Zone1 What Christianity Says

Without intelligence, I don't see how this world could have come into existence. That leaves us with the question what if God is not good. The only beings we sometimes see true evil in are humans, agree? We cannot look at any human and say, "This or that human is evil." We look at the acts they produce. Slow methods of execution, for example. As abominable as crucifixion was, some people opted for skinning someone alive--which was worse. Think of all the torture devices in human history. The purpose was to annihilate as painfully as possible.
Physical torture = Did God make mosquitos to bite us and spread disease, various worms, bacteria, and viruses that eat us from the inside? Mental torture = Did God make some people autistic, schizophrenic, or feeling like they were in bodies of the wrong gender?
This world and everything you see would not exist

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God. [3] All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. [4] In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
Everything you believe about God you also believe came from God. If he was evil couldn't he lie?
Do you see abortion as a deliberate killing by God, not a physical malfunction of nature? A miscarriage, like any death other than abortion, often results in sorrow. Death with no sorrow...think about it.
You said: "Redemption and the Kingdom of God is within everyone's reach and is for all. God is our loving Father, and He is all inclusive." Seems like a miscarriage contradicts that.
Physical torture = Did God make mosquitos to bite us and spread disease, various worms, bacteria, and viruses that eat us from the inside? Mental torture = Did God make some people autistic, schizophrenic, or feeling like they were in bodies of the wrong gender?
Are there any benefits of physical torture? On the other hand, take a look at any eco-system and the benefits of mosquitoes are there. The same with viruses, as many of them are essential to our physical health.

As far as "gender issues"...please. We need to get over ourselves. We are born into a body, but none of us are the body. I've been female all my life and I can't answer the question of "What does it feel like to be female?" Couldn't tell you. I can tell you what it is like to be me. I can tell you what my body can can give birth, it can nurse an infant--and I made use of it for both, but now that I have no need of it for either, I don't go around wailing it's wrong.

My body has nothing to do with who I am. I had horrible acne most of my life, but I felt no need to wail that I was given the wrong body, that I should have been born into a body with clear skin. Ask a blind or deaf person. Were they given the "right" body, the body that best fits who they are?

Helen Reddy's song with the line, "I am woman watch me roar..." made no sense to me. I have a very small voice. I can't relate to that song, but I could relate to a line of "I am woman watch me whisper."
Are there any benefits of physical torture? On the other hand, take a look at any eco-system and the benefits of mosquitoes are there. The same with viruses, as many of them are essential to our physical health.
I think whatever niche they occupy could be occupied by creatures that don't feed on me.

As far as "gender issues"...please. We need to get over ourselves. We are born into a body, but none of us are the body. I've been female all my life and I can't answer the question of "What does it feel like to be female?" Couldn't tell you. I can tell you what it is like to be me. I can tell you what my body can can give birth, it can nurse an infant--and I made use of it for both, but now that I have no need of it for either, I don't go around wailing it's wrong.
You sound conventionally hetero but have you ever been sexually attracted to another woman? Do you think society would treat you differently?
You sound conventionally hetero but have you ever been sexually attracted to another woman? Do you think society would treat you differently?
I have no idea why others are so interested in their sex lives that they have this fierce need to broadcast it to others...and have others care. I can just imagine this generation's headstones. Here lies John. He was gay. Here lies Beth also known as Ben, Transgender. Here lies Linda, metro-sexual. That's the best and most interesting part of ourselves and our lives? Personally, I would rather discuss my bowel movements. Here lies Meriweather. Regular everyday.

Do I think society would treat me differently? Why? Because all I want to talk about and display is what I do sexually? Then that would probably be due to a lack of interest in my overriding interest of me, myself, and I and what I do with my genitals. Boring.
I have no idea why others are so interested in their sex lives that they have this fierce need to broadcast it to others...and have others care. I can just imagine this generation's headstones. Here lies John. He was gay. Here lies Beth also known as Ben, Transgender. Here lies Linda, metro-sexual. That's the best and most interesting part of ourselves and our lives? Personally, I would rather discuss my bowel movements. Here lies Meriweather. Regular everyday.

Do I think society would treat me differently? Why? Because all I want to talk about and display is what I do sexually? Then that would probably be due to a lack of interest in my overriding interest of me, myself, and I and what I do with my genitals. Boring.
There was a time, not too long ago when other peoples sexuality was the target of condemnation, laws, discrimination, and punishment. It should be boring unless it lands you in court or jail.
The Holy Ghost is part of the Godhead and has a spirit body only. The Father and Son have bodies of flesh and bone as stated in the Bible.
No, Jesus could not have sinned. If he even thought about sinning he would have sinned. Satan had nothing to lose and believes his own garbage.
Your own scholars will tell you i am correct. The Father is not a mortal. that is pure garbage.
Your own scholars will tell you i am correct. The Father is not a mortal. that is pure garbage.
Who said Father in Heaven currently has a mortal body? I didn’t. He has a resurrected perfect Celestial body. Just like Jesus now has. But the Holy Spirit (Ghost) does not.

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