What choices left?

Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
Liberal, not far left.

You deliberately call one of the rapist's victims the rapist.
many of our politicians today are some pretty inept,incompetent people....

Well, it's easy to say that when you have networks who dedicate themselves all day to criticising politicians.

Heck, if we had a 24-7 channel critiquing you at your job, you'd look pretty bad.

And this might be the reason why the abortion that is Trump happened. 50 years of the media hating on politicians, we don't recognize a real toad when we see one.
Actually, the GOP has plenty of sensible candidates...

The real problem is even though the man was an unmitigated disaster in office, a bunch of you just can't admit you made a mistake no matter how many elections he loses for you.
"Sensible" in Liberalspeak means the GOP kowtows and caves to the far Left agenda 100% of the time. Compromise=surrender, dumbshit.
Well, it's easy to say that when you have networks who dedicate themselves all day to criticising politicians.

Heck, if we had a 24-7 channel critiquing you at your job, you'd look pretty bad.

And this might be the reason why the abortion that is Trump happened. 50 years of the media hating on politicians, we don't recognize a real toad when we see one.
Oh come off it, the Lamestream press has NEVER looked upon Conservatives favorably.
"Sensible" in Liberalspeak means the GOP kowtows and caves to the far Left agenda 100% of the time. Compromise=surrender, dumbshit.

No, Compromise is how we mostly all live our lives. You want to watch an action movie, the wife wants to watch a Rom-Com, so some days you watch the Rom-Com. You want Italian, she wants Chinese, so some days you eat Chinese.

The thing was, the GOP used to be a deliberative party acting in a parliamentary fashion. It isn't today, it's become incapable of governing... which is why so little got done even when Trump had the House and the Senate.

Oh come off it, the Lamestream press has NEVER looked upon Conservatives favorably.
Really, I seem to remember the press being pretty fawning over GWB after 9/11.

They really didn't start to seriously question him until we were four years into a war that had lost the plot.

The biggest problem with Trump was the media gave him too much attention. I remember when they would cut away from a speech by Hillary to show an empty Podium waiting for Trump to grace us with his presense. The biggest problem with the news channels is that they are driven by ratings, and who wants to listen to Hillary talk about Education Policy when Trump is ranting about Mexican Rapists!
Well, it's easy to say that when you have networks who dedicate themselves all day to criticising politicians.

Heck, if we had a 24-7 channel critiquing you at your job, you'd look pretty bad.

And this might be the reason why the abortion that is Trump happened. 50 years of the media hating on politicians, we don't recognize a real toad when we see one.
kiss their asses joe.....and if i had a channel filming me on the job all they would see is a guy delivering mail and by the amount of "gratuities" i used to get....i must not be looking bad...
kiss their asses joe.....and if i had a channel filming me on the job all they would see is a guy delivering mail and by the amount of "gratuities" i used to get....i must not be looking bad...
Then you must be the most awesome mail carrier ever. Never had any particularly good ones anywhere I lived (and I've lived about five different places) and plenty to criticize about putting the wrong person's mail in my box or putting my mail in a neighbor's box.
No, Compromise is how we mostly all live our lives. You want to watch an action movie, the wife wants to watch a Rom-Com, so some days you watch the Rom-Com. You want Italian, she wants Chinese, so some days you eat Chinese.

The thing was, the GOP used to be a deliberative party acting in a parliamentary fashion. It isn't today, it's become incapable of governing... which is why so little got done even when Trump had the House and the Senate.

Really, I seem to remember the press being pretty fawning over GWB after 9/11.

They really didn't start to seriously question him until we were four years into a war that had lost the plot.

The biggest problem with Trump was the media gave him too much attention. I remember when they would cut away from a speech by Hillary to show an empty Podium waiting for Trump to grace us with his presense. The biggest problem with the news channels is that they are driven by ratings, and who wants to listen to Hillary talk about Education Policy when Trump is ranting about Mexican Rapists!
Oh shut up. Compromise is what got the US into trouble with all this social welfare bullshit in the first place. And no, the media has never been friendly to Republicans, not even at 9/11. I remember the media falling over themselves over the Mulatto Menace, so spare us the phony indignation, Leftist twat.
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
If that happens then maybe a Libertarian will finally win an election.
Then you must be the most awesome mail carrier ever. Never had any particularly good ones anywhere I lived (and I've lived about five different places) and plenty to criticize about putting the wrong person's mail in my box or putting my mail in a neighbor's box.
yep whenever i took 2-3 days off....when i got back holy shit.....2 week vacation yikes....
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
That's why they have filed to get 126 Republicans taken off ballots.
Oh shut up. Compromise is what got the US into trouble with all this social welfare bullshit in the first place. And no, the media has never been friendly to Republicans, not even at 9/11. I remember the media falling over themselves over the Mulatto Menace, so spare us the phony indignation, Leftist twat.

Get real. Most Americans are fine with "Social Welfare. We spend three times as much on Middle-Class Entitlements than we do on poverty relief.

That you use terms like "Mulatto Menace" kind of tells us a lot about you
Get real. Most Americans are fine with "Social Welfare. We spend three times as much on Middle-Class Entitlements than we do on poverty relief.

That you use terms like "Mulatto Menace" kind of tells us a lot about you
That Obummer isn't worth the spit I send in his direction? Had Allen West, Walter E. Williams, or any other Conservative black been elected, I would support them 100%. Obunghole is nothing but a worthless far Left loon, just like you.
Both the right and left are becoming more authoritarian it seems. There is not one issue in this nation where even .00000001 percent of authoritarianism is needed. Not one.
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
There’s plenty of possible nominees.


Doofus DiSantis?
Oh shut up. Compromise is what got the US into trouble with all this social welfare bullshit in the first place. And no, the media has never been friendly to Republicans, not even at 9/11. I remember the media falling over themselves over the Mulatto Menace, so spare us the phony indignation, Leftist twat.
Mulatto Menace… but you think Joe is the racist


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