What climate change? I don't see no stinking climate change!!!

Newton was too stupid to do physics. He was autistic. His main "works" are devoted to alchemy and the law of God.
Not only does Newtonianism not work, it also

1) Uses the anti-scientific method of dogmatics instead of verification;

2) Logically contradictory: the second law contradicts the third;

3) Uses the anti-scientific principle of long-range action

4) Fundamentally not applicable for anything other than elastic interactions of bodies (for example, it is completely useless for ballistics, even if it were true)

I have no idea what you are talking about.

1) Newtonian physics is ENTIRELY about the verifiable actual physical events, like motion, and has NOTHING at all to do with dogma.

2) Newton’s First Law of Motion (Inertia) An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line ...
Newton’s Second Law of Motion (Force) The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.
There is absolutely no contradiction between the 2nd and 3rd law.

3) The only long range action is gravity, which obvious IS long range.

4) Ballistics are entirely based on Newtonian physics.
Einstein was initially perceived as a clown or a lunatic. He tried to apply Poincaré's crazy mathematical abstraction to physics. They laughed at him, but then the university administrations were changed and this nonsense was still introduced, basically they simply replaced scientists with "scientists". In the USSR, this change was accompanied by repressions, up to the persecution of families and the massacre of "heretics"
What climate is always changing we are not in any and I’m in danger of the earth going anywhere
Newtonian physics is ENTIRELY about the verifiable actual physical events, like motion, and has NOTHING at all to do with dogma.
From what specific observations of nature did he derive his first law?
There is absolutely no contradiction between the 2nd and 3rd law.
There is a direct contradiction. In the third law, he states that the action is equal to the reaction (regardless of the mass of bodies). In this case, Law 2 will not work. Any mass, when acting on another mass, will not cause acceleration, since the action is balanced by the reaction
Your too texas stupid to reply too.

Did your abbboot backed shitty power grid collapse again?
Otto means that he is so loss in the dem propaganda and so weak minded that he can only lash out at people who point out the obvious flaws in the carbon credit scam propaganda.

Otto, you could only wish you had some TEXAS common sense...
And as plants grow, they use up carbon in the air.
When that happens, it gets colder.
Eventually then plants start to die.
When the die they decompose and return the carbon to the atmosphere.
That warms things back up again.

Hahaha. In the spring the plants grow and absorb CO2 form the air, converting the C into it's stems and leaves and such and releasing O2. In the fall when it gets cold the leaves fall and decompose, releasing the most of CO2 that decomposition creates. Every year. The plants don't take that much CO2 out of the air.
Einstein used concept substitution tricks. His term "time" does not correspond to the accepted term "time" which is used in physics, because if Einstein's abstraction about "different times" is correct, then the very concept of "time" does not make any sense, because this concept makes sense only if the constancy is assumed in all inertial systems.
In fact, Einstein's dogmas declare the absence of time as such.
And quantum mechanics was mainly developed by hippie pigs who ate acid in the 60s
Moreover, quantum mechanics is engaged in outright lies. The wave properties of light are known to everyone, and are easily verified, but no one has ever observed the "corpuscular" properties, they are simply declared from scratch.
In order to fully explain some concepts related to external ballistics, I need to briefly review the principles on which all ballistics rest: Newtonian Physics. While many of us learned our first physics lessons from Wylie E. Coyote, nearly everything depicted was incorrect. Even though we cannot observe the forces acting on a projectile the moment it leaves the muzzle, we know those forces significantly affect its actual path. In order to set the record straight, I will cover Newton’s three laws to help us better understand ballistics. Now, on to the physics.
The usual tactic of left-wing clowns is to cover the topic with pseudo-scientific rubbish from pseudo-scientific journals. The main thing is more text so that no one reads anything.
Quantum Mechanics is mostly for things with no or very little mass, that operate on wave theory, like photons.
The main thing is more acid and alcohol. Christians did the same, they loved holidays with wine drinking.
Moreover, quantum mechanics is engaged in outright lies. The wave properties of light are known to everyone, and are easily verified, but no one has ever observed the "corpuscular" properties, they are simply declared from scratch.

Yes I have personally verified corpuscular properties of photonic light.
Every physics student is made to.

If you shine a light through a thin slit, it will show diffraction on the target.
Meaning it will show dark and light spots, from constructive and destructive interference, from both sides of the slit.
But if you only shoot 1 photo at a time, it does the same thing, even though interference can't be taking place.

Another example of corpuscular manifestation of photons is the solar sail concept.
Light does have impact energy.
The usual tactic of left-wing clowns is to cover the topic with pseudo-scientific rubbish from pseudo-scientific journals. The main thing is more text so that no one reads anything.

That link was from a marine teaching shooting.

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