What choices left?

If you play out the scenario...

he could be tried, found guilty (or not guilty), and sentenced before the convention. What happens then? Is running for President a get-out-of-jail-free card?

Even if Trump is convicted, he will still file appeals

If Trump wins, he will appoint prosecutors who will not contest the appeals
Problem is, aside from Trump in recent cycles, who has the RNC foisted on us? NeoCon losers like both Bushes, Dole, McShitstain, and Mitt. Sorry, but I want a pit bull who will fight the enemy and never let go, not some lapdog Chihuahua who runs away at the first sight of trouble. A prime example is Baby Bush, who didn't fight back when the Left started their baseless and unrelenting attacks.
I want someone who will fight the Democrats, not work with them.

But, fact remains, if the Democrats manage to get Trump off the ballot, the GOP can run someone else.
The choices we have had for president have sucked for a long time

The question is

Is this really the best we can do?

if the answer is yes that's pretty fucking sad.

Nobody that should be President would run for the office now due to the damage one takes just for brining it up. The best and the brightest are not willing to be put through that, the end result is Trump vs Biden II.
Nothing. He has the right to the appeals process, which with his power and influence, stays any sentence until appeal. Which means he can run.

Running for President (and winning) is a "Don't Go To Jail" card...Like forever. If that happens, then yes, he really will be the only person in the history of this country...to be totally above the law.

Sad. But possible.
I don’t think it is actually...but we’re in uncharted waters; as always with the blob.

You’d think 91 felony indictments would turn off some voters. But if they are going to nominate someone who is under indictments in four different jurisdictions...

I mean, if they nominated someone who wasn’t constitutionally eligible to become President based on the whole of their mantra which is “try to stop us!!!”, that is on them.

This may be a case of just letting them learn a lesson the hard way.

Its a terrible analogy but if you have a friend who is in an abusive relationship and they wind up in the hospital one day after you’ve warned them multiple times about their choices...sometimes the only way some people see the light is when they experience the pains and penalties of their decisions.
Trump was not convicted of anything, dumbass!
Uh, excuse me oh ye of tiny mind...

14th does not require any convictions
Few of those barred from office under the 14th were ever convicted.

too stupid to understand his own thread.
Unlike you far Left Communists, we support the Constitution.

it would be nice if both parties started running some quality people....
There are quality people running on the Republican side. Haley is a good example. Solid political credentials.
My issue is that she isn't going to have a chance because Trump has set the bar REALLY low...and the majority of Republicans..won't give him up.

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