Zone1 What Christianity Says

I guess the issue is I have no real conception of heaven or hell. Hard to make informed decisions without enough information.
Heaven could be defined as with God/Goodness
Hell could be defined without God/Goodness

Goodness is service to others. Do we choose an eternity of service to others, or do we prefer an eternity of selfishness.

It appears that obedience to God/Goodness leads to one kind of life; Disobedience to God/Goodness takes us in another direction.

In story form obedience to God/Goodness led to life in a garden. Disobedience led to work and thistles.

Your concept of trying to ensure your child has a heavenly afterlife may have good intentions. The concept of sacrificing yourself for another, also seems like good intentions. God judges what is in the heart. Any hint of selfishness in the abortion? Only God knows, but God can work with goodness. You might end up in an eternity of service after all. ;)
Heaven could be defined as with God/Goodness
Hell could be defined without God/Goodness

Goodness is service to others. Do we choose an eternity of service to others, or do we prefer an eternity of selfishness.

It appears that obedience to God/Goodness leads to one kind of life; Disobedience to God/Goodness takes us in another direction.

In story form obedience to God/Goodness led to life in a garden. Disobedience led to work and thistles.

Your concept of trying to ensure your child has a heavenly afterlife may have good intentions. The concept of sacrificing yourself for another, also seems like good intentions. God judges what is in the heart. Any hint of selfishness in the abortion? Only God knows, but God can work with goodness. You might end up in an eternity of service after all. ;)
I like your comment about selfishness and abortion. Thanks!
Heaven could be defined as with God/Goodness
Hell could be defined without God/Goodness
God is not a part of my life now and I'm quite happy. Is this what hell is like? No demons with pitchforks?

Goodness is service to others. Do we choose an eternity of service to others, or do we prefer an eternity of selfishness.
People in heaven need services?

It appears that obedience to God/Goodness leads to one kind of life; Disobedience to God/Goodness takes us in another direction.

In story form obedience to God/Goodness led to life in a garden. Disobedience led to work and thistles.

Your concept of trying to ensure your child has a heavenly afterlife may have good intentions. The concept of sacrificing yourself for another, also seems like good intentions. God judges what is in the heart. Any hint of selfishness in the abortion? Only God knows, but God can work with goodness. You might end up in an eternity of service after all. ;)
Maybe you'll see me there after all since the entrance exam seems pretty flexible.
God is not a part of my life now and I'm quite happy. Is this what hell is like? No demons with pitchforks?
Have never been there myself, but I suspect we carry our own demons with us wherever we go.
People in heaven need services?
1. God is Creator. And, we are a creative people. I suspect we will create.
2. I doubt that heaven is a place where we sit alone utterly content doing nothing and fulfilled with no one else around.
Not a lot of detail there. I wouldn't even plan a weekend vacation with that info, I should plan my whole life on it?
Pretty much. Here’s a thought. The OT says transgender stuff is an abomination. Deut.22:5. What intrigues me is a man feels they are in the wrong body and visa versa. They have a unique sense they are spirit inside a physical body. Yet, they are often atheists as well. The problem is they are in the right body yet somewhere they get a reprobate mind to not believe that which is true. Now, why cannot more heterosexuals feel their spirit inside their body?
Why do I bring this up? Because our spirits existed in Heaven with Father in Heaven. It’s a real place. So, I only know of one Church that fully understands this. And, that we have more clear information about this from God to His Prophets. We came down from heaven all children of our Heavenly Parents and will have the opportunity to return and eventually resurrected. So, before I go on, questions?
Pretty much. Here’s a thought. The OT says transgender stuff is an abomination. Deut.22:5. What intrigues me is a man feels they are in the wrong body and visa versa. They have a unique sense they are spirit inside a physical body. Yet, they are often atheists as well. The problem is they are in the right body yet somewhere they get a reprobate mind to not believe that which is true. Now, why cannot more heterosexuals feel their spirit inside their body?
Why do I bring this up? Because our spirits existed in Heaven with Father in Heaven. It’s a real place. So, I only know of one Church that fully understands this. And, that we have more clear information about this from God to His Prophets. We came down from heaven all children of our Heavenly Parents and will have the opportunity to return and eventually resurrected. So, before I go on, questions?
No need to go on. I appreciate your time and effort but scripture alone has never been convincing to me. If you can bind it up with physical or historical evidence, add a touch of logic, and slice it all up with Occam's razor, then you have my attention.
No need to go on. I appreciate your time and effort but scripture alone has never been convincing to me. If you can bind it up with physical or historical evidence, add a touch of logic, and slice it all up with Occam's razor, then you have my attention.
I actually did just that. Some people can sense the spirit in our physical body. Transgenders do this. But, historically, those not committing abominations also do. Prophets and Apostles understood this and talk about it. After the resurrection, Jesus met up with his disciples, probably apostles, and they thought they were seeing a spirit. They knew there’s a separation of spirit and earthly body meaning the two come together sometime after conception.
Other people around the world have written books on consciously leaving the body and going to other places. All throughout history. It’s really almost impossible to separate history and religion. They have always pretty much joined together. So, I did simplify this by taking a lot of mysticism out of what Christians usually do. We are spirit children of Heavenly Father and Mother. We came to the earth for a reason. One, to receive our physical bodies. Two, by faith, return to Heaven after doing our very best. Heaven is a physical place. So is earth.
I don’t know what else you want.
The first part does since even within Christianity there are mixed messages as to the nature of God.
What worked for me was the instruction to seek and find God for oneself. It was amazing. Love, caring, goodness. It is not hard to find ways to serve love, to serve with love. To serve goodness and to become good at how one serves. I discovered caring is so much better than not caring.
I actually did just that. Some people can sense the spirit in our physical body. Transgenders do this. But, historically, those not committing abominations also do. Prophets and Apostles understood this and talk about it. After the resurrection, Jesus met up with his disciples, probably apostles, and they thought they were seeing a spirit. They knew there’s a separation of spirit and earthly body meaning the two come together sometime after conception.
Other people around the world have written books on consciously leaving the body and going to other places. All throughout history. It’s really almost impossible to separate history and religion. They have always pretty much joined together. So, I did simplify this by taking a lot of mysticism out of what Christians usually do. We are spirit children of Heavenly Father and Mother. We came to the earth for a reason. One, to receive our physical bodies. Two, by faith, return to Heaven after doing our very best. Heaven is a physical place. So is earth.
I don’t know what else you want.
You talk about spirit and you lose me. Where in the physical universe is heaven?
What worked for me was the instruction to seek and find God for oneself. It was amazing. Love, caring, goodness. It is not hard to find ways to serve love, to serve with love. To serve goodness and to become good at how one serves. I discovered caring is so much better than not caring.
I like to think man does not need God to be caring.
Already proved me right and you are wrong. “I Am” proves it.
Hebrew scholars say that phrase in their Hebrew written OT does not translate-i am that i am--They are correct. So its only found in trinity translation to twist what Jesus actually said.
You talk about spirit and you lose me. Where in the physical universe is heaven?
We have always existed in pure intelligence. Father and Mother in Heaven had children. Their children look like us but not of earthly material. Our spirit bodies are of a more finer material, spirit. Our intelligences were placed in our spirit bodies. This takes place where Father and Mother rule from. Near a star named Kolob. It’s not known if Kolob is in our universe, in another dimension or outside our universe.

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