Zone1 What Can I do in 2023 to Help Black Folk from their Plight?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?

What "plight"? The main problem I'm aware of is the ghetto culture that's causing the violent deaths, robberies, drug use, and fatherless children. And unless you're part of the white liberal entertainment industry that's pushing that on them, there's nothing you can do.
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?

Let them date your sister
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you really want to help Black Americans, stop thinking of them as Black Americans (and do the same for White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Indian, Middle Eastern Americans)

They are Americans.

You're not going to be able to make an impact on a group to which you do not belong, nor should you want to. There will be individual success and failures in ANY group. There are too many factors (quite apart from the quantity of Melanin in their skin) that contribute to those individual successes and failure for one specific act by you to change that.

If you're acquainted with a Black PERSON who you believe would benefit from your assistance (and is willing to accept it) then, by all means, do what you can to help that PERSON. Not as a Black Person, but as a fellow human being.
If you really want to help Black Americans, stop thinking of them as Black Americans (and do the same for White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Indian, Middle Eastern Americans)

They are Americans.

You're not going to be able to make an impact on a group to which you do not belong, nor should you want to. There will be individual success and failures in ANY group. There are too many factors (quite apart from the quantity of Melanin in their skin) that contribute to those individual successes and failure for one specific act by you to change that.

If you're acquainted with a Black PERSON who you believe would benefit from your assistance (and is willing to accept it) then, by all means, do what you can to help that PERSON. Not as a Black Person, but as a fellow human being.
When you play it straight, you lay it straight. Nice post.
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?

Support Pastor Corey Brooks and Project H.O.O.D like I do. He's doing great things in South Chicago with no help at all from either political party or (big surprise) Black Lives Matter.
You can stop talking about blacks as if they were a different life form, or pet chimpanzees.

Imo, the very best thing that could be done for black folks is to quit making never-ending excuses for their every shortcoming and failure. Make it clear that their success or failure is ENTIRELY in their own hands.

They make their own choices and decisions. It's far past time that they learn to take FULL responsibility for those choices and actions. No one owes them a living.

Stop all of the coddling and excuses. It's time for blacks to stand up and earn their own way, just as every other ethnic group has learned to do.

ONLY blacks can make the changes needed in order to improve their lot in life. Either shit, or get off the pot. And, for Gawd's sake, stop all the fucking whining about how fucking "oppressed" they are, white privilege, and all the other excuses for their lack of achievement.
I'm doing the same thing. But its for a homeless lady and her dog. Every time I see her trudging down the street pulling her wagon with all she owns in it, with her dog in a tattered sweater and paws wrapped in rags to keep his feet warm in this very cold weather, I pull over and give her a $20, or $40, or whatever I happen to have in my purse. I think about her all the time. She is not crazy, nor an addict. She is just a homeless human being with her companion dog. I can't help them all, but I can help one and I chose her because she isn't crazy, and not an addict and has a dog to look out for besides herself. Her skin color doesn't matter.
It's fucking COLD out there. Next time I run across her, I am going to pay for her to get a room at motel 6 for 2 nights so she can take a warm bath, sleep in a soft bed, and have her dog with her. I told her where I live...and if she ever needs help beyond the piddly amounts I give her, to ask for me at the lobby desk.

One at a time.
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?

Teach them how to behave in public. If you could teach them to not be incredibly racist, that would be great too. Actually, if you could at the very least just get them to stop committing racist violence, that would be a good start.
Tell the boys to pull their pants up above their cracks. It will be the first step in teaching self-respect.

Key words there.........



How do we teach them that being a hoe and selling out to whoever will give them the most dope and the most swag might have a downside?

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