systematic racial discrimination in our country and it favors blacks. It's called affirmative action.
I don't usually do this without posting citations however I just posted a detailed explanation of why you and others who believe as you do are wrong, with supporting evidence. Unfortunately all of my work disappeared on or around June 21st when 4 days of posts disappeared off of the site, so until I can recover that data, this is the best I can do.

Your understanding of what Affirmative Action entails is incorrect. First of all it's race neutral and second of all, white women have benefited from the passage of this legislation more than any other demographic

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also requires contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin." The phrase affirmative action had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961.
Executive Order 11246 - Wikipedia
Unfortunately, all you have been taught in life is belligerence, hatred and whining, and so you continue to lag behind.
My parents nor any of the other adults in my life as I was growing up taught me anything in regards to racism. I learned about American Apartheid and chattel slavery because I was a voracious reader as a child and read just about anything I could get my hands on. Naturally I was horrified and traumatized by the realization of the kind of hatred and evilness that has to exist in order for such a system to have been established and for it to have thrived, but eventually I came to understand that these people were a subset of the white race, that all white people were by no stretch of the imagation all racists.

You don't think it's kind of arrogant to assume that I lag behind anyone when it's clear that I don't lag behind you?

This blame game of yours is the very mechanism that is keeping you down. You live a life of perpetual adolescence where everything you do is whitey's fault and not your own.
Perpetual adolescence lol? I don't play games but I can ascertain cause and effect which you apparently don't seem too familar with. I don't ascribe blame to groups of people, I instead provide evidence of culpability for those acts committed by specific individuals, unlike you who seem to be attributing characterists of others to me based on nothing other than my race. And/or maybe because you don't like my opinions.
There is absolutely nothing that prevented Barak Obama, Condoleza Rice or Oprah Winfrey from achieving what they have and there is nothing preventing you or any of the other racist blacks here. What keeps you back is your belligerence and never-ending excuse making.
Being well-connected, having opportunities presented to you and having money all help with achieving one's goals in life. There are a whole lot of white people who will never achieve what Obama, Rice or Winfrey have so are they all belligerent and excuse makers as well? Hell, why haven't YOU achieved what they have?

And show me a single post I have made which can be categorized as belligerent?

I don't believe that as a child the ONLY REASON you knew anything
about "race" is because you are a "VORACIOUS READER"-----since
your parents never mentioned race. Did you live in a test tube or on a
petri dish.. I don't remember my parents "mentioning race" either-----I read lots but I did not need reading to know that there are "races" -----you seem to IMAGINE that the issue of "race" was INVENTED in America by
Americans who INVENTED chattel slavery.
I have explained to you REPEATEDLY that you are to cease & desist addressing me directly or making comments about me. You attention is unwanted, unwelcome and considered harassment, particularly since you made a defamatory statement about me previously. The only response I'm interested in hearing from you is in which county & state you reside. Seriously I won't warn you again.
Yes, there is systematic racial discrimination in our country and it favors blacks. It's called affirmative action.
I don't usually do this without posting citations however I just posted a detailed explanation of why you and others who believe as you do are wrong, with supporting evidence. Unfortunately all of my work disappeared on or around June 21st when 4 days of posts disappeared off of the site, so until I can recover that data, this is the best I can do.

Your understanding of what Affirmative Action entails is incorrect. First of all it's race neutral and second of all, white women have benefited from the passage of this legislation more than any other demographic

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also requires contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin." The phrase affirmative action had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961.
Executive Order 11246 - Wikipedia
Unfortunately, all you have been taught in life is belligerence, hatred and whining, and so you continue to lag behind.
My parents nor any of the other adults in my life as I was growing up taught me anything in regards to racism. I learned about American Apartheid and chattel slavery because I was a voracious reader as a child and read just about anything I could get my hands on. Naturally I was horrified and traumatized by the realization of the kind of hatred and evilness that has to exist in order for such a system to have been established and for it to have thrived, but eventually I came to understand that these people were a subset of the white race, that all white people were by no stretch of the imagation all racists.

You don't think it's kind of arrogant to assume that I lag behind anyone when it's clear that I don't lag behind you?

This blame game of yours is the very mechanism that is keeping you down. You live a life of perpetual adolescence where everything you do is whitey's fault and not your own.
Perpetual adolescence lol? I don't play games but I can ascertain cause and effect which you apparently don't seem too familar with. I don't ascribe blame to groups of people, I instead provide evidence of culpability for those acts committed by specific individuals, unlike you who seem to be attributing characterists of others to me based on nothing other than my race. And/or maybe because you don't like my opinions.
There is absolutely nothing that prevented Barak Obama, Condoleza Rice or Oprah Winfrey from achieving what they have and there is nothing preventing you or any of the other racist blacks here. What keeps you back is your belligerence and never-ending excuse making.
Being well-connected, having opportunities presented to you and having money all help with achieving one's goals in life. There are a whole lot of white people who will never achieve what Obama, Rice or Winfrey have so are they all belligerent and excuse makers as well? Hell, why haven't YOU achieved what they have?

And show me a single post I have made which can be categorized as belligerent?

I don't believe that as a child the ONLY REASON you knew anything
about "race" is because you are a "VORACIOUS READER"-----since
your parents never mentioned race. Did you live in a test tube or on a
petri dish.. I don't remember my parents "mentioning race" either-----I read lots but I did not need reading to know that there are "races" -----you seem to IMAGINE that the issue of "race" was INVENTED in America by
Americans who INVENTED chattel slavery.
I have explained to you REPEATEDLY that you are to cease & desist addressing me directly or making comments about me. You attention is unwanted, unwelcome and considered harassment, particularly since you made a defamatory statement about me previously. The only response I'm interested in hearing from you is in which county & state you reside. Seriously I won't warn you again.

It is none of your business as to which county & state I reside. This is an opened board and, as far as I know, you have not been elected
Queen of Hearts. If you have, as you claim, "explained REPEATEDLY" that I am to cease and desist addressing you or making comments about
your posts-----I missed your "directive" and would ignore your directive
anyway. For the record------neither AMERICANS or AMERICA----or "whites" invented chattel slavery-----the institution is "as old as the hills"
Yes, there is systematic racial discrimination in our country and it favors blacks. It's called affirmative action.
I don't usually do this without posting citations however I just posted a detailed explanation of why you and others who believe as you do are wrong, with supporting evidence. Unfortunately all of my work disappeared on or around June 21st when 4 days of posts disappeared off of the site, so until I can recover that data, this is the best I can do.

Your understanding of what Affirmative Action entails is incorrect. First of all it's race neutral and second of all, white women have benefited from the passage of this legislation more than any other demographic

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also requires contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin." The phrase affirmative action had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961.
Executive Order 11246 - Wikipedia
Unfortunately, all you have been taught in life is belligerence, hatred and whining, and so you continue to lag behind.
My parents nor any of the other adults in my life as I was growing up taught me anything in regards to racism. I learned about American Apartheid and chattel slavery because I was a voracious reader as a child and read just about anything I could get my hands on. Naturally I was horrified and traumatized by the realization of the kind of hatred and evilness that has to exist in order for such a system to have been established and for it to have thrived, but eventually I came to understand that these people were a subset of the white race, that all white people were by no stretch of the imagation all racists.

You don't think it's kind of arrogant to assume that I lag behind anyone when it's clear that I don't lag behind you?

This blame game of yours is the very mechanism that is keeping you down. You live a life of perpetual adolescence where everything you do is whitey's fault and not your own.
Perpetual adolescence lol? I don't play games but I can ascertain cause and effect which you apparently don't seem too familar with. I don't ascribe blame to groups of people, I instead provide evidence of culpability for those acts committed by specific individuals, unlike you who seem to be attributing characterists of others to me based on nothing other than my race. And/or maybe because you don't like my opinions.
There is absolutely nothing that prevented Barak Obama, Condoleza Rice or Oprah Winfrey from achieving what they have and there is nothing preventing you or any of the other racist blacks here. What keeps you back is your belligerence and never-ending excuse making.
Being well-connected, having opportunities presented to you and having money all help with achieving one's goals in life. There are a whole lot of white people who will never achieve what Obama, Rice or Winfrey have so are they all belligerent and excuse makers as well? Hell, why haven't YOU achieved what they have?

And show me a single post I have made which can be categorized as belligerent?
Your post appeared right after mine and I hope you were reacting to Dogmaphobe rather than me. I am guilty of some of what you say and you have proven that you're are not the same of other blacks I assail.
You seem to be someone I could relate to, and hope to be friends.
The above post is actually very informative. Of the blacks I know on this board, I believe there is but one that can contribute anything other than race relations. It's almost you whole existence is about "poor me" or damn those whites!

Show me the forum guidelines that tell us we must post in multiple section.

Why do you want us to stop talking about what whites are doing?

Are you opposed to our constitutional right to free speech?
I just think your whole being is about rqace. Hell, if you turned out to be white, you would shrive.l up in a little ball and cease to exitst. You know nothing about foreign affairs, economics, education or health care unless the word "black" is involved.

I am more than that. Too bad you aren't.
Why would you believe that? Just because he doesn't discuss them doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about the topic, maybe they just don't interest him. I know they don't generally interest me.
But, don't you think that if the only topic on this board that would interest me is my race and yours? And that all of my posts are negative in nature?
Is the only topic you discuss on this board is race? Call it shallow, obsessed or even unfortunate thar other topics on this board could demonstrate a mutual interest and even agreement? There is so much to each of us than just our race, it's unfortunate we done seek to find a commonality.
I don't think you speak for all the blacks, maybe not even the majority. Just who made you King?
I don't think he said he was speaking for all blacks, but a lot of the information we post is not opinion, it's fact regarding current state of racism in America and/or documented historical facts.
That's not really racist laws.. it's legal mumbo jumbo being able to do something on a ridiculous technicality. Read the opinions like I just did.
Besides that, it sounds more like classism. You perpetual victims often confuse the two. Just like how you confuse racism and bigotry.
That's been my point all along. There must be a distinction between mere classism and racism.

Until that distinction is made clear, there will be much resistance.


What I have learned in places like this is whites will do anything to avoid looking at racism. First off if the conversation is going to be civil we don't need white dickheads calling people perpetual victims. To think we as blacks just want to spend our lives arguing with whites about racism is a lunacy that disqualifies such a person from this conversation. Such think is in the tradition of crazy white thinking that began with whites deciding how others needed to learn civilization, drapetomania, or that blacks in the south were happy with jim crow.

Racism and classism can happen simultaneously. If a person ends up in a certain class because of racism you just can't pawn stheir situation as classism. What folio was shown was racist application of policy in the justice system. Class had nothing to do with these outcomes when you look at the disparities.
I asked for racist laws and you have yet to back up your claim. Individuals are not LAWS.

I don't give a fuck what you asked for. You were shown racism in policy.
The above post is actually very informative. Of the blacks I know on this board, I believe there is but one that can contribute anything other than race relations. It's almost you whole existence is about "poor me" or damn those whites!

Show me the forum guidelines that tell us we must post in multiple section.

Why do you want us to stop talking about what whites are doing?

Are you opposed to our constitutional right to free speech?
I just think your whole being is about rqace. Hell, if you turned out to be white, you would shrive.l up in a little ball and cease to exitst. You know nothing about foreign affairs, economics, education or health care unless the word "black" is involved.

I am more than that. Too bad you aren't.
Why would you believe that? Just because he doesn't discuss them doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about the topic, maybe they just don't interest him. I know they don't generally interest me.
But, don't you think that if the only topic on this board that would interest me is my race and yours? And that all of my posts are negative in nature?
Is the only topic you discuss on this board is race? Call it shallow, obsessed or even unfortunate thar other topics on this board could demonstrate a mutual interest and even agreement? There is so much to each of us than just our race, it's unfortunate we done seek to find a commonality.

Jackson you really are fucked up. If you don't want to discuss race, why are you in the race and racism section? I won't be turning white tomorrow and if racism ended I would not shrivel up. That would be the happiest day of my life. Why are you here only harassing blacks about this? Why aren't you doing the same to whites?

I can discuss almost anything, but unfortunately in reality where I live and apparently you don't , we have a serious problem with racism. This problem is not going to end if blacks just shut up and stopped talking about it. This forum existed before I got here. Reviews of this forum made by people who were members before I got here was that USMB was a haven for neo Nazi white supremacists. I have discussed political issues, whites here bring up race in that section. I have discussed current events, whites bought up race in that section. I was discussing the NBA draft in the sports section, somebody white bought up race in that section. So don't come in here talking your punk ass white folks ass kissing bullshit.

If you are ashamed of your being black,(if you are black) that's your problem. But I'm not going to read white people calling us monkeys, savages, criminals, thugs and parasites without fighting back. I find it funny how blacks/whites that stand up to the racists in this place are ganged up on and pressured to talk about something else but the racists aren't.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Is anyone who responded to your thread black?
Not yet.

I’ll call Dr. Alveda King. People have actually heard of her.

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I'll keep listening to Martin Luther King Iii. More people have heard of him.
I am black, not some white asshole who worked with blacks. You guys are white. You speak for no blacks.

I am beige, not some brown asshole who worked with beiges. You guys are brown. You speak for no beiges.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yawn! The sad song of a white scrub who wants to deny the truth. I am black, you are not. The majority of blacks do not agree with the shit your ilk pushes.
The above post is actually very informative. Of the blacks I know on this board, I believe there is but one that can contribute anything other than race relations. It's almost you whole existence is about "poor me" or damn those whites!

Show me the forum guidelines that tell us we must post in multiple section.

Why do you want us to stop talking about what whites are doing?

Are you opposed to our constitutional right to free speech?
I just think your whole being is about rqace. Hell, if you turned out to be white, you would shrive.l up in a little ball and cease to exitst. You know nothing about foreign affairs, economics, education or health care unless the word "black" is involved.

I am more than that. Too bad you aren't.
Let's see. I had a life/health/annuities license, a stockbrokers license, a certified HIV/AIDS counsellor certification, A medicare counselor certification, was co chair of our states strategic planning committee on a health care issue, which meant I was responsible for the development of a 5 year plan on that health issue . Is the word black in any of these certifications?

Go fuck yourself.
I am black, not some white asshole who worked with blacks. You guys are white. You speak for no blacks.

I am beige, not some brown asshole who worked with beiges. You guys are brown. You speak for no beiges.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yawn! The sad song of a white scrub who wants to deny the truth. I am black, you are not. The majority of blacks do not agree with the shit your ilk pushes.

Sharpton’s voice narrates all your posts. Pathetic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Is anyone who responded to your thread black?
Not yet.

I’ll call Dr. Alveda King. People have actually heard of her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'll keep listening to Martin Luther King Iii. More people have heard of him.

I’ll look for him on Fox. I don’t watch the WB.

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I am black. With that racial designation comes a history and traditions that are at the core of who I am. To be told to ignore that because it includes some things we are upset about that whites don't want to hear shows just how much white supremacy continues today. We as blacks are just supposed to quietly accept what whites continue to do. We are not to bring it up for fear of a white backlash. And if we make them mad enough they'll threaten us with a race war. Ooh I'm scurred.

My race shows that I descend from some of the most mentally tough and determined people ever to live on this planet. To deny my race is to deny my ancestry. They did not stop talking about being black when they were beaten and killed. They did not stop talking about being black when they were imprisoned for no reason and used as convict labor. They did not stop talking about being black when they were routinely beaten and killed all over America during apartheid. Today we will not stop talking about race as long as whites continue this charade whereby they tell us how they are not responsible for the past while repeating the exact same sentiments of the past.

This fight will go on as long as it takes for this to stop or until the day the lord returns to stop it. We will fight this until hell freezes over and if that doesn't end it, the fight will continue on the ice.

So bring your skates.
I am black, not some white asshole who worked with blacks. You guys are white. You speak for no blacks.

I am beige, not some brown asshole who worked with beiges. You guys are brown. You speak for no beiges.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yawn! The sad song of a white scrub who wants to deny the truth. I am black, you are not. The majority of blacks do not agree with the shit your ilk pushes.

Sharpton’s voice narrates all your posts. Pathetic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I consider that a compliment. Whites don't get to tell us who we like. You believe racist propaganda about that man. You are pathetic.

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