Zone1 What Christianity Says

Not one is really saved, until they have endured until their end( Matt 10:22) living now to do Jesus Fathers will over self. ( Matt 7:21)- in this satan ruled system( 2 Cor 4:4)--all who are living now to do Jesus' Fathers will are in a saved position now, but it can change.
You are no ones judge.
First of all, Christianity is way more strict than Islam or any other religion. The reason why it doesn't seem that way is because today many Christians don't practice the religion the way it is presented in the bible. But if you were to focus on another period of time in Christian history, say for example Medieval times, then Christianity looks a lot like Islam in practice with women separated from men, not allowed to preach (as Saint Paul says in the bible), not allowed to accentuate their appearance with jewelry, and strongly admonished to cover their hair. Sound familiar?
The West has moved on since then. Islam, for the most part, at least not in less Western leaning nations, has not.
But why is Christianity more strict than other religions? The short answer is the issue of "sin." In Christianity, the actual standard for goodness and acceptance into heaven is so high that basically no one can get to heaven on their own. It doesn't matter how much you pray or fast or sacrifice or whatever. Sin is a condition that is beyond anything possible for humans to eradicate on their own. Which in a way makes sense given that the way it entered the world was through a supernatural encounter with an evil force, logically it leaves the world through an equally supernatural encounter with a good force.
There is nothing humans can do. And if you take an honest look at human history the past five thousand or so years that should be obvious. No matter how fervently any certain people or religion, including Christianity itself, has tried to change the world for the better through force or even through more constructive and peaceful means, disaster, war, and strife has often resulted. The human condition of sin itself is the culprit, not human effort. The problem runs way deeper than we realize. Like software, the human spirit cannot be seen, but it is human software itself that is corrupted and in need of a reboot, not patches here or there and certainly not more of the same.
Sin is a part of everyday life. Jesus Himself said just looking at a woman with lust in your heart is sin. Also, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven. the book of 1st John, verses 3 and 4, just hating your brother is equal to murder and you cannot see God if you will not see your brother. These are just a few high standards that no one can achieve, but in case anyone thinks they can, perhaps the highest standard of all is being born without sin. It means no one is good. Psalm 14:3 "no one does good. No not one." And Romans 3:23 "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
In the entire history of humankind, only three humans have known what it is like to be without sin. The first two were Adam and Eve, who very briefly were without sin, before they fell. Everyone but one born from then on was born in sin inherited from Adam and Eve, like a virus in a computer program that spread from one generation to the next all the way down.
The only way to interrupt that algorithm, that error in programming that originated with Adam and Eve, was to break that connection altogether. And the only way to do that was for a person to be born supernaturally with no mortal father, thereby no mortal connection to Adam and Eve.
Done by Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, God being His father, not man, and born and lived without sin. The new Adam, and a second chance for mankind. Then sacrificed for mankind so that every person can join Him in a new program, a new version of humankind, and one which was the original intention.
All it takes is belief in Him. Then all the prayers and fasting and living a moral life now matters.
All preachers taught in the schools of men do not belong to Jesus. They get paid to teach a certain brand of dogma, and they teach little of what Jesus actually taught.
These believe in Jesus-Matt 7:22-23--but will hear these words-Get away from me you who work iniquity(lawlessness) i must confess i never even knew you, at judgement. The problem for them is--They worked iniquity( practiced a sin)--So it takes much more than just believing and doing powerful works in Jesus' name.
In the first place one MUST have truth, Its the only worship Jesus' Father excepts(John 4:22-24)-- Teachers taught in the schools of men are seriously lacking Truth. Jesus' real teachers get holy spirit to guide them into all truth=1 truth belongs to God. Trinity based religions have hundreds of different truths-Why= a lack of holy spirit.
All preachers taught in the schools of men do not belong to Jesus. They get paid to teach a certain brand of dogma, and they teach little of what Jesus actually taught.
These believe in Jesus-Matt 7:22-23--but will hear these words-Get away from me you who work iniquity(lawlessness) i must confess i never even knew you, at judgement. The problem for them is--They worked iniquity( practiced a sin)--So it takes much more than just believing and doing powerful works in Jesus' name.
In the first place one MUST have truth, Its the only worship Jesus' Father excepts(John 4:22-24)-- Teachers taught in the schools of men are seriously lacking Truth. Jesus' real teachers get holy spirit to guide them into all truth=1 truth belongs to God. Trinity based religions have hundreds of different truths-Why= a lack of holy spirit.
You don't go to church, do you?
All preachers taught in the schools of men do not belong to Jesus. They get paid to teach a certain brand of dogma, and they teach little of what Jesus actually taught.
These believe in Jesus-Matt 7:22-23--but will hear these words-Get away from me you who work iniquity(lawlessness) i must confess i never even knew you, at judgement. The problem for them is--They worked iniquity( practiced a sin)--So it takes much more than just believing and doing powerful works in Jesus' name.
In the first place one MUST have truth, Its the only worship Jesus' Father excepts(John 4:22-24)-- Teachers taught in the schools of men are seriously lacking Truth. Jesus' real teachers get holy spirit to guide them into all truth=1 truth belongs to God. Trinity based religions have hundreds of different truths-Why= a lack of holy spirit.
Ummm, Jesus is talking about JWs who belittle Jesus Christ and have butchered the Bible. Can’t predict the end of days either. Way off!
You don't go to church, do you?
I attended different trinity based religions in my day looking for Jesus. Then i studied Jesus teachings and could clearly see they did not belong to him. the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers all the way as does true God worship history=0 doubt in all creation, in every translation on Earth.
I attended different trinity based religions in my day looking for Jesus. Then i studied Jesus teachings and could clearly see they did not belong to him. the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers all the way as does true God worship history=0 doubt in all creation, in every translation on Earth.
You're JW???
Ummm, Jesus is talking about JWs who belittle Jesus Christ and have butchered the Bible. Can’t predict the end of days either. Way off!

I forget you're a futurist. Hal Lindsey is the modern promoter of the end days scenario and the rapture.
How do they belittle him? Just curious.
They don’t believe he’s the So of the Father and God. They don’t believe Jesus is Jehovah who came off his thrown to atone for our sins and returned in his resurrection. They instead believe Jesus is Michael even though Jesus said he’s the great I Am.

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