Zone1 What Christianity Says

Hebrew scholars say that phrase in their Hebrew written OT does not translate-i am that i am--They are correct. So its only found in trinity translation to twist what Jesus actually said.
No, your scholars say this false stuff. The same ones who blew the date of the end of the earth. No reason to believe your scholars.
Actually, without the spirit of God, man cannot be anything but carnal and devilish. You would not know the difference of good or evil, caring or not caring.
Those in Noahs day loved their family and friends, Hitler loved his family and friends.
Those in Noahs day loved their family and friends, Hitler loved his family and friends.
No they didn’t love. They had pure hate in them. They stabbed their families and friends in the back and killed those who would help the Jews and others. Same sort of thing in the days of Noah. Leave it to the JWs to not know what love is.
Good luck with that. I suspect any description you can come up with is contradicted by some other bit of scripture.
...and supported by more. The Old Testament does point out that God's emotions are not human emotions, but that when an emotion (such as jealousy or anger) are attributed to God, it is not so much God's emotion but a reaction that humans understand.

Writing, "We cannot make out God's emotions" or "Emotion from God could not be detected" would make God seem impassive or unemotional. My description of God did not describe His emotions, but His being. Love, caring, goodness--and free will matters. It wasn't that He 'felt' that way about me--it is the way He is towards ALL, because that is who He IS.
Is there really "good" and "evil" or is that a tag people put on other people?
If you don’t know, then you could do a lot of evil things and not care.
...and supported by more. The Old Testament does point out that God's emotions are not human emotions, but that when an emotion (such as jealousy or anger) are attributed to God, it is not so much God's emotion but a reaction that humans understand.

Writing, "We cannot make out God's emotions" or "Emotion from God could not be detected" would make God seem impassive or unemotional. My description of God did not describe His emotions, but His being. Love, caring, goodness--and free will matters. It wasn't that He 'felt' that way about me--it is the way He is towards ALL, because that is who He IS.
God is no respecter of men (mankind)
He always loves us but, he will discipline any one of us with clear judgmental reasons without nepotism or political or wealth of an individual. He is a God of order. His house is a house of prayer.
God is no respecter of men (mankind)
He always loves us but, he will discipline any one of us with clear judgmental reasons without nepotism or political or wealth of an individual. He is a God of order. His house is a house of prayer.
Now that is something to which I cannot testify. Experiences of God seem to be narrowly focused, and mine certainly were. For example, while I believe God is Creator and created the world, I cannot testify to that. It is my own experience God is a great respecter of mankind--that His love, care, and value of free will is all encompassing. It is who He is.

Now, God may be a great number of other things. I am only testifying to that which I know/have personally experienced, not to what I believe. My testimony is that God is love and that love encompasses all; He cares about the small things in our lives; He honors free will.

I do try to be clear between my beliefs versus the teensy bit I have actually experienced. That's only right and fair. I am also okay with people (mainly atheists) suggesting that I may have had a temporary brain glitch. I know that I did not, but I understand people hypothesizing about alternate possibilities--because I reflect on alternate possibilities on all things all the time. Good habit to have. In my opinion.
Now that is something to which I cannot testify. Experiences of God seem to be narrowly focused, and mine certainly were. For example, while I believe God is Creator and created the world, I cannot testify to that. It is my own experience God is a great respecter of mankind--that His love, care, and value of free will is all encompassing. It is who He is.

Now, God may be a great number of other things. I am only testifying to that which I know/have personally experienced, not to what I believe. My testimony is that God is love and that love encompasses all; He cares about the small things in our lives; He honors free will.

I do try to be clear between my beliefs versus the teensy bit I have actually experienced. That's only right and fair. I am also okay with people (mainly atheists) suggesting that I may have had a temporary brain glitch. I know that I did not, but I understand people hypothesizing about alternate possibilities--because I reflect on alternate possibilities on all things all the time. Good habit to have. In my opinion.
Romans 2: 11 - 16, "For there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) In the day when God shall ajudge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel."
If you don’t know, then you could do a lot of evil things and not care.
Deeply religious people can do some very cruel things, slavery comes to mind, and still be considered godly.

God is no respecter of men (mankind)
He always loves us but, he will discipline any one of us with clear judgmental reasons without nepotism or political or wealth of an individual. He is a God of order. His house is a house of prayer.
Lovely sentiment but the real world doesn't reflect it.
...and supported by more. The Old Testament does point out that God's emotions are not human emotions, but that when an emotion (such as jealousy or anger) are attributed to God, it is not so much God's emotion but a reaction that humans understand.

Writing, "We cannot make out God's emotions" or "Emotion from God could not be detected" would make God seem impassive or unemotional. My description of God did not describe His emotions, but His being. Love, caring, goodness--and free will matters. It wasn't that He 'felt' that way about me--it is the way He is towards ALL, because that is who He IS.
You paint a lovely picture but the world I see is full of ugliness. You may place all the blame on man and none on God but He knew exactly what He was doing when He made this world.
No they didn’t love. They had pure hate in them. They stabbed their families and friends in the back and killed those who would help the Jews and others. Same sort of thing in the days of Noah. Leave it to the JWs to not know what love is.
The majority of mortals love their families and friends. Its not the Love required in the new covenant. One must give that same love to their enemies as well. Few can.
Deeply religious people can do some very cruel things, slavery comes to mind, and still be considered godly.

Lovely sentiment but the real world doesn't reflect it.
Ah, "religious." That doesn't mean much. People who appear to be religious can do some very cruel things. People who are actually in tune with the Holy Ghost will not do cruel things. However, a person can lose the influence of the Holy Ghost by simply being deceived and enticed by evil people. Happens all the time. How do good girls and fine young men end up hookers and in gangs killing people? External influences enticing them to think life would be better doing what they know is wrong. Peer pressure and evil Governments do this often.

The real world does reflect this. We see the degeneration of the U.S. society with all the wokeness and crime that has increased. The slippery slope has become a vertical free fall and happens to parallel the increase in wickedness in our people.
You paint a lovely picture but the world I see is full of ugliness. You may place all the blame on man and none on God but He knew exactly what He was doing when He made this world.
Children at play. In case you have no experience with that, when children are free to play in house and yard all sorts of things happen. Spills, breaks, messes, fights along with all the good, fun stuff. Why do we parents not keep our children in a corner or set high on a protected shelf? It is because we know whatever they get into, however bad the mess, we are capable of fixing it or cleaning it up--no matter how ugly things were left. That clean-up doesn't happen Mary Poppins style with a snap of the fingers, either.

God brings good out of evil, beauty out of ugliness, not instantly with a snap of the fingers, but patiently, carefully over time. I have seen God work this way in my own life. Something that I thought would take an instant to bring about took four years. When it all snapped into place, I was in awe.

When you were a child and were sent off to play, how much thought did you give to instant perfection, and then keeping all around you in perfect order, clean, and sterile? I don't know about you, but my siblings and I were big fans of playing in the dirt. One day when my mother was fussing at all the fingerprints left around my grandparents house, my grandmother told her, "After the kids leave, I don't bother washing them away until about a week before the next time I know you will be visiting. I enjoy seeing their little finger and footprints scattered about the house."
Ah, "religious." That doesn't mean much. People who appear to be religious can do some very cruel things. People who are actually in tune with the Holy Ghost will not do cruel things. However, a person can lose the influence of the Holy Ghost by simply being deceived and enticed by evil people. Happens all the time. How do good girls and fine young men end up hookers and in gangs killing people? External influences enticing them to think life would be better doing what they know is wrong. Peer pressure and evil Governments do this often.

The real world does reflect this. We see the degeneration of the U.S. society with all the wokeness and crime that has increased. The slippery slope has become a vertical free fall and happens to parallel the increase in wickedness in our people.
This is called the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
Children at play. In case you have no experience with that, when children are free to play in house and yard all sorts of things happen. Spills, breaks, messes, fights along with all the good, fun stuff. Why do we parents not keep our children in a corner or set high on a protected shelf? It is because we know whatever they get into, however bad the mess, we are capable of fixing it or cleaning it up--no matter how ugly things were left. That clean-up doesn't happen Mary Poppins style with a snap of the fingers, either.

God brings good out of evil, beauty out of ugliness, not instantly with a snap of the fingers, but patiently, carefully over time. I have seen God work this way in my own life. Something that I thought would take an instant to bring about took four years. When it all snapped into place, I was in awe.

When you were a child and were sent off to play, how much thought did you give to instant perfection, and then keeping all around you in perfect order, clean, and sterile? I don't know about you, but my siblings and I were big fans of playing in the dirt. One day when my mother was fussing at all the fingerprints left around my grandparents house, my grandmother told her, "After the kids leave, I don't bother washing them away until about a week before the next time I know you will be visiting. I enjoy seeing their little finger and footprints scattered about the house."
My kids grew up and moved out but no matter they do I'd never banish them forever.
You are a faggot of Fake crap , OP .
Take your dirty thinking elsewhere .
The Essene Monk did not want to see or hear pretentious rubbish like yours .
You write as a son of the spawn .
Good on you. The religious yahoos need this Zone 1 protection

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