What choices left?


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2020
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
He's not going to be taken off any ballots ultimately. The courts will make sure he's on there.
I got a fire extinguisher if you'd like to put your hair out now. :)
The choices we have had for president have sucked for a long time

The question is

Is this really the best we can do?

if the answer is yes that's pretty fucking sad.
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
When someone commits murder, is tried and convicted, do you couch it in language like, "the jury get their dreams come true?"
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.

For years we have heard endlessly that any Republican is superior to any Democrat. Now it is only one Republican is good. Only one. Why is that?
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
Wow, sounds pretty diabolical.

What if you guys were to nominate someone who wasn’t indicted for 91 felonies:th_avatar107484_8:
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
What if……Felons were not allowed to be President?
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
The GOP would nominate, and thus run, someone else.

So far the Democrats have only tried to take Trump off primary ballots, which, in the end, do not mean anything.
I suppose these are trial runs for the general election, which is another story.
Democrats are playing with fire - and as we see elsewhere, it usually winds up burning them.
To be fair, he hasn't been convicted of anything...yet.

But it would be nice if Republicans and conservatives had some minimum standards. :)
If you play out the scenario...

he could be tried, found guilty (or not guilty), and sentenced before the convention. What happens then? Is running for President a get-out-of-jail-free card?
To be fair, he hasn't been convicted of anything...yet.

But it would be nice if Republicans and conservatives had some minimum standards. :)
A jury found him guilty of sexual assault in a civil trial. He paid fines for stealing money from a charity and setting up a fraudulent real estate school. He also schtoinked a porn star during an adulterous affair while wifey was pregers.

In small town America you couldn't get elected to be mayor, or even dog catcher, with that resume.
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
Don't you want Republicans running everything?

Why are you so dishonest?
He's not going to be taken off any ballots ultimately. The courts will make sure he's on there.
I got a fire extinguisher if you'd like to put your hair out now. :)
Then why are your scumbag Fellow Travelers trying so hard to remove him from the Ballot?
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
14th...Trump cannot hold any federal elected or selected office.

What the GOP does is up to them.
If you play out the scenario...

he could be tried, found guilty (or not guilty), and sentenced before the convention. What happens then? Is running for President a get-out-of-jail-free card?
Nothing. He has the right to the appeals process, which with his power and influence, stays any sentence until appeal. Which means he can run.

Running for President (and winning) is a "Don't Go To Jail" card...Like forever. If that happens, then yes, he really will be the only person in the history of this country...to be totally above the law.

Sad. But possible.
The GOP would nominate, and thus run, someone else.

So far the Democrats have only tried to take Trump off primary ballots, which, in the end, do not mean anything.
I suppose these are trial runs for the general election, which is another story.
Democrats are playing with fire - and as we see elsewhere, it usually winds up burning them.
Problem is, aside from Trump in recent cycles, who has the RNC foisted on us? NeoCon losers like both Bushes, Dole, McShitstain, and Mitt. Sorry, but I want a pit bull who will fight the enemy and never let go, not some lapdog Chihuahua who runs away at the first sight of trouble. A prime example is Baby Bush, who didn't fight back when the Left started their baseless and unrelenting attacks.

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