What black people think about racism

In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Is anyone who responded to your thread black?
Not yet.

I’ll call Dr. Alveda King. People have actually heard of her.

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I'll keep listening to Martin Luther King Iii. More people have heard of him.

I’ll look for him on Fox. I don’t watch the WB.

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And that's your first problem. You watch fox. The white supremacist network.

Ex-Fox News host says its reputation for racism is 'for very good reason'
IM2 said:
But signing that law has not just magically ended decades of racism in the criminal justice system.
Trump Has Met With More Than Corey Booker On The Subject
Has Looked Into Individual Prison Cases As Well

On A Darker Note
Black Stats Are Near Identical The World Over
Haiti Has Had Self Determination Since 1791
So It Wasn't Slavery, Jim Crow, Environment Or Nutrition
You're Lucky You Were Dragged To The United States

Have You Ever Thought Your Genetics Were Improved Being Here ??
They Didn't Import The Retarded, Weak, And Sick
I am black, not some white asshole who worked with blacks. You guys are white. You speak for no blacks.

I am beige, not some brown asshole who worked with beiges. You guys are brown. You speak for no beiges.

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Yawn! The sad song of a white scrub who wants to deny the truth. I am black, you are not. The majority of blacks do not agree with the shit your ilk pushes.

Sharpton’s voice narrates all your posts. Pathetic.

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I consider that a compliment. Whites don't get to tell us who we like. You believe racist propaganda about that man. You are pathetic.


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IM2 said:
I've Never Heard Of FOX Being Known For Racism
Considering They Have The Most Diverse Line Up
Of Ethnicity And Thought Across The Networks
Including This SJW With A Messianic Complex
Which She Says She Was 'To Be A Savior'

I've Heard They Are Right Wing Hacks
Again, Considering They Are The Most Diverse In Ethnicity And Thought
Unless You Automatically See Conservative As Racism From The Start

This Former Host Was A SJW When She Got There
She Referred To Ailes Book
But The 'De-Valuation Of Whites' Seems To Be Her Own Assessment
As She Doesn't Cite Anything Specifically
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I am black, not some white asshole who worked with blacks. You guys are white. You speak for no blacks.

I am beige, not some brown asshole who worked with beiges. You guys are brown. You speak for no beiges.

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Yawn! The sad song of a white scrub who wants to deny the truth. I am black, you are not. The majority of blacks do not agree with the shit your ilk pushes.

Sharpton’s voice narrates all your posts. Pathetic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I consider that a compliment. Whites don't get to tell us who we like. You believe racist propaganda about that man. You are pathetic.


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Yep. We.
IM2 said:
I've Never Heard Of FOX Being Known For Racism
Considering They Have The Most Diverse Line Up
Of Ethnicity And Thought Across The Networks

I've Heard They Are Right Wing Hacks
Again, Considering They Are The Most Diverse In Ethnicity And Thought
Unless You Automatically See Conservative As Racism From The Start
Of course not. But that's a former fox employee talking, not me.
IM2 said:
But signing that law has not just magically ended decades of racism in the criminal justice system.
Trump Has Met With More Than Corey Booker On The Subject
Has Looked Into Individual Prison Cases As Well

On A Darker Note
Black Stats Are Near Identical The World Over
Haiti Has Had Self Determination Since 1791
So It Wasn't Slavery, Jim Crow, Environment Or Nutrition
You're Lucky You Were Dragged To The United States

Have You Ever Thought Your Genetics Were Improved Being Here ??
They Didn't Import The Retarded, Weak, And Sick

Corey Booker wrote the law.

And you are a racist.
IM2 said:
Of course not. But that's a former fox employee talking, not me.
Did You Read That Op-Ed ??
It Was Just Unsubstantiated Thoughts Of A SJW
And FOX Hired Her Anyway
More Evidence FOX Is The Most Diverse Outlet
IM2 said:
Corey Booker wrote the law.
Trump Must Be Willing To Work Across The Isle
With People Of Differing Ethicities
And you are a racist.
Did I Present Anything Factually Incorrect ??

And You Say Racist
Means Superior To The Other Races
I Don't Think That's True

So Your Assessment Of Me Being A 'Racist'
Is By Your Own Definition Incorrect
Now Try To Say 'That's A Supremacist'
When You Have Said Your Definition Of Racist Repeatedly

You Don't Know My Ethnicity To Start With
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IM2 said:
Of course not. But that's a former fox employee talking, not me.
Did You Read That Op-Ed ??
It Was Just Unsubstantiated Thoughts Of A SJW
And FOX Hired Her Anyway
More Evidence FOX Is The Most Diverse Outlet


"A former Fox News host said the network was founded for the sole purpose of “demonizing ‘the other’”.

Eboni Williams
tore into her former network in an appearance on Thursday on The Breakfast Club, a nationally syndicated radio show out of New York.

“Fox has a reputation for being bigoted and racist – all for a very good reason,” she said."

Ex-Fox News host says its reputation for racism is 'for very good reason'
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IM2 said:
Corey Booker wrote the law.
Trump Must Be Willing To Work Across The Isle
With People Of Differing Ethicities
And you are a racist.
Did I Present Anything Factually Incorrect ??

And You Say Racist
Means Superior To The Other Races
I Don't Think That's True

So Your Assessment Of Me Being A 'Racist'
Is By Your Own Definition Incorrect
Now Try To Say 'That's A Supremacist'
When You Have Said Your Definition Of Racist Repeatedly

You Don't Know My Ethnicity To Start With

You're a racist.

On A Darker Note
Black Stats Are Near Identical The World Over
Haiti Has Had Self Determination Since 1791
So It Wasn't Slavery, Jim Crow, Environment Or Nutrition
You're Lucky You Were Dragged To The United States

Have You Ever Thought Your Genetics Were Improved Being Here ??
They Didn't Import The Retarded, Weak, And Sick
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.

Discussion with someone like you about racism is pointless because you believe all whites too be evil, so your bigoted view has tainted your opinion on white society.

So here is my question:

With your hatred for our laws and white society why not leave back too Africa and find a country there where you could lead a new revolution that will be a beacon of hope in Africa?

You will always be the minority here even when the white society falls behind the Hispanic population that will replace the whites in the near future.

You will be even treated as less human with the Hispanic population, so why not leave and build your Utopia in Africa by creating a new nation of Blacks that will live outside white society?

I know why and that is because China will enslave you like they are doing throughout all of Africa and you would discover Asians even look down on your society and culture and just consider your people only good for labor and nothing more.

So as you scream about oppression just know you could be in Africa and discovering what true oppression look like!
Yes, there is systematic racial discrimination in our country and it favors blacks. It's called affirmative action.
I don't usually do this without posting citations however I just posted a detailed explanation of why you and others who believe as you do are wrong, with supporting evidence. Unfortunately all of my work disappeared on or around June 21st when 4 days of posts disappeared off of the site, so until I can recover that data, this is the best I can do.

Your understanding of what Affirmative Action entails is incorrect. First of all it's race neutral and second of all, white women have benefited from the passage of this legislation more than any other demographic

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also requires contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin." The phrase affirmative action had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961.
Executive Order 11246 - Wikipedia
Unfortunately, all you have been taught in life is belligerence, hatred and whining, and so you continue to lag behind.
My parents nor any of the other adults in my life as I was growing up taught me anything in regards to racism. I learned about American Apartheid and chattel slavery because I was a voracious reader as a child and read just about anything I could get my hands on. Naturally I was horrified and traumatized by the realization of the kind of hatred and evilness that has to exist in order for such a system to have been established and for it to have thrived, but eventually I came to understand that these people were a subset of the white race, that all white people were by no stretch of the imagation all racists.

You don't think it's kind of arrogant to assume that I lag behind anyone when it's clear that I don't lag behind you?

This blame game of yours is the very mechanism that is keeping you down. You live a life of perpetual adolescence where everything you do is whitey's fault and not your own.
Perpetual adolescence lol? I don't play games but I can ascertain cause and effect which you apparently don't seem too familar with. I don't ascribe blame to groups of people, I instead provide evidence of culpability for those acts committed by specific individuals, unlike you who seem to be attributing characterists of others to me based on nothing other than my race. And/or maybe because you don't like my opinions.
There is absolutely nothing that prevented Barak Obama, Condoleza Rice or Oprah Winfrey from achieving what they have and there is nothing preventing you or any of the other racist blacks here. What keeps you back is your belligerence and never-ending excuse making.
Being well-connected, having opportunities presented to you and having money all help with achieving one's goals in life. There are a whole lot of white people who will never achieve what Obama, Rice or Winfrey have so are they all belligerent and excuse makers as well? Hell, why haven't YOU achieved what they have?

And show me a single post I have made which can be categorized as belligerent?

I don't believe that as a child the ONLY REASON you knew anything
about "race" is because you are a "VORACIOUS READER"-----since
your parents never mentioned race. Did you live in a test tube or on a
petri dish.. I don't remember my parents "mentioning race" either-----I read lots but I did not need reading to know that there are "races" -----you seem to IMAGINE that the issue of "race" was INVENTED in America by
Americans who INVENTED chattel slavery.

Stop trying to use this dumb dried up excuse white Americans use in order to deny what has been done.
IM2 said:
You're a racist
Not A Supremacist Either
You Don't Know My Ethnicity

On A Darker Note
Black Stats Are Near Identical The World Over
Haiti Has Had Self Determination Since 1791
So It Wasn't Slavery, Jim Crow, Environment Or Nutrition
Paste Haiti To The Coast Of Modern Africa
You Can't See A Difference
Unless You Can Show Me Some
Have You Ever Thought Your Genetics Were Improved Being Here ??
They Didn't Import The Retarded, Weak, And Sick
US Blacks Have It Better Overall Than Native African Blacks
So How Is That Not A Possibility
In Light Of Objective Similarities
Of The Collective Black African Experience The World Over
You're Going To Have To Find A New Premise/Excuse
For The Collective Failure Of African Blacks Everywhere

Sucks To Be You
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IM2 said:

"A former Fox News host said the network was founded for the sole purpose of “demonizing ‘the other’”.

Eboni Williams
tore into her former network in an appearance on Thursday on The Breakfast Club, a nationally syndicated radio show out of New York.

“Fox has a reputation for being bigoted and racist – all for a very good reason,” she said.
Yep, Yawn
Smartest Assessment You've Ever Made
Yes, there is systematic racial discrimination in our country and it favors blacks. It's called affirmative action.
I don't usually do this without posting citations however I just posted a detailed explanation of why you and others who believe as you do are wrong, with supporting evidence. Unfortunately all of my work disappeared on or around June 21st when 4 days of posts disappeared off of the site, so until I can recover that data, this is the best I can do.

Your understanding of what Affirmative Action entails is incorrect. First of all it's race neutral and second of all, white women have benefited from the passage of this legislation more than any other demographic

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also requires contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin." The phrase affirmative action had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961.
Executive Order 11246 - Wikipedia
Unfortunately, all you have been taught in life is belligerence, hatred and whining, and so you continue to lag behind.
My parents nor any of the other adults in my life as I was growing up taught me anything in regards to racism. I learned about American Apartheid and chattel slavery because I was a voracious reader as a child and read just about anything I could get my hands on. Naturally I was horrified and traumatized by the realization of the kind of hatred and evilness that has to exist in order for such a system to have been established and for it to have thrived, but eventually I came to understand that these people were a subset of the white race, that all white people were by no stretch of the imagation all racists.

You don't think it's kind of arrogant to assume that I lag behind anyone when it's clear that I don't lag behind you?

This blame game of yours is the very mechanism that is keeping you down. You live a life of perpetual adolescence where everything you do is whitey's fault and not your own.
Perpetual adolescence lol? I don't play games but I can ascertain cause and effect which you apparently don't seem too familar with. I don't ascribe blame to groups of people, I instead provide evidence of culpability for those acts committed by specific individuals, unlike you who seem to be attributing characterists of others to me based on nothing other than my race. And/or maybe because you don't like my opinions.
There is absolutely nothing that prevented Barak Obama, Condoleza Rice or Oprah Winfrey from achieving what they have and there is nothing preventing you or any of the other racist blacks here. What keeps you back is your belligerence and never-ending excuse making.
Being well-connected, having opportunities presented to you and having money all help with achieving one's goals in life. There are a whole lot of white people who will never achieve what Obama, Rice or Winfrey have so are they all belligerent and excuse makers as well? Hell, why haven't YOU achieved what they have?

And show me a single post I have made which can be categorized as belligerent?
I see. So no adult taught you your black racism in the home, you went to a UNIVERSITY to learn To whine..

How did you end up at the University if the white devil is keeping you down? We're your parents affluent enough to send you? Did you receive affirmative action? Were you granted acceptance based entirely upon merit? You aren't intelligent enough to recognize it, but ALL of these scenarios debunk your whining

You are also like IM2 when you say you do not lag behind. He whines all the time about supposed racism against him and then turns around and BRAGS about his supposed accomplishments. He lacks the intelligence to realize these accomplishments, if actually real, contradict all these bogus claims he is making. Similarly, your insistence that you do not lag behind me (and no, it is not obvious) indicates that you lack the intelligence necessary to realize that if true, the statement belies all the black racism you have been taught.

The truth of the matter is that there is NOTHING holding you back and much in place to help you.

As far is an example of belligerence, all I need to do is point out your reaction to Rosie here. That goes beyond belligerence and enters the realm of attempted intimidation.

This seems to be the pattern with you black racists here. Say something you don't want to hear and get bullied for it.
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Bruce_T_Laney said:
You will be even treated as less human with the Hispanic population
Only Whites Of European Christian Decent
Actually Care About Their Fellow Man
And The United States Leads The World In All Measures Of Charity And Aid
so why not leave and build your Utopia in Africa by creating a new nation
Liberia Already Exists To Be Reclaimed
So as you scream about oppression just know you could be in Africa and discovering what true oppression look like!
They'll Be Glad To Re-Introduce Him To Real African Culture
Where Slavery Is A Continuing Four Thousand Year Old Tradition
Not The Re-History He Pretends Is Real

He Only Accepts Black Scholarship

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