Zone1 What can we do to change this alarming statistic- Black fathers twice as likely as white fathers to live apart from their children


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
A lot of lefty and multimillionaires and Hollywood will never give us a solution to this. They call people names or they deny the stats. In the American Past we did not have these types of unfortunate numbers. None of this has anything to do with “systemic racism” which is a fake nonstarter because again the Indian, the black that you the white, you name it all of us come from slaves and slave owners.

One might make the argument that the black nuclear family was a bit stronger than the white nuclear family 100 years ago. There was actually a time for a few years in those days where the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate.

With Father’s Day approaching, this is really unfortunate for the men black kids across the country, whose fathers are completely and totally out of the picture. Some of them might be in jail or just completely gone not even paying child support.

Let’s hear some solutions….

According to a 2011 Pew Research Center study, the likelihood of a father living apart from his children is strongly associated with race and ethnicity:
  • White fathers: 21% live apart from at least one child
  • Hispanic fathers: 35% live apart from at least one child
  • African American fathers: 44% live apart from at least one child

Left-wing policies, radical feminism, the attacks on masculinity, Black Lives Matter, DEI have played a role in the downfall of the black nuclear family. They also meaning they, as in left wingers will gaslight and even lie to people about this issue. They will say sort of nonsense things like “well it’s about social economic factors or systemic racism”

Well no …. Because the black nuclear family was much stronger 100 years ago. So it’s nothing to do with systemic racism. Secondly, all across the world in many poor areas the family spirit is much stronger than it is in America. So no, it’s not about socioeconomic factors. That’s what you call a cop out.
Stop arresting black men for things when they would let a white man get probation or no charge at all.


But now you're going to say that there is no systemic racism in the nation. I'll ask you to explain the statistic. You'll say something along the lines of, "well, they did the crime"....I'll say, yeah...but that isn't what the statistic reflects--it reflects arrests.

As I've pointed out--white privilege--is this. At Main and 1st street a purse is snatched. A guy at the corner of main and 2nd street is white and a guy at the corner of main and 3rd street is black. The police are overwhelmingly more likely to question the black guy than the white guy. Both are behind on their child support. However, since the black guy was questioned...he's in jail; the white guy who committed the same offense is going home to his family.
One of the prime reasons why we have this issue about absent black fathers is because of left wingers, multimillionaire celebrities and athletes simply calling people a racist …. They will call people racist for bringing up a statistic. And that makes them evil. It’s a strong word, but what other word is there to use. Perhaps they are brainwashed. But these are people in positions of power they should know better.

Everyone knows that because somebody is black doesn’t mean that they are automatically a bad person. But we are looking at these statistics and something has to be done. The solution needs to be figure it out here. Without calling people racist without lying claiming that there is “systemic racism” or White privilege or some nonsense like that.

And no solution is brought forth by lefties. in the mind of the radical racist left-winger, the solution is to steal and lie. To say that the BLM riots were a matter of reparations. To give us DEI and implement racist hiring quotas against white people. Well as a country we have to do better. Really the problem is the media and many of our politicians, including Republicans who are not doing enough to address this issue of absent black fathers.

The downfall of the American class coupled with left-wing radical policies is a big part of the problem. Include soft on crime policies It’s a recipe for disaster.
A lot of lefty and multimillionaires and Hollywood will never give us a solution to this. They call people names or they deny the stats. In the American Past we did not have these types of unfortunate numbers. None of this has anything to do with “systemic racism” which is a fake nonstarter because again the Indian, the black that you the white, you name it all of us come from slaves and slave owners.

One might make the argument that the black nuclear family was a bit stronger than the white nuclear family 100 years ago. There was actually a time for a few years in those days where the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate.

With Father’s Day approaching, this is really unfortunate for the men black kids across the country, whose fathers are completely and totally out of the picture. Some of them might be in jail or just completely gone not even paying child support.

Let’s hear some solutions….

According to a 2011 Pew Research Center study, the likelihood of a father living apart from his children is strongly associated with race and ethnicity:
  • White fathers: 21% live apart from at least one child
  • Hispanic fathers: 35% live apart from at least one child
  • African American fathers: 44% live apart from at least one child

Generally and loosely speaking: the Black family was strong and intact, albeit oppressed and poor. The Left sought to give them govt handouts but also, disable their families. So here we are.

The Left, however, are mostly equal opportunity destroyers, so they're currently attempting to disable everything. White families, personal income, upward mobility.
A lot more young black kids will not have a father to celebrate Father’s Day with. Twice as many young black kids if not more we have no father to celebrate Father’s Day with.

What a shame that is. And again simply what left-wingers do topics like this as they always do they call people racist, they call people names. They lie about people positions. They don’t confront this statistics and never offer up a solution.

Cannot claim it is about systemic racism, 100 years ago with segregation and some areas of the country the nuclear the family was stronger. And again many poor areas of the world. There is a stronger nuclear family

See that’s the downfall of Christianity in America the downfall of the nuclear family. The rise of radical feminism, in your face BLM racism. When that happens when there is a higher divorce rate a higher child born out of that great that will indeed lead to more poverty. That makes even more difficult.
Stop arresting black men for things when they would let a white man get probation or no charge at all.

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But now you're going to say that there is no systemic racism in the nation. I'll ask you to explain the statistic. You'll say something along the lines of, "well, they did the crime"....I'll say, yeah...but that isn't what the statistic reflects--it reflects arrests.

As I've pointed out--white privilege--is this. At Main and 1st street a purse is snatched. A guy at the corner of main and 2nd street is white and a guy at the corner of main and 3rd street is black. The police are overwhelmingly more likely to question the black guy than the white guy. Both are behind on their child support. However, since the black guy was questioned...he's in jail; the white guy who committed the same offense is going home to his family.
You are delusional

Blacks get arrested more because they commit crimes more often
A lot of lefty and multimillionaires and Hollywood will never give us a solution to this. They call people names or they deny the stats. In the American Past we did not have these types of unfortunate numbers. None of this has anything to do with “systemic racism” which is a fake nonstarter because again the Indian, the black that you the white, you name it all of us come from slaves and slave owners.

One might make the argument that the black nuclear family was a bit stronger than the white nuclear family 100 years ago. There was actually a time for a few years in those days where the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate.

With Father’s Day approaching, this is really unfortunate for the men black kids across the country, whose fathers are completely and totally out of the picture. Some of them might be in jail or just completely gone not even paying child support.

Let’s hear some solutions….

According to a 2011 Pew Research Center study, the likelihood of a father living apart from his children is strongly associated with race and ethnicity:
  • White fathers: 21% live apart from at least one child
  • Hispanic fathers: 35% live apart from at least one child
  • African American fathers: 44% live apart from at least one child

I would like to see the numbers of children with absent fathers by political parties.
Generally and loosely speaking: the Black family was strong and intact, albeit oppressed and poor. The Left sought to give them govt handouts but also, disable their families. So here we are.

The Left, however, are mostly equal opportunity destroyers, so they're currently attempting to disable everything. White families, personal income, upward mobility.
Yes, and I believe that the left-wing started doing this at some point during the rise of the hippie movement during the Vietnam war. Because before that, the Democrats and Republicans were working together on a number of things making this country a country with a very strong middle-class for black and whites. These statistics supported when it comes to jobs by the way. A lot of blacks worked at places like Ford motor company in the 1930s for example.

We should respect what our grandparents did and learn from the American past. And try to be more like what we had in the past. Traditional values, masculinity, a country where men and women of all colors can succeed. Basically what we did without the Jim Crow thing. by the way, even during the Jim Crow America was probably the most liberal and most sought after country for any immigrate in the world.
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for example I as a white man recognize that young white men are most likely to commit a mass school shooting in this country. I would not call somebody racist for bringing up that statistic. Or try and make up some insane excuse that has nothing to do with reality. I would be trying to figure out ways to confront that issue and bring forth solutions.

The left wing the radical BLM supporters in topics like this will simply call people racist for bringing up that black kids are most likely in this country to not have a father figure at home.
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A lot of lefty and multimillionaires and Hollywood will never give us a solution to this. They call people names or they deny the stats. In the American Past we did not have these types of unfortunate numbers. None of this has anything to do with “systemic racism” which is a fake nonstarter because again the Indian, the black that you the white, you name it all of us come from slaves and slave owners.

One might make the argument that the black nuclear family was a bit stronger than the white nuclear family 100 years ago. There was actually a time for a few years in those days where the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate.

With Father’s Day approaching, this is really unfortunate for the men black kids across the country, whose fathers are completely and totally out of the picture. Some of them might be in jail or just completely gone not even paying child support.

Let’s hear some solutions….

According to a 2011 Pew Research Center study, the likelihood of a father living apart from his children is strongly associated with race and ethnicity:
  • White fathers: 21% live apart from at least one child
  • Hispanic fathers: 35% live apart from at least one child
  • African American fathers: 44% live apart from at least one child

You start by saying that "lefties" will just insult and not give a solution. But you're doing the same as they are.

Yes, there are solutions.

Solution 1) Change the electoral system to Proportional Representation so the country can have proper representation

Solution 2) Change education so kids are learning the skills they need to go into the work force AND into adult life being competent human beings.

Solution 3) As a part of the change in education, teach how to find a partner, how to bring up a kid, teach proper sex education etc.

A whole change in the way the country functions needs to take place. A change in the mentality of the people. Without this, nothing will change.
A lot more young black kids will not have a father to celebrate Father’s Day with. Twice as many young black kids if not more we have no father to celebrate Father’s Day with.

What a shame that is. And again simply what left-wingers do topics like this as they always do they call people racist, they call people names. They lie about people positions. They don’t confront this statistics and never offer up a solution.

Cannot claim it is about systemic racism, 100 years ago with segregation and some areas of the country the nuclear the family was stronger. And again many poor areas of the world. There is a stronger nuclear family

See that’s the downfall of Christianity in America the downfall of the nuclear family. The rise of radical feminism, in your face BLM racism. When that happens when there is a higher divorce rate a higher child born out of that great that will indeed lead to more poverty. That makes even more difficult.

Pretty much unimpeachable proof of systemic racism. Remember...this isn't arrests...this is convictions and sentencing to prison!

You start by saying that "lefties" will just insult and not give a solution. But you're doing the same as they are.

Yes, there are solutions.

Solution 1) Change the electoral system to Proportional Representation so the country can have proper representation

Solution 2) Change education so kids are learning the skills they need to go into the work force AND into adult life being competent human beings.

Solution 3) As a part of the change in education, teach how to find a partner, how to bring up a kid, teach proper sex education etc.

A whole change in the way the country functions needs to take place. A change in the mentality of the people. Without this, nothing will change.
You are brit

How do you know whats best for America?
Pretty much unimpeachable proof of systemic racism. Remember...this isn't arrests...this is convictions and sentencing to prison!

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People go to prison because they have long records of committing crimes. For every arrest a criminal will have committed a hundred or more crimes that he got away with. For every conviction he will have been arrested tens or hundreds of times. If he is actually convicted, in most cases he will draw jail time not prison time. By the time anyone is sentenced to prison they are career criminals with long trails of innocent victims. Of course that ignores the political prosecutions driven by media outrage, most of those people are actually innocent.
No they just don't get humane sentencing after conviction--as the statistics prove time and again.
They don’t get humane sentencing because they have long criminal records. Comparing like for like, with identical records, whites usually get harsher sentences.
Generally and loosely speaking: the Black family was strong and intact, albeit oppressed and poor. The Left sought to give them govt handouts but also, disable their families. So here we are.

The Left, however, are mostly equal opportunity destroyers, so they're currently attempting to disable everything. White families, personal income, upward mobility.

And they're coming for the suburbs next.

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