Zone1 What Can I do in 2023 to Help Black Folk from their Plight?

Teach them how to behave in public. If you could teach them to not be incredibly racist, that would be great too. Actually, if you could at the very least just get them to stop committing racist violence, that would be a good start.
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?

Teach them English and that a life of crime is bad.
Teach them English and that a life of crime is bad.
Or….teach them the “traits of whiteness” promoted by the African-American Museum of the Smithsonian:

1. work hard
2. meet schedules
3. be polite
4. speak properly
5. be part of a nuclear family
6. respect authority
If you really want to help Black Americans, stop thinking of them as Black Americans (and do the same for White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Indian, Middle Eastern Americans)

They are Americans.

You're not going to be able to make an impact on a group to which you do not belong, nor should you want to. There will be individual success and failures in ANY group. There are too many factors (quite apart from the quantity of Melanin in their skin) that contribute to those individual successes and failure for one specific act by you to change that.

If you're acquainted with a Black PERSON who you believe would benefit from your assistance (and is willing to accept it) then, by all means, do what you can to help that PERSON. Not as a Black Person, but as a fellow human being.
We can stop thinking of them as black persons but it wont stop them from thinking of themselves as black and mistreated
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?

For one you can stop referring to people by the color of their skin and just say "people" or "Americans".
For one you can stop referring to people by the color of their skin and just say "people" or "Americans".
Why not help a veteran? So many put their lives on the line and are now living in an alley in a cardboard box. Again, skin color does not matter. Or shouldn't. Teaching a whole race of people on how to act "properly" is beyond anyone's ability. They may be ghetto..but they have a roof even if in a horrid location. Roof. Running water. Warmth. Key words there.

One at a time.
Or….teach them the “traits of whiteness” promoted by the African-American Museum of the Smithsonian:

1. work hard
2. meet schedules
3. be polite
4. speak properly
5. be part of a nuclear family
6. respect authority
Are you serious? They present those traits as a negative?
Ok, I tried.

I was honestly hoping that one of the posters who frequently represent themselves as Black Americans who are downtrodden by the White Man would step up and offer me some advice. Since they did not, I have to conclude that they are only interested in complaining, and not at all in stopping the causes of their complaints.

So, I just donated to Project H.O.O.D. as recommended by MarathonMike whose counsel is always wise.

Easiest NY resolution I ever kept!
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?


1) Support Proportional Representation.
2) Support Proportional Representation.
3) Support Proportional Representation.

Nothing more.
Are you serious? They present those traits as a negative?
Well, they presented them as “white traits”. So what they did is take values that lead to success - working hard, meeting schedules, speaking English well, etc., - and make it sound as if real blacks don’t ascribe to them.

1) Support Proportional Representation.
2) Support Proportional Representation.
3) Support Proportional Representation.

Nothing more.
So you’re saying that Congress should be made up of 12% blacks because that‘s their percentage in the population….we should limit it to 2% Jews….have 51% women…..or 8% gay…..etc., etc., so that everyone has someone who represents their group’s interests?

More identity politics from a lib. Hoe about just going with people who will support policies that are good for Americans?
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?

Kill all LibTards. :laughing0301:
As a black man, I can say that you can help me and my brothers by giving us rich guys a big honky honkin' tax cut!
How’d you get so rich if you’re a black guy? You’re oppressed, remember? And, according to the Smithsonian‘s summary of black traits, you are lazy, insubordinate, rude, late, and can’t speak English properly. You must be a “white traits” black!
Well, they presented them as “white traits”. So what they did is take values that lead to success - working hard, meeting schedules, speaking English well, etc., - and make it sound as if real blacks don’t ascribe to them.

That whole, "you're acting white," directed at successful black people, particularly successful scholars in secondary school, is no doubt the greatest factor holding black people back at this point.
That whole, "you're acting white," directed at successful black people, particularly successful scholars in secondary school, is no doubt the greatest factor holding black people back at this point.
Absolutely. Mocking - or worse, bullying - someone for working hard and succeeding is a certain way to hold him back.
How’d you get so rich if you’re a black guy? You’re oppressed, remember? And, according to the Smithsonian‘s summary of black traits, you are lazy, insubordinate, rude, late, and can’t speak English properly. You must be a “white traits” black!

I'm sure you believe all that, Lisa558lbs

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