What climate change? I don't see no stinking climate change!!!

Plants also love CO2.
By the way, I believe that a person's tan is a direct analogue of plant greening in the sun. Human has an analogue of photosynthesis, he absorbs solar energy.

What "scientists" say about this is an obvious lie. They say the darkening of the skin is UV protection. But in fact, a dark color absorbs and not repels radiation.
Rigby5 If mass is a measure of inertia, then the mass in water is greater than the mass in air (by definition). How do they explain it?
By the way, I believe that a person's tan is a direct analogue of plant greening in the sun. Human has an analogue of photosynthesis, he absorbs solar energy.

What "scientists" say about this is an obvious lie. They say the darkening of the skin is UV protection. But in fact, a dark color absorbs and not repels radiation.

Dark colors also block light more.
If you want "black out drapes", they are black, not white.
White shades still let in light.
If you want to protect internal cells from solar radiation damage, you need something that totally absorbs photonic radiation.
Rigby5 If mass is a measure of inertia, then the mass in water is greater than the mass in air (by definition). How do they explain it?

Inertia in water is identical to inertia in air.
You are getting friction confused with inertia.
The fact water has more friction than air, does not effect inertia.
There is plenty of evidence humans have increased atmospheric CO2 by about 40%, and there is no way that could not then cause global warming.

No there’s not. There’s plenty of opinions and computer generated models, like the falsified Hockey Stick Graph.
If man and his bad habits are the reason for climate change please explain what caused the ice age? Sure as hell wasn't us.
Otto means that he is so loss in the dem propaganda and so weak minded that he can only lash out at people who point out the obvious flaws in the carbon credit scam propaganda.

Otto, you could only wish you had some TEXAS common sense...
Which is?

Did not 200+ people die in TX last year during some bad weather?
I'm in Texas. This is the 2nd year of nearly a half century living in Texas and this is the 2nd year in a row now this scene is being replicated!
SNOW. Cold. Where's the stinking climate change? I thought the world was getting warmer?
So why in my nearly 50 years living in Texas have we seen two consecutive snow years if the climate is warming?
Wait... could it be those prognosticators of the 70s were right?
The return of the Ice Age?
Global cooling was a conjecture, especially during the 1970s, of imminent cooling of the Earth culminating in a period of extensive glaciation, due to the cooling effects of aerosols and orbital forcing. Some press reports in the 1970s speculated about continued cooling; these did not accurately reflect the scientific literature of the time, which was generally more concerned with warming from an enhanced greenhouse effect.
2/3/22 11:18AM Texas
View attachment 596513
Gee, the irony is that you really are that dumb. Sure TX has a lot to do with it but...
I'm in Texas. This is the 2nd year of nearly a half century living in Texas and this is the 2nd year in a row now this scene is being replicated!
SNOW. Cold. Where's the stinking climate change? I thought the world was getting warmer?
So why in my nearly 50 years living in Texas have we seen two consecutive snow years if the climate is warming?
Wait... could it be those prognosticators of the 70s were right?
The return of the Ice Age?
Global cooling was a conjecture, especially during the 1970s, of imminent cooling of the Earth culminating in a period of extensive glaciation, due to the cooling effects of aerosols and orbital forcing. Some press reports in the 1970s speculated about continued cooling; these did not accurately reflect the scientific literature of the time, which was generally more concerned with warming from an enhanced greenhouse effect.
2/3/22 11:18AM Texas
View attachment 596513

Few people know this...

Most of so-called "Climate Science" is based upon justifying adjustments to the raw data.

Billions of dollars are being spent by folks receiving government grants to publish papers which manipulate the data to propell a narrative that it was actually colder than measured long ago, for various reasons. They also adjust current temps upward, justifying their manipulation based upon station moves, instrument changes, time of observation changes, urban heat island biases, and other so-called inhomogenities.

The amount of "observed" increase in global temperatures is the same magnitude as the "adjustments" made to the data.

That's not Science; it's politics. And it is fraud.

Once they control carbon, they control everything - agriculture, energy, the economy, even life itself.



Few people know this...

Most of so-called "Climate Science" is based upon justifying adjustments to the raw data.

Billions of dollars are being spent by folks receiving government grants to publish papers which manipulate the data to propell a narrative that it was actually colder than measured long ago, for various reasons. They also adjust current temps upward, justifying their manipulation based upon station moves, instrument changes, time of observation changes, urban heat island biases, and other so-called inhomogenities.

The amount of "observed" increase in global temperatures is the same magnitude as the "adjustments" made to the data.

That's not Science; it's politics. And it is fraud.

Once they control carbon, they control everything - agriculture, energy, the economy, even life itself.



And the "science" is based on humans standing in extreme heat or cold, squinting at a thermometer, handwriting the temperature which was then copied, re-copied several times to become the record!
Global warming is the cause of weather being more violent, which includes hotter and colder, dryer and wetter.
There are normally 6 conventions zone from equator to pole, with 3 in the north and 3 in the south.
That has to do with the speed of rotation of the earth.
But Global Warming energizes the weather more so that it moves faster and with more force, breaking through those 6 previous barriers more.
That causes TX to be 10 degrees colder, but the North Pole to be 30 degrees warmer.

Differentiate weather from climate.
Weather is local, but climate is the summation average of all weather.
Way beyond what today s conservative can understand. They would rather chase giant Jewish Space lasers and pedophile vampire lizard people.
Way beyond what today s conservative can understand. They would rather chase giant Jewish Space lasers and pedophile vampire lizard people.
Should weather stations that report temperatures include "all regions" or just select regions?
How has "too little correction for urban warming" affected the 1.53 F warming over 70 years?
Explain this:
We had temperatures in the 20s here in Central Florida earlier this week. Frostproof Florida had frost.

Global warming my ass.

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