What climate change? I don't see no stinking climate change!!!

The problem with the theory of man made global warming is there is no way to prove it's happening... And more importantly...no way to prove it's not happening.

A theory that cannot be prove false is an extremely weak unscientific theory.

Sure there is proof.
First of all we can see the massive increase in melting, like Greenland glaciers, Antarctic ice shelf, the Northwest Passage opening in over 10k years, etc.
Second is that we also can do lab experiments that prove more CO2 HAS TO CAUSE Global Warming.
There is no way it can avoid happening when you increase CO2.

The short explanation is that solar heat has to leave or the planet burns up.
Space is a vacuum, so no heat can leave by conduction, only photonic radiation.
CO2 in the boundary to space, converts photonic energy to vibratory heat, that can't escape to space.
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Sure there is proof.
First of all we can see the massive increase in melting, like Greenland glaciers, Antarctic ice shelf, the Northwest Passage opening in over 10k years, etc.
Second is that we also can do lab experiments that prove more CO2 HAS TO CAUSE Global Warming.
There is no way it can avoid happening when you increase CO2.

The short explanation is that solar heat has to leave or the planet burns up.
Space is a vacuum, so no heat can leave by conduction, only photonic radiation.
CO2 in the boundary to space, converts photonic energy to vibratory heat, that can't escape to space.
And Missouri was once half covered in an ice age and was at the bottom of a shallow sea.

All before there was human industrialization.

I'll ask you the same question I asked gator.

What evidence could be presented that would prove anthropogenic global warming was a false theory?
The problem with the theory of man made global warming is there is no way to prove it's happening... And more importantly...no way to prove it's not happening.

A theory that cannot be prove false is an extremely weak unscientific theory.

It’s already been proven.

You’re just a stupid fuckup that denies it fir politics.
And Missouri was once half covered in an ice age and was at the bottom of a shallow sea.

All before there was human industrialization.

I'll ask you the same question I asked gator.

What evidence could be presented that would prove anthropogenic global warming was a false theory?
How old is the earth?
What do you mean, the climate changing all around ya! It's up there somewhat to the north, west, east and kinda south. Ya can't miss it!

Just kiddin, the Climate hasn't really changed. We have added a bunch of CO2 to the atmosphere, but that's not a planet killer.
It’s already been proven.

You’re just a stupid fuckup that denies it fir politics.

It seems the political one here is you. Very little in science is every proven, if anything. As it has been said "Proofs are not the currency of science". Proof belongs to mathematics and logic, not science.
We have added a bunch of CO2 to the atmosphere, but that's not a planet killer.

Of course it is not. It could turn out to be bad for humans and other mammals, but really the planet does not give a crap.
I'm in Texas. This is the 2nd year of nearly a half century living in Texas and this is the 2nd year in a row now this scene is being replicated!
SNOW. Cold. Where's the stinking climate change? I thought the world was getting warmer?
So why in my nearly 50 years living in Texas have we seen two consecutive snow years if the climate is warming?
Wait... could it be those prognosticators of the 70s were right?
The return of the Ice Age?
Global cooling was a conjecture, especially during the 1970s, of imminent cooling of the Earth culminating in a period of extensive glaciation, due to the cooling effects of aerosols and orbital forcing. Some press reports in the 1970s speculated about continued cooling; these did not accurately reflect the scientific literature of the time, which was generally more concerned with warming from an enhanced greenhouse effect.
2/3/22 11:18AM Texas
View attachment 596513
So...you're saying that the climate has changed in Texas?
Cool...post the proof of man-made global warming... I'll wait...

For the record, I am not opposed to the idea mankind might have had some impact on the changes, but do not think they are the cause of them.

It does not seem all that crazy that going from less than billion people to almost 8 billion people in less than 230 years might have some negative impact.
So...you're saying that the climate has changed in Texas?

No, he said that since it snowed in Texas that is proof the climate is not changing for the warmer.

That is just how stupid he really is.
Of course it is not. It could turn out to be bad for humans and other mammals, but really the planet does not give a crap.

Absolutely. It might turn out better for humans. I doubt it will cause runaway global warming and mitigate the Ice Age but, nobody knows. I think the sustainability of Western consumerism will cause more problems than the weather or climate.
It seems the political one here is you. Very little in science is every proven, if anything. As it has been said "Proofs are not the currency of science". Proof belongs to mathematics and logic, not science.

Do you really feel that the science is not settled on this issue?

Seems to be a solid scientific consensus on the AGW.
Cool...post the proof of man-made global warming... I'll wait...
Go right ahead and knock yourself out denying everything point by point.

Using your internets to copy and paste wingnut deniers and there questions. Or maybe, you can post one scientific organization which supports your opinion.

Do you really feel that the science is not settled on this issue?

Seems to be a solid scientific consensus on the AGW.

There is a huge world of difference between a scientific consensus and either proof or settled.

Science should never be settled.

It is my belief on looking at the data that mankind has made an impact but is not the cause.

And I personally do not really care what is the cause. Humans will not change until they are faced with life or death, so the idea that we are going to get people to give up their lifestyles is just stupid.

We need to be focusing on learning to adapt to the changes instead of fighting over who/what is at fault.
Are you really this ignorant or is it just an act for the internet?

Democrats (with their new found stolen massive wealth and deep pockets) are buying up Ocean front property like there is no tomorrow.

Confusing, I know.

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