Zone1 What Christianity Says

I'm sure he will answer that God is not subject to the laws he requires of us. And, he would be correct. But, why? Depends on what brand of Christianity you ask for their doctrine. The most common answer would be that "God" is spirit and thus not tempted with a physical body. But, who were the 3rd of Heaven that were cast out? Did they have bodies when they followed Lucifer? They were spirits as well because they did not nor have ever been given a physical body. They obviously sinned without a physical body. That means that "sin" requires knowledge to sin. Other than that, it's just a "mistake." That means that if God is a spirit body personage, he could also sin. But, that could not be so. God is God because he is perfect and said he will lead us back to him for he knows everything about the entire universe. He could not guarantee to save us if he did not know everything and I mean everything. And, certainly not if he could also sin. So, what is the answer. The answer is simple and is in the resurrection of the just. Paul speaks of the resurrection in First Corinthians Chapter 15 where he speaks of a kingdom, glory a mansion where there is no corruption, the Celestial glory or kingdom. And, to reach this, our bodies have to reunite with our spirit bodies in a Celestial resurrection and obtain the Celestial Kingdom or Glory. One of his many mansions. Well, we know that Jehovah came down off His throne, gained a physical body in Jesus Christ. He atoned for our sins and was Celestially resurrected and has no corruption and therefore cannot sin.
Now, the challenge then becomes what about Jehovah before he came down and was resurrected. If you are Christian and believe that the Father and Son are the same person or spirit, then you cannot claim God could not have sinned prior to coming to the earth and being resurrected. To rectify this challenge, the Father and Son would have to be separate and distinct personages. Even more so, the Father would therefore have to be a resurrected being as well into an incorruptible body. Therefore, as man is now, God the Father once was. As God is now, Man may become. Oh yes! Your question proves Mormon Doctrine true and correct if Christianity is the true religion. IN the great council in heaven, Father gathered all his spirit children together, including Jehovah and Lucifer. He explained His plan to give all of his children an opportunity to have all that he has including a physical resurrected body. It's called, the Plan of Salvation or Happiness. Lucifer didn't like the fact we would have to descend to the earth, receive a body, go through all sorts of hardships and experiences, then die, then our spirits go to paradise or hell to await the judgment day and resurrection. And, that most would probably end up in the other two lower levels of Heaven, Terrestrial and Telestial (Stars). So, he said no thank you to making a covenant with Father in Heaven and support His Plan of Salvation. He also stirred up anger and a third of the hosts (spirit children) followed Lucifer and were also cast out never to receive salvation. Lucifer became Satan. On the other hand, Jehovah said that he would follow Father in Heaven and Father in Heaven gave him a position of being the Son of God, with power and authority to be instrumental in the beginnings of the redemption of future mankind. Jehovah and Michael organized the universe under the direction of Heavenly Father and prepare worlds for His spirit children to reside on. Earth was specially made because that is where Father would provide a Savior from sin, Jehovah who would become Jesus the Christ. The remaining two-thirds followed Jehovah and we are that part.
Father in Heaven came from a universe and went through the same things as we are going through. He died and was resurrected and received his mansion, the universe we live in. And, with our mother in Heaven our intelligence which has always existed, receive spirit bodies, much finer of material than physical earthly bodies. Now, we have the same opportunity as Father in Heaven to have all the happiness and salvation He has. So, both the Father and Son are physically resurrected beings perfect and incorruptible without sin. We are made spiritually and physically in their Image going through out testing of our faith. They have given us prophets and apostles to communicate this information to us throughout the ages. And, we have two things to also help us, The light of Christ (our conscience) and The influence and possible gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a spirit still. So, we are made in Father's image and are working to become sinless in the resurrection.
So we are all sinners while God is not. Doesn't that contradict that we are made in his image?
If you read and comprehend the actual content of the Holy will logically deduct that Man is indeed made in the image of God. God is a Spirit, and must be worshiped IN SPIRIT and TRUTH (John 4:24). cannot be mankind's physical appearance that reflects the image of God is a spirit Being, Spirits do not have flesh and blood (Luke 24:39)

How then is man made in the image of God? God breathed man's Spirit into the physical body that was made up from elements common to the earth (by majority CARBON BASED elements) -- Genesis 2:7

The scriptures define death as THE SPIRIT (Life) leaving the body, ".........For, as the body without the Spirit is faith without works is also dead" -- James 2:26

When a person dies.........the flesh goes back to the dust from which it came, but the Spirit returns to God, its judge by laws that define SIN. (Eccl. 12:7)

All men are born perfectly without sin in their life, as Jesus states that the kingdom of God/Heaven is reflected in the life of a Child. (Matthew 18:3) N.T. The Old Law (O.T.) declares basically the same thing ..........the sons of men do not inherit sin from their fathers, each soul is responsible for their own decisions/judgments that lead to sin (Ez. 18:20).

This begs to ask the question........if all men are born into sin, as some religions teach and call it "original sin" (which is not found in any text in the Holy Bible).........was Jesus born (born of a woman, born under the law -- Gal. 4:4) with Original Sin? If not why not?

The Apostle states that sin entered the world by the free will choices made by one man (ADAM) must ACT to choose sin before sin can be imputed upon man (Romans 5:12) Sin is defined as the breaking of God's must break these laws in order to be charged with sin (1 John 3:4)

How then is man LIKE GOD as stated in Genesis? That is made clear with no ambiguity, God is God because He knows the difference between Good and Evil, being omniscient, God always chooses righteousness over, became like God when man garnered the ability to choose between Good and is not omniscient (all knowing) so God declared,

"And the Lord God said, Behold........the man is become as one of US (the Godhead), to know good and evil, now least he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever....." -- Genesis 3:22 God removed Adam and Eve from the Garden He had prepared for them, from that time was cursed to earn his living with the sweat of his brow. (Genesis 3:19).....and to DIE.

Can anyone image a person such as Hitler...........being gifted with immortality? The free will sin of Adam brought physical death to all mankind (Romans 5:12-21).........the sin free life of ONE MAN (Jesus Christ) purchased eternal life of man's spirit through His sacrificial blood......Jesus took the sins of the world upon His sin free body (1 Peter 2:24, 1 John 2:2, John 1:29)
If you read and comprehend the actual content of the Holy will logically deduct that Man is indeed made in the image of God. God is a Spirit, and must be worshiped IN SPIRIT and TRUTH (John 4:24). cannot be mankind's physical appearance that reflects the image of God is a spirit Being, Spirits do not have flesh and blood (Luke 24:39)

How then is man made in the image of God? God breathed man's Spirit into the physical body that was made up from elements common to the earth (by majority CARBON BASED elements) -- Genesis 2:7

The scriptures define death as THE SPIRIT (Life) leaving the body, ".........For, as the body without the Spirit is faith without works is also dead" -- James 2:26

When a person dies.........the flesh goes back to the dust from which it came, but the Spirit returns to God, its judge by laws that define SIN. (Eccl. 12:7)

All men are born perfectly without sin in their life, as Jesus states that the kingdom of God/Heaven is reflected in the life of a Child. (Matthew 18:3) N.T. The Old Law (O.T.) declares basically the same thing ..........the sons of men do not inherit sin from their fathers, each soul is responsible for their own decisions/judgments that lead to sin (Ez. 18:20).

This begs to ask the question........if all men are born into sin, as some religions teach and call it "original sin" (which is not found in any text in the Holy Bible).........was Jesus born (born of a woman, born under the law -- Gal. 4:4) with Original Sin? If not why not?

The Apostle states that sin entered the world by the free will choices made by one man (ADAM) must ACT to choose sin before sin can be imputed upon man (Romans 5:12) Sin is defined as the breaking of God's must break these laws in order to be charged with sin (1 John 3:4)

How then is man LIKE GOD as stated in Genesis? That is made clear with no ambiguity, God is God because He knows the difference between Good and Evil, being omniscient, God always chooses righteousness over, became like God when man garnered the ability to choose between Good and is not omniscient (all knowing) so God declared,

"And the Lord God said, Behold........the man is become as one of US (the Godhead), to know good and evil, now least he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever....." -- Genesis 3:22 God removed Adam and Eve from the Garden He had prepared for them, from that time was cursed to earn his living with the sweat of his brow. (Genesis 3:19).....and to DIE.

Can anyone image a person such as Hitler...........being gifted with immortality? The free will sin of Adam brought physical death to all mankind (Romans 5:12-21).........the sin free life of ONE MAN (Jesus Christ) purchased eternal life of man's spirit through His sacrificial blood......Jesus took the sins of the world upon His sin free body (1 Peter 2:24, 1 John 2:2, John 1:29)
You have only a partial gospel. Jesus said he purposely withheld doctrine and mysteries that the Apostles were commanded not to tell. He also said all the books could not contain all of his words. So, it’s no wonder you lack understanding when it comes to the spiritual and physical make up of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Let’s start with the greatest confusion of Mainstream Christianity. Who is Jesus Christ? Your concept of the Trinity says Jesus Christ is the Father who came down and became Christ.
Jesus Christ said if you have seen me you have seen the Father. So, Jesus died and was resurrected. He showed he was not a ghost or spirit. He even ate food with them. So, explain how he is a spirit with no form so large he fills the universe and yet so small he can dwell in your heart? Are you going to give me the same magical bs with no scriptural evidence of your mysticism? Your logic doesn’t hold up. We must be made in God’s physical image and his spirit must look like his physical image since he first said we are made in his image before Christ.

This means you start with misunderstanding of the scriptures. The Father and Son are separate personages. Elohim, the Father, has had a physical body and no reason to cry about it. For, Jehovah, His Son, was given god status before coming off his thrown to become Jesus the Christ. Why would it be bad for the Father to have a body since Jesus now has a glorified body and God. No reason to believe their power and authority is any less. The Glorified body doesn’t limit anything except to those who try and make it all mysterious.
You have only a partial gospel. Jesus said he purposely withheld doctrine and mysteries that the Apostles were commanded not to tell. He also said all the books could not contain all of his words. So, it’s no wonder you lack understanding when it comes to the spiritual and physical make up of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Let’s start with the greatest confusion of Mainstream Christianity. Who is Jesus Christ? Your concept of the Trinity says Jesus Christ is the Father who came down and became Christ.
Jesus Christ said if you have seen me you have seen the Father. So, Jesus died and was resurrected. He showed he was not a ghost or spirit. He even ate food with them. So, explain how he is a spirit with no form so large he fills the universe and yet so small he can dwell in your heart? Are you going to give me the same magical bs with no scriptural evidence of your mysticism? Your logic doesn’t hold up. We must be made in God’s physical image and his spirit must look like his physical image since he first said we are made in his image before Christ.

This means you start with misunderstanding of the scriptures. The Father and Son are separate personages. Elohim, the Father, has had a physical body and no reason to cry about it. For, Jehovah, His Son, was given god status before coming off his thrown to become Jesus the Christ. Why would it be bad for the Father to have a body since Jesus now has a glorified body and God. No reason to believe their power and authority is any less. The Glorified body doesn’t limit anything except to those who try and make it all mysterious.

Nothing puffed up about your post :abgg2q.jpg: Your entire post is nothing but Subjective Ad Hominem BS. Nothing is documented by book, chapter and verse, its all personal interpretation, which is forbidden because it causes confusion. (2 Peter 1:20) ".........the sword of the Spirit (Holy Spirit), which is the word of God." -- Eph. 6:17

You go Beyond what is written..........why? Because the actual content of the scriptures contradict your cult's doctrine, "..........that you may learn in us (the Apostles and disciples of Christ)......NOT TO THINK BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN THAT NONE OF YOU MAY BE PUFFED UP ON BEHALF OF ONE AGAINST ANOTHER." -- 1 Cor. 4:6

Present one post submitted by ME........that is not backed entirely by the actual content of the Holy Scriptures.

The scriptures are the only weapon against cult's such as you represent.........because TRUTH is the weapon of defense against the great deceiver (Satan). -- Eph. 6:11-24. Not only does your cult "think beyond what is written........" you have introduced entire volumes of lies and deceit written not by the Holy Spirit of Truth........but by man almost 2000 years after the last Apostle of Christ died.

Why do you refuse to present the book, chapter and verse? Simple, every time you attempt to document your lies by use the Holy Scriptures.........its so easy to establish the fact that you take single passages away from the subject matter and contextual integrity of the entire chapter and twist them around to your own destruction. (2 Peter 3:16)
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Nothing puffed up about your post :abgg2q.jpg: Your entire post is nothing but Subjective Ad Hominem BS. Nothing is documented by book, chapter and verse, its all personal interpretation, which is forbidden because it causes confusion. (2 Peter 1:20) ".........the sword of the Spirit (Holy Spirit), which is the word of God." -- Eph. 6:17

You go Beyond what is written..........why? Because the actual content of the scriptures contradict your cult's doctrine, "..........that you may learn in us (the Apostles and disciples of Christ)......NOT TO THINK BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN THAT NONE OF YOU MAY BE PUFFED UP ON BEHALF OF ONE AGAINST ANOTHER." -- 1 Cor. 4:6

Present one post submitted by ME........that is not backed entirely by the actual content of the Holy Scriptures.

The scriptures are the only weapon against cult's such as you represent.........because TRUTH is the weapon of defense against the great deceiver (Satan). -- Eph. 6:11-24. Not only does your cult "think beyond what is written........" you have introduced entire volumes of lies and deceit written not by the Holy Spirit of Truth........but by man almost 2000 years after the last Apostle of Christ died.

Why do you refuse to present the book, chapter and verse? Simple, every time you attempt to document your lies by use the Holy Scriptures.........its so easy to establish the fact that you take single passages away from the subject matter and contextual integrity of the entire chapter and twist them around to your own destruction. (2 Peter 3:16)
Puffed up people talk before they think. What I wrote is in the New Testament. Like I said, you only regurgitate that which your preachers want you to know. Careful what you wish for.
Nothing puffed up about your post :abgg2q.jpg: Your entire post is nothing but Subjective Ad Hominem BS. Nothing is documented by book, chapter and verse, its all personal interpretation, which is forbidden because it causes confusion. (2 Peter 1:20) ".........the sword of the Spirit (Holy Spirit), which is the word of God." -- Eph. 6:17

You go Beyond what is written..........why? Because the actual content of the scriptures contradict your cult's doctrine, "..........that you may learn in us (the Apostles and disciples of Christ)......NOT TO THINK BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN THAT NONE OF YOU MAY BE PUFFED UP ON BEHALF OF ONE AGAINST ANOTHER." -- 1 Cor. 4:6

Present one post submitted by ME........that is not backed entirely by the actual content of the Holy Scriptures.

The scriptures are the only weapon against cult's such as you represent.........because TRUTH is the weapon of defense against the great deceiver (Satan). -- Eph. 6:11-24. Not only does your cult "think beyond what is written........" you have introduced entire volumes of lies and deceit written not by the Holy Spirit of Truth........but by man almost 2000 years after the last Apostle of Christ died.

Why do you refuse to present the book, chapter and verse? Simple, every time you attempt to document your lies by use the Holy Scriptures.........its so easy to establish the fact that you take single passages away from the subject matter and contextual integrity of the entire chapter and twist them around to your own destruction. (2 Peter 3:16)
"You have only a partial gospel. Jesus said he purposely withheld doctrine and mysteries that the Apostles were commanded not to tell. He also said all the books could not contain all of his words."
Mark 8: 29 And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter nswereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ. 30 And he charged them that they should tell no man of him.
John 21: 23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? 24 This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. 25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
All men are born perfectly without sin in their life, as Jesus states that the kingdom of God/Heaven is reflected in the life of a Child. (Matthew 18:3) N.T.
Does this mean that aborted babies and newborns are guaranteed a place in heaven? So if I loved my children, I'd kill them before they could sin. I'd go to hell and they would lose a few decades of life but that seems a small price for an eternal spot in heaven.

The Old Law (O.T.) declares basically the same thing ..........the sons of men do not inherit sin from their fathers, each soul is responsible for their own decisions/judgments that lead to sin (Ez. 18:20).
When do they become 'responsible'?

The Apostle states that sin entered the world by the free will choices made by one man (ADAM) must ACT to choose sin before sin can be imputed upon man (Romans 5:12) Sin is defined as the breaking of God's must break these laws in order to be charged with sin (1 John 3:4)

How then is man LIKE GOD as stated in Genesis? That is made clear with no ambiguity, God is God because He knows the difference between Good and Evil, being omniscient, God always chooses righteousness over, became like God when man garnered the ability to choose between Good and Evil
Adam disobeyed God but, at the time, he didn't know Good and Evil. Seems an unfair judgement to me.

The free will sin of Adam brought physical death to all mankind (Romans 5:12-21)
Doesn't this contradict your previous sentence, "each soul is responsible for their own decisions/judgments that lead to sin"?
Does this mean that aborted babies and newborns are guaranteed a place in heaven? So if I loved my children, I'd kill them before they could sin. I'd go to hell and they would lose a few decades of life but that seems a small price for an eternal spot in heaven.

When do they become 'responsible'?

Adam disobeyed God but, at the time, he didn't know Good and Evil. Seems an unfair judgement to me.

Doesn't this contradict your previous sentence, "each soul is responsible for their own decisions/judgments that lead to sin"?
Do you think the story of Adam and Eve was literal?
Does this mean that aborted babies and newborns are guaranteed a place in heaven? So if I loved my children, I'd kill them before they could sin. I'd go to hell and they would lose a few decades of life but that seems a small price for an eternal spot in heaven.

When do they become 'responsible'?

Adam disobeyed God but, at the time, he didn't know Good and Evil. Seems an unfair judgement to me.

Doesn't this contradict your previous sentence, "each soul is responsible for their own decisions/judgments that lead to sin"?
It's POETRY-------try to appreciate POETRY
Does this mean that aborted babies and newborns are guaranteed a place in heaven? So if I loved my children, I'd kill them before they could sin. I'd go to hell and they would lose a few decades of life but that seems a small price for an eternal spot in heaven.

When do they become 'responsible'?

Adam disobeyed God but, at the time, he didn't know Good and Evil. Seems an unfair judgement to me.

Doesn't this contradict your previous sentence, "each soul is responsible for their own decisions/judgments that lead to sin"?
Would you condemn your children to hell if they die before they reach the ability to sin? Is this a catch 22? In my mind, NO! I love my children and want them to live a full life as I have with all the trials and tribulations! If they were to have died prior to age 8, the age in which they know good and evil and can sin, I'm happy to know I'll see them and they will be in the highest degree of Celestial Glory (First Corinthians chapter 15). That way, Myself and my family have the opportunity to live together forever. You, on the other hand, will not be afforded that since you killed your baby born or unborn and will not be in the Celestial Glory. You are free to choose. But, you are not free to kill.

Adam disobeyed a commandment. Thus, he opened up the opportunity for all of God's children in heaven without a physical body to progress to Godhood, to come and receive their bodies and be tested for the highest state or resurrection, Celestial Glory. This could not happen except for Eve's best choice and Adam to realize it is the best choice as well for all. Therefore, Father in Heaven promised to provide a Savior for Adam and Even and all their children on down who would atone for their disobedience after all they can do to repent. Thus, a fair decisions seeing that Adam and Eve both covenanted in the pre-earth life to come down and do this. Michael, the Arc Angel, and the spirit girl for Eve came down and did exactly what was planned. So, it's all fair.
Would you condemn your children to hell if they die before they reach the ability to sin? Is this a catch 22?
I thought they'd be guaranteed them a place in heaven if they were aborted or died young. Is that wrong?

In my mind, NO! I love my children and want them to live a full life as I have with all the trials and tribulations! If they were to have died prior to age 8, the age in which they know good and evil and can sin, I'm happy to know I'll see them and they will be in the highest degree of Celestial Glory (First Corinthians chapter 15). That way, Myself and my family have the opportunity to live together forever. You, on the other hand, will not be afforded that since you killed your baby born or unborn and will not be in the Celestial Glory. You are free to choose. But, you are not free to kill.
I'm doomed but my children would be in heaven for eternity. Seems like they might choose to forego the trials and tribulations of this life since it is not so good as heaven. Or is it? If you asked people in hell if they'd have preferred to be aborted I wonder what they'd say?
I'm doomed but my children would be in heaven for eternity.
Without you...

How would you feel knowing one or both of your own parents were doomed and beyond your reach? Would you feel you missed an integral part of existence? Is that something you would wish on your own children?
f you asked people in hell if they'd have preferred to be aborted I wonder what they'd say?
Hell is a chosen separation from God. By your definition, you robbed your children of their choice and now they are with God when they might have chosen otherwise. You are choosing doom for yourself and robbing your child of the same choice.
Does this mean that aborted babies and newborns are guaranteed a place in heaven? So if I loved my children, I'd kill them before they could sin. I'd go to hell and they would lose a few decades of life but that seems a small price for an eternal spot in heaven.

When do they become 'responsible'?

Adam disobeyed God but, at the time, he didn't know Good and Evil. Seems an unfair judgement to me.

Doesn't this contradict your previous sentence, "each soul is responsible for their own decisions/judgments that lead to sin"? borns, children, even the mentally challenged have a place reserved in Heaven, because these examples of humanity do not have the ability...i.e, the comprehension skills to know evil from righteousness......the scriptures provide an example of this Just as Jesus stated, The Kingdom of God...i.e, the church given to Jesus by the Father (Matthew 16) compared to an innocent child. Jesus states that We as adults must CONVERT and become as little children to enter the kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 18:3)

Jesus' words, "Blessed are the poor in spirit (mind), for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven......" -- Matthew 5:3-5

Every man is responsible for their own salvation (Phil. 2:12)when they reach the age of Reason and become " one of US...(GOD), knowing good from evil." -- Gen. 3:22

There is no contradiction........the scriptures make the distinction between the physical and the spiritual. Due to Adman's sin all mankind was sentenced to physically die......because all men sin " by one man sin (Adam is the subject matter) entered the world; AND DEATH BY SIN, and so death passed unto all men....for that all have sinned." -- Romans 5:12 All men physically die...... because sin entered the world. But the scriptures explain........the Spirit, through the sacrificial blood of Christ can be saved......BECAUSE, "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man's obedience many shall be made righteous." -- Romans 5:19

Jesus took upon Himself the sin of the world (1 John 2:2, 1 Peter 2:24)........thus, salvation through GRACE is obtained for the eternal spirit of man. This grace is conditional.......just as is any last will and order to receive this gift of forgiveness of sin, one must Obey the words presented by Jesus Christ (John 12:48, 14:14,). The word/instruction of Jesus will be our final judge. Jesus is our advocate........standing between our sins and God. (1 John 2:1)
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I thought they'd be guaranteed them a place in heaven if they were aborted or died young. Is that wrong?

I'm doomed but my children would be in heaven for eternity. Seems like they might choose to forego the trials and tribulations of this life since it is not so good as heaven. Or is it? If you asked people in hell if they'd have preferred to be aborted I wonder what they'd say? you are in my wheelhouse. I believe we came from a more exalted sphere. We lived with our Heavenly Parents. All hundred billion or more. When Heavenly Father told us all of His Plan of Salvation and Exaltation to be able to progress to the next step in our evolution to inherit all he has (our own universes) we all agreed to descend to earth and gain a physical body. Not only did we agree to go through these trials and tribulations, we covenanted with Father in Heaven to do our very best with what we have. He gave us something we call "The Light of Christ" which fills the universe so that we can know what is good and what is evil. The atonement will take care of anything we lack. It's very comforting to those who lost a child to know they will be with them if they keep the commandments and covenants made at baptism and in the Temple where we are sealed for all eternity as families. If you lack wisdom on this, ask of God with real intent, faith not wavering and without a double mind he will give it to you. Then, find your nearest Mormon Missionary and learn instead of thinking you know everything. Pride, pride, pride. The downfall of all civilizations.
Hell is a chosen separation from God. By your definition, you robbed your children of their choice and now they are with God when they might have chosen otherwise. You are choosing doom for yourself and robbing your child of the same choice.
I guess the issue is I have no real conception of heaven or hell. Hard to make informed decisions without enough information.

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