What black people think about racism

In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.

Discussion with someone like you about racism is pointless because you believe all whites too be evil, so your bigoted view has tainted your opinion on white society.

So here is my question:

With your hatred for our laws and white society why not leave back too Africa and find a country there where you could lead a new revolution that will be a beacon of hope in Africa?

You will always be the minority here even when the white society falls behind the Hispanic population that will replace the whites in the near future.

You will be even treated as less human with the Hispanic population, so why not leave and build your Utopia in Africa by creating a new nation of Blacks that will live outside white society?

I know why and that is because China will enslave you like they are doing throughout all of Africa and you would discover Asians even look down on your society and culture and just consider your people only good for labor and nothing more.

So as you scream about oppression just know you could be in Africa and discovering what true oppression look like!
The OP is full of it. Many blacks aren’t capable of a reasonable discussion of race relations. They are just full of hate.

The sad thing is that since the mid-60s, nearly every social factor for blacks has declined. As a group, they were much better off under segregation.

Conditions for poor blacks in our inner cities, is similar to or perhaps even worse than conditions in third world places such as Haiti or sub-sharia Africa. If there is an event such as police shooting or a major weather event, things quickly degenerate into murder, rape, vandalism, and general mayhem. This is commonly ignored by the MSM, but a brief study of events after Katrina hit New Orleans, should disavow anyone of the idea that reasonable law abiding behavior can be expected.
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gipper said:
The OP is full of it. Many blacks aren’t capable of a reasonable discussion of race relations. They are just full of hate.

The sad thing is that since the mid-60s, nearly every social factor for blacks has declined. As a group, they were much better off under segregation.

Conditions for poor blacks in our inner cities, is similar to or perhaps even worse than conditions in third world places such as Haiti or sub-sharia Africa. If there is an event such as police shooting or a major weather event, things quickly degenerate into murder, rape, vandalism, and general mayhem. This is commonly ignored by the MSM, but a brief study of events after Katrina hit New Orleans, should disavow anyone of the idea that reasonable law abiding behavior can be expected.
race is a social construct
The above post is actually very informative. Of the blacks I know on this board, I believe there is but one that can contribute anything other than race relations. It's almost you whole existence is about "poor me" or damn those whracial ites!
I can think of two, but yeah. These are all black racists who obsess over race until it devours them .Each one is all about transferring responsibility away from themselves and on to the targets of their racial hatred.
There are no black "racists" on this board. And your amateur psychology assessments leave a lot to be desired

I think there can be black racists just as there are white racists. I also think the term racist gets thrown around far too easily. We all speak from the lens of our own racial experiences and view points, that doesnt mean the person is racist.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
So u want to fight racism with racism?

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
So u want to fight racism with racism?

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Since I am not doing that, you can ask another question.
You do not speak for all blacks.

I have lived and worked among plenty of black people who are not racist, are productive and successful, are completely mature adults and who do not blame whites for everythinv under the sun.

If you run around with a seething hatred of white people, are belligetent, rude and nasty to them, blame them for your own shortcomings and are a complete jerk to them OF COURSE they will react negatively to you.

That is not racism It is reacting TO racism.

And you don't speak for any.

And I dont presume to speak for all whites.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
So u want to fight racism with racism?

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Since I am not doing that, you can ask another question.
You very much are. All your talking points straight out of every racist identarian reject speech ever made. Hey friend chances are it isn't because of your skin color it is because they just dont like you. Also stop blaming others for your own downfalls . Grow up

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
The above post is actually very informative. Of the blacks I know on this board, I believe there is but one that can contribute anything other than race relations. It's almost you whole existence is about "poor me" or damn those whracial ites!
I can think of two, but yeah. These are all black racists who obsess over race until it devours them .Each one is all about transferring responsibility away from themselves and on to the targets of their racial hatred.
There are no black "racists" on this board. And your amateur psychology assessments leave a lot to be desired

I think there can be black racists just as there are white racists. I also think the term racist gets thrown around far too easily. We all speak from the lens of our own racial experiences and view points, that doesnt mean the person is racist.

I really think whites need to live as a person of color and face racism from whites before they make such comments Coyote. I know that you are no racist but the simplistic comparisons other whites here make in regards to this matter shows an inability to understand what it is like to live your entire life not only denigrated in words but by a system. Whites saying that blacks can be racist are like men saying women can be sexist. After the way men have treated women, I don't begrudge any of them for having a distrust of men. Seems that when it comes to race, whites want to make everybody equally racist. Last, the term racist is only thrown around without meaning primarily by racists. Sure you can call that black person that says I hate whites a racist, but is that equivalent to the 243 years of various acts of continuing racism by whites by any means possible?
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
So u want to fight racism with racism?

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Since I am not doing that, you can ask another question.
You very much are. All your talking points straight out of every racist identarian reject speech ever made. Hey friend chances are it isn't because of your skin color it is because they just dont like you. Also stop blaming others for your own downfalls . Grow up

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Lol! You think it's racism when some non whites talk about whites because of what whites have done. Stop repeating that dumb ass white racist shit about blame. I am quite sure I have been more sucessful than you.
243 years? Please show me a racist law in the books right now.
Thanks in advance, faggot.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.


Racism in your mind is convicting repeat offenders.


So what percentage of blacks in prison are due to repeat offenders?
243 years? Please show me a racist law in the books right now.
Thanks in advance, faggot.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.


Racism in your mind is convicting repeat offenders.


So what percentage of blacks in prison are due to repeat offenders?

Given the fact blacks can get sentenced for a crime that a white may get probation for, your question shows you are willing to by pass shitloads of proof that the criminal justice system is racist. Now that is the answer you are going to get, so do not try the standard white racist ploy of claiming how I didn't answer your question.
243 years? Please show me a racist law in the books right now.
Thanks in advance, faggot.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.


Racism in your mind is convicting repeat offenders.


So what percentage of blacks in prison are due to repeat offenders?

Given the fact blacks can get sentenced for a crime that a white may get probation for, your question shows you are willing to by pass shitloads of proof that the criminal justice system is racist. Now that is the answer you are going to get, so do not try the standard white racist ploy of claiming how I didn't answer your question.

The reason blacks get convicted more is they are less likely to be able to afford an attorney.
That and of course they resist arrest more often and drive around smoking weed with a bad taillight or expired tags.
243 years? Please show me a racist law in the books right now.
Thanks in advance, faggot.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.


Racism in your mind is convicting repeat offenders.


So what percentage of blacks in prison are due to repeat offenders?

Given the fact blacks can get sentenced for a crime that a white may get probation for, your question shows you are willing to by pass shitloads of proof that the criminal justice system is racist. Now that is the answer you are going to get, so do not try the standard white racist ploy of claiming how I didn't answer your question.

did you ever find that law that restricts blacks from doing something a white can do???

and hate to break it to you, but here in KC a black gets probation and a white gets jail time,,,
You do not speak for all blacks.

I have lived and worked among plenty of black ypeople who are not racist, are productive and successful, are completely mature adults and who do not blame whites for everythinv under the sun.

If you run around with a seething hatred of white people, are belligetent, rude and nasty to them, blame them for your own shortcomings and are a complete jerk to them OF COURSE they will react negatively to you.

That is not racism It is reacting TO racism.
The above post is actually very informative. Of the blacks I know on this board, I believe there is but one that can contribute anything other than race relations. It's almost you whole existence is about "poor me" or damn those whracial ites!
I can think of two, but yeah. These are all black racists who obsess over race until it devours them .Each one is all about transferring responsibility away from themselves and on to the targets of their racial hatred.
There are no black "racists" on this board. And your amateur psychology assessments leave a lot to be desired

I think there can be black racists just as there are white racists. I also think the term racist gets thrown around far too easily. We all speak from the lens of our own racial experiences and view points, that doesnt mean the person is racist.

I really think whites need to live as a person of color and face racism from whites before they make such comments Coyote. I know that you are no racist but the simplistic comparisons other whites here make in regards to this matter shows an inability to understand what it is like to live your entire life not only denigrated in words but by a system. Whites saying that blacks can be racist are like men saying women can be sexist. After the way men have treated women, I don't begrudge any of them for having a distrust of men. Seems that when it comes to race, whites want to make everybody equally racist. Last, the term racist is only thrown around without meaning primarily by racists. Sure you can call that black person that says I hate whites a racist, but is that equivalent to the 243 years of various acts of continuing racism by whites by any means possible?
You should put yourself in the shoes of a white person having to deal with all the hostility, aggression and intimidation coming from racist blacks like you.
There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.


Racism in your mind is convicting repeat offenders.


So what percentage of blacks in prison are due to repeat offenders?

Given the fact blacks can get sentenced for a crime that a white may get probation for, your question shows you are willing to by pass shitloads of proof that the criminal justice system is racist. Now that is the answer you are going to get, so do not try the standard white racist ploy of claiming how I didn't answer your question.

The reason blacks get convicted more is they are less likely to be able to afford an attorney.
That and of course they resist arrest more often and drive around smoking weed with a bad taillight or expired tags.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.


Racism in your mind is convicting repeat offenders.


So what percentage of blacks in prison are due to repeat offenders?

Given the fact blacks can get sentenced for a crime that a white may get probation for, your question shows you are willing to by pass shitloads of proof that the criminal justice system is racist. Now that is the answer you are going to get, so do not try the standard white racist ploy of claiming how I didn't answer your question.

did you ever find that law that restricts blacks from doing something a white can do???

and hate to break it to you, but here in KC a black gets probation and a white gets jail time,,,

I lived in KC until 3 years ago. Your comment is a lie.

Since the criminal justice system has been proven racist, your question is irrelevant.
You do not speak for all blacks.

I have lived and worked among plenty of black ypeople who are not racist, are productive and successful, are completely mature adults and who do not blame whites for everythinv under the sun.

If you run around with a seething hatred of white people, are belligetent, rude and nasty to them, blame them for your own shortcomings and are a complete jerk to them OF COURSE they will react negatively to you.

That is not racism It is reacting TO racism.
The above post is actually very informative. Of the blacks I know on this board, I believe there is but one that can contribute anything other than race relations. It's almost you whole existence is about "poor me" or damn those whracial ites!
I can think of two, but yeah. These are all black racists who obsess over race until it devours them .Each one is all about transferring responsibility away from themselves and on to the targets of their racial hatred.
There are no black "racists" on this board. And your amateur psychology assessments leave a lot to be desired

I think there can be black racists just as there are white racists. I also think the term racist gets thrown around far too easily. We all speak from the lens of our own racial experiences and view points, that doesnt mean the person is racist.

I really think whites need to live as a person of color and face racism from whites before they make such comments Coyote. I know that you are no racist but the simplistic comparisons other whites here make in regards to this matter shows an inability to understand what it is like to live your entire life not only denigrated in words but by a system. Whites saying that blacks can be racist are like men saying women can be sexist. After the way men have treated women, I don't begrudge any of them for having a distrust of men. Seems that when it comes to race, whites want to make everybody equally racist. Last, the term racist is only thrown around without meaning primarily by racists. Sure you can call that black person that says I hate whites a racist, but is that equivalent to the 243 years of various acts of continuing racism by whites by any means possible?
You should put yourself in the shoes of a white person having to deal with all the hostility, aggression and intimidation coming from racist blacks like you.

If it wasn't for the current existence of racists like you, there would be no hostility or aggression. And you don't face intimidation unless you're already scared. Here you are trying to argue a false equivalence.
Racism in your mind is convicting repeat offenders.


So what percentage of blacks in prison are due to repeat offenders?

Given the fact blacks can get sentenced for a crime that a white may get probation for, your question shows you are willing to by pass shitloads of proof that the criminal justice system is racist. Now that is the answer you are going to get, so do not try the standard white racist ploy of claiming how I didn't answer your question.

did you ever find that law that restricts blacks from doing something a white can do???

and hate to break it to you, but here in KC a black gets probation and a white gets jail time,,,

I lived in KC until 3 years ago. Your comment is a lie.

Since the criminal justice system has been proven racist, your question is irrelevant.
it hasnt been proven racist,,in fact its been proven in favor of the minorities,,,,

did you find those laws you were talking about???

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