What climate change? I don't see no stinking climate change!!!

Says The Goofy Gator.
I'll see your bluff and raise you ten......
Global warming is a leftist scam. The Left, for some reason, wants a damp, humid climate on earth. This promotes the breeding of parasitic life forms: various bacteria, worms, molds, and so on.
Global warming is a leftist scam. The Left, for some reason, wants a damp, humid climate on earth. This promotes the breeding of parasitic life forms: various bacteria, worms, molds, and so on.

.....This promotes the breeding of parasitic life forms: various bacteria, worms, molds, Democrats, Progressives, Leftists........

EXACTLY. well said!
Isn't it amazing that no matter WHAT the left says the solution is to global warming....it ALWAYS involves THE LEFT taking LOTS OF MONEY FROM SOME PEOPLE AND GIVING IT TO OTHERS.

Fuck you all.

The left does it no matter what issue they are talking about. This lies in the very foundation of the left idea - the equality of the slave herd instead of justice in the society of the free.
Since the climate has been changing on the planet for billions of years and will continue to change long after we are all dust I'd say its all a moot point.

People sure are gullible.
For the record, I am not opposed to the idea mankind might have had some impact on the changes, but do not think they are the cause of them.

It does not seem all that crazy that going from less than billion people to almost 8 billion people in less than 230 years might have some negative impact.
I'm not opposed to it either.

I'm just not convinced.

Unfortunately the acolytes of the church of man-made global warming believe whatever they are told to believe without question. Faith is a wonderful thing in religion... not science.
Since the climate has been changing on the planet for billions of years and will continue to change long after we are all dust I'd say its all a moot point.

People sure are gullible.

But since we are humans with supposed higher brain functions we should be able to mitigate the harmful changes and adapt so that we can thrive in a changing climate.

But instead the two sides are too busy playing monkey and throwing shit back and forth for us to make any real effort at that.
It has been. Einstein proved the Newtonian theory of gravity false.

Einstein's relativistic view did not really "disprove" the simplistic view Newton had for gravity, but just added more detail and nuance of how very large gravitational or very tiny gravitational fields acted.
Einstein did not change the way we perceive gravity on the surface of the Earth.

Similarly, it is virtually impossible for anyone to disprove Global Warming.
The science says it HAS to happen, and the melting ice shows it IS happening.
And Missouri was once half covered in an ice age and was at the bottom of a shallow sea.

All before there was human industrialization.

I'll ask you the same question I asked gator.

What evidence could be presented that would prove anthropogenic global warming was a false theory?

The NORMAL ice age and warming cycle is 110,000 years long.
We have accelerated that down to about 200 years.
That can't be natural.

Here is a graph showing how temp and CO2 correlates, and how vastly high we have recently increased CO2 by over 30%.
This does not show the heat increase this will cause, because it takes time.
But this excess CO2 is going to prevent heat radiation out into space, so has to increase heat retention and temperatures.
This also shows how past ice age and warming cycles have normally been about 110,000 years long.

Einstein's relativistic view did not really "disprove" the simplistic view Newton had for gravity, but just added more detail and nuance of how very large gravitational or very tiny gravitational fields acted.
Einstein did not change the way we perceive gravity on the surface of the Earth
Einsteinianism and hippie quanta are a pathetic attempt to drag Newtonianism and atomism out of the dustbin.
Without LSD, it doesn't work for sane people.

Similarly, it is virtually impossible for anyone to disprove Global Warming.
Of course. It's hard to disprove something that doesn't exist.
For the record, I am not opposed to the idea mankind might have had some impact on the changes, but do not think they are the cause of them.

It does not seem all that crazy that going from less than billion people to almost 8 billion people in less than 230 years might have some negative impact.

It is not the number of people, but that we discovered fossil fuel.
Fossil fuel is concentrated solar energy from over millions of years.
It has a great effect to burn that much concentrated ancient energy.
Global warming from CO2 has to stop when we run out of fossil fuel, but it will be too late by then.
Once it gets hot enough, then water vapor and methane will likely take over.
There is a huge world of difference between a scientific consensus and either proof or settled.

Science should never be settled.

It is my belief on looking at the data that mankind has made an impact but is not the cause.

And I personally do not really care what is the cause. Humans will not change until they are faced with life or death, so the idea that we are going to get people to give up their lifestyles is just stupid.

We need to be focusing on learning to adapt to the changes instead of fighting over who/what is at fault.

Global warming likely is not something any life can adapt to.
For example, Venus is not that much closer to the sun, and yet its surface temp is over 400 degrees F.
That is due to Global Warming.
Too much carbon in the atmosphere, which then caused all the water to evaporate.
And water hardly lets any energy escape the planet, so it accumulates.

If that happens on Earth, all life dies.
I'm not opposed to it either.

I'm just not convinced.

Unfortunately the acolytes of the church of man-made global warming believe whatever they are told to believe without question. Faith is a wonderful thing in religion... not science.

There is no faith involved.
We know what causes the 110,000 long warming and ice age cycles.
We know we are vastly altering it, by increasing CO2 content of the planet's atmosphere by 40%.
We know CO2 MUST retain more heat.
There is nothing at all based on faith or belief.
Rigby5 Why are you afraid of solar energy? Normal people love the sun, it gives them a good mood and makes their skin healthier. Maybe you should go to a psychiatrist about your sunphobia? Or is it something from the realm of religion?

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