Zone1 What Can I do in 2023 to Help Black Folk from their Plight?

This is where we fundamentally disagree. You are of the belief that change HAS to happen from the top down. I believe that real change can happen from the bottom up which is what Pastor Brooks and Project H.O.O.D is all about. He is making a huge difference in the worst part of Chicago BY HIMSELF. Why not support him? He is showing those young men there is another way other than selling drugs and being part of a violent gang. Just listen to the man, his videos and what he has accomplished is all over the internet.

Well, it's be nice if change happened from the bottom up. But I believe that Proportional Representation has to happen from the bottom up.
The people at the bottom have to stand up and say "we don't like the way the government is run". Until they stop that corruption, it won't change. Why? Because it never has. Even then this change won't happen without the media getting behind it.

The UK managed to change politics with Brexit (for their sins, and it's working out really badly), this happened because the media pushed it for three decades. It wouldn't have happened from grass roots as people are too lazy. They can only get change by being manipulated.
Yes, there are local areas with good people making change. Will this change the whole country? No, when the organization dies, it'll all go to weed again.
Serious question, I need a New Years resolution that will make me a better ally to Black Americans.

If you are able, please provide one reasonable thing that I could do, and then if you like another thing, regardless if it seems reasonable.

Seriously, no matter how unreasonable, or how unlikely, what is the one best thing that I could do that would help out Black Americans as a race?

For me, the best way to help blacks (assuming they even need help) is to behave and interact with them the same as I would for anyone else.

One thing I found out over the last twenty years or so is that, no matter what you do or say, it will never be enough for some. Ergo, all they’re going to get out of me is equal treatment and consideration.
Yes, there are local areas with good people making change. Will this change the whole country? No, when the organization dies, it'll all go to weed again.
What's wrong with turning around a local area that has been a hell hole for 50 years? I see no problem with focusing small and actually seeing real results.
Black people will have to help themselves. Whites who claim to want to help them will always be self-serving, it is human nature.

When Jews were excluded from Hotels in the U.S., they did not protest, sit in or burn down. They pooled their money and bought the hotels. Who said that? Not I, nor Donald Trump. Malcom X said that.
For me, the best way to help blacks (assuming they even need help) is to behave and interact with them the same as I would for anyone else.

One thing I found out over the last twenty years or so is that, no matter what you do or say, it will never be enough for some. Ergo, all they’re going to get out of me is equal treatment and consideration.
I agree. When white people, especially politicians, try to help black people as a race, it creates hostility and contempt between the two.
Black people will have to help themselves. Whites who claim to want to help them will always be self-serving, it is human nature.

When Jews were excluded from Hotels in the U.S., they did not protest, sit in or burn down. They pooled their money and bought the hotels. Who said that? Not I, nor Donald Trump. Malcom X said that.
True. And when bigots on the East Coast refused to hire Jews in the 1920’s, they didn’t riot or burn anything down. A group of them moved to California and started the movie industry. (That’s why there are so many Jews involved in Hollywood, BTW.)
What's wrong with turning around a local area that has been a hell hole for 50 years? I see no problem with focusing small and actually seeing real results.

Absolutely nothing. In fact it's a great thing. However I think you're not getting my meaning.

I have nothing against people in local communities improving their community. The issue here is that I don't think relying on such great people is going to change the whole of the US.
Let me put this into perspective.
Because of corruption at the top level of government, it seems like a lot of corruption happens down the line because this is how people think government is. A lot of people think govt is all about taking what you want from it. Say some wacky things, get some votes, milk the system.

This means that you get lots of local elected officials who are just milking the system, they're not doing their jobs properly. These people could and should be some of those changing local areas. But they're not, because they can get in and get rich by doing almost nothing useful.
So then it's left to churches and other decent people to pick up the pieces, or even worse, FIGHT AGAINST the system.

Why does the US have so many ghettos whereas in Europe there are far, far less, France seems to have them with North Africans, but that's about it. It's because of politics at a higher level. They can solve many of the problems (with sensible politicians which you'd more likely get with Proportional Representation).
I agree. When white people, especially politicians, try to help black people as a race, it creates hostility and contempt between the two.

Depends what you mean by "help". If it's direct help, then yes, but there are other, indirect ways of helping too.

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