What choices left?

One where the Demonicrats have everything. Sorry, but this is where we are headed now.

What reality do you live in??? A 6-3 SCOTUS, a lock on the Senate which controls the Executive appointments. The House under GOP control. Like four veto proof super majority states. A bunch more majority red legislatures. Florida electoral votes sewed up. The list goes on and on.
I would take either of them above Trump any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Again, they are career politicians. You get whatever baggage comes with them. But they are not incompetent, corrupt hacks that want to tear down our institutions and norms.
yea they are pretty incompetent....and as far as tearing down our institutions and norms......the republicans say you guys are doing that also.....both sides suck pretty bad...
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
Or you could just nominate someone who hasn't been indicted.
The GOP would nominate, and thus run, someone else.

So far the Democrats have only tried to take Trump off primary ballots, which, in the end, do not mean anything.
I suppose these are trial runs for the general election, which is another story.
Democrats are playing with fire - and as we see elsewhere, it usually winds up burning them.
If they can get Trump off the Primary ballot... they can get their establishment Republican. Then even if they lose... they win.

Trump was never suppose to be president...if was supposed to be Jeb or Hillary.

That's why they pulled out all the stops. Russia Collusion... impeachments...insurrection... biased media no longer even trying to hide...endless lawfare... removal from ballots.

But...too many Americans are red pilled.

They see through the bullshit.

The last resort will be to kill President Trump.
What reality do you live in??? A 6-3 SCOTUS, a lock on the Senate which controls the Executive appointments. The House under GOP control. Like four veto proof super majority states. A bunch more majority red legislatures. Florida electoral votes sewed up. The list goes on and on.
Democrats want to stack the courts, the Senate is still under Demonecrat control with Chuck U Schumer as Majority leader and Heels Up Harris as tie breaker, the House BARELY under GOP control. Sorry, but you Communists aren't fooling REAL Americans.
Again, the problem remains: Without Trump, the GOP has nobody. Might as well be one of those sham "elections" like they had in Iraq where the Left's butt buddy, Saddam was in control.
Actually, the GOP has plenty of sensible candidates...

The real problem is even though the man was an unmitigated disaster in office, a bunch of you just can't admit you made a mistake no matter how many elections he loses for you.
Again, the problem remains: Without Trump, the GOP has nobody. Might as well be one of those sham "elections" like they had in Iraq where the Left's butt buddy, Saddam was in control.
and that is pretty fucking sad when trump and biden are it....the last great hopes....
Given the horrible things both men have been accused of in the last 10 years, why would any decent person WANT to be president?

I wouldn't subject my family to that.

The problem is, everything they say about Trump is true.
many of our politicians today are some pretty inept,incompetent people....
That would give us TWO parties pining for a one party state.

And that's the condition we're in.
We only have one party now friend, that is the Potato head party.


Save democracy and vote for the Potato.

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