What choices left?

See what I mean? Blacks who are Conservatives are labeled sellouts. That's not only disgusting, but racist as well.
They're labeled sellouts because they ARE sellouts.

Only because they left the Democrat plantation.

No, only because they decided shitting on their fellow blacks to appeal to white people was a money-maker.

You don't see Candace Owens or Ben Carson taking their minstrel shows in front of audiences of black people, they'd be howled out of the room. They go in front of white people and regale them with what they want to hear. I mean, it's a great scam. Certainly beats working for a living.
Americans are so brainwashed that if one of the duopoly's parties really imploded they could not find it in themselves to vote for another, aka "third", party?
No, only because they decided shitting on their fellow blacks to appeal to white people was a money-maker.

You don't see Candace Owens or Ben Carson taking their minstrel shows in front of audiences of black people, they'd be howled out of the room. They go in front of white people and regale them with what they want to hear. I mean, it's a great scam. Certainly beats working for a living.
Reasonable blacks don't vote for a party that has kept.them in poverty since LBJ.
Americans are so brainwashed that if one of the duopoly's parties really imploded they could not find it in themselves to vote for another, aka "third", party?
If the last few years haven't convinced more Americans that it's past time for at least one more major party, I don't know what it will take.

I'll remain hopeful, but...
Actually, trump hasn’t been convicted of anything yet..also, the cotus doesn’t say a felon can’t be president.

I agree it’s not a good idea but legally speaking, cotus doesn’t forbid it.
Actually, our founders never envisioned that a convicted felon could be elected

But they never envisioned todays Republicans either
If the last few years haven't convinced more Americans that it's past time for at least one more major party, I don't know what it will take.

I'll remain hopeful, but...
The only problem is one party decided to nominate a loon.

Third parties are nothing but loons.
The only problem is one party decided to nominate a loon.

Third parties are nothing but loons.

Third Parties could win if they selected candidates in the middle and draw votes from both parties

They always select someone more extreme than either party
But it would be nice if Republicans and conservatives had some minimum standards. :)
LOL i love watching you retards act like yall have some sort of superiority over the retarded repubs. The guy yall like is senile, racist, a pathological liar and he showered with his daughter.


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Get real. Most Americans are fine with "Social Welfare. We spend three times as much on Middle-Class Entitlements than we do on poverty relief.

That you use terms like "Mulatto Menace" kind of tells us a lot about you
But its everyone else’s fault for not accepting his casual racism.
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
They do want a permanent far left one party state and have been trying very hard to achieve that. BUT, if Trump were taken off the ballot in every state there are other perfectly capable Republican candidates left, most of whom could beat Biden in the general.
They do want a permanent far left one party state and have been trying very hard to achieve that. BUT, if Trump were taken off the ballot in every state there are other perfectly capable Republican candidates left, most of whom could beat Biden in the general.
Where? Haley is too Liberal for my tastes and a neocon, DeSantis is toast.
The choices we have had for president have sucked for a long time

The question is

Is this really the best we can do?

if the answer is yes that's pretty fucking sad.

President Trump was the best that we can do.
He set an incredibly high bar.
For years we have heard endlessly that any Republican is superior to any Democrat. Now it is only one Republican is good. Only one. Why is that?

They are all still better than any and every Democrat
That goes without saying.
President Trump set a spectacularly high bar though.

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