What climate change? I don't see no stinking climate change!!!

Einsteinianism and hippie quanta are a pathetic attempt to drag Newtonianism and atomism out of the dustbin.
Without LSD, it doesn't work for sane people.

Of course. It's hard to disprove something that doesn't exist.

What the heck are you saying?
Both Einstein's relativity and Newtonian physics are working perfectly.
No one questions either.
They both work together, where Einstein only becomes relevant in huge or tiny systems, and almost always we can just use Newtonian physics.

And there is no question Global Warming exists and is currently being experienced.
The only thing anyone can argue is future tipping points.
For example, some say it will accelerate to deadly levels from positive feedback like water vapor, while other say it will stabilize before that, due to negative feedback like water vapor clouds.
No one claims it is not happening and will not cause some problems.
Global warming likely is not something any life can adapt to.

Sure it is.

The local farmers around here are adding irrigation and tiling to offset the change in the rain patterns.
For example, Venus is not that much closer to the sun, and yet its surface temp is over 400 degrees F.
That is due to Global Warming.

Dude, you are now just embarrassing yourself.
Rigby5 Why are you afraid of solar energy? Normal people love the sun, it gives them a good mood and makes their skin healthier. Maybe you should go to a psychiatrist about your sunphobia? Or is it something from the realm of religion?

Sorry, that is stupid.
The planet Earth retains less than 10% of the solar energy hitting it.
As CO2 increases, we retain more solar energy.
If we were to retain even 50% of the solar energy, like Venus, then the surface of the Earth would be over 400 F, and all life would die.
Anyone not afraid of solar energy, would have to be incredibly ignorant.
Both Einstein's relativity and Newtonian physics are working perfectly.
nothing works. Newtonian nonsense was refuted back in the 19th century, when the wave properties of light were discovered. The "work" of the theory of relativity was seen only by housewives in yellow magazines, next to recipes for cakes.
And there is no question Global Warming exists and is currently being experienced.
Yes, as Christian dogma is beyond question. Yahweh created the world in 7 days.
Sure it is.

The local farmers around here are adding irrigation and tiling to offset the change in the rain patterns.

Dude, you are now just embarrassing yourself.

Just like most of North America is covered by ice when in the coldest part of the normal cycle, we are adding an addition hot cycle on top of the already highest point of the natural cycle.
That means the earth will get HOTTER than it has ever been in the last 2 billion years.
It is very likely life on the planet will not survive.
And if it does, then it will only be due to a constant cloud cover, that will save us by reflecting out more sunlight.
And then no one will ever be able to see stars or do astronomy from the earth again.
No, global warming can always be worked on and has to be, or else all life on the planet goes extinct, as the surface temperature go into a race condition of 400 degree, like Venus did.
Global warming evaporates more water, and water vapor traps more heat.
Thus a positive feedback mechanism that go to an extreme, never to return.
If man and his bad habits are the reason for climate change please explain what caused the ice age? Sure as hell wasn't us.
Sorry, that is stupid.
The planet Earth retains less than 10% of the solar energy hitting it.
As CO2 increases, we retain more solar energy.
If we were to retain even 50% of the solar energy, like Venus, then the surface of the Earth would be over 400 F, and all life would die.
Anyone not afraid of solar energy, would have to be incredibly ignorant.
While I'm too cold and damp. When it's warmer then we'll talk about this "threat".

By the way, solar energy is not obliged to transform precisely into thermodynamic movement, only because this is required by your "scientific" dogmatics.
nothing works. Newtonian nonsense was refuted back in the 19th century, when the wave properties of light were discovered. The "work" of the theory of relativity was seen only by housewives in yellow magazines, next to recipes for cakes.

Yes, as Christian dogma is beyond question. Yahweh created the world in 7 days.

Newtonian physics works fine for average sized objects like on Earth.
The only time you need additional details is with the very large, very small, or very fast moving.
Newtonian physics works fine for average sized objects like on Earth.
In fact, Newton believed that gravity is a bombardment of stones. He was a priest and obscurantist.

His mechanics are just far-fetched, the engeneers don't use it. It is preached only to schoolchildren and the dark population.
If man and his bad habits are the reason for climate change please explain what caused the ice age? Sure as hell wasn't us.

I have done that several times now.
Originally there was no free oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.
It was all methane and ammonia.
But phototropic plants changed the atmosphere, to the nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen we now know.
So plants have a HUGE effect.
And as plants grow, they use up carbon in the air.
When that happens, it gets colder.
Eventually then plants start to die.
When the die they decompose and return the carbon to the atmosphere.
That warms things back up again.
So then plants again start to do well.

Another theory is the Milankovitch Cycle.
Milankovitch cycles are the collective effect of changes in the Earth's movements upon its climate, named after Serbian civil engineer and mathematician Milutin Milanković. The eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit vary in several patterns, resulting in 100,000-year ice age cycles of the Quaternary glaciation over the last few million years. The Earth's axis completes one full cycle of precession approximately every 26,000 years. At the same time, the elliptical orbit rotates, more slowly, leading to a 21,000-year cycle between the seasons and the orbit. In addition, the angle between Earth's rotational axis and the normal to the plane of its orbit moves from 22.1

But please notice that natural climate change cycles are 110,000 years long.
The current warming is for the same heating but in less than 200 years.
That is very unnatural and quick.
I'm in Texas. This is the 2nd year of nearly a half century living in Texas and this is the 2nd year in a row now this scene is being replicated!
SNOW. Cold. Where's the stinking climate change? I thought the world was getting warmer?
So why in my nearly 50 years living in Texas have we seen two consecutive snow years if the climate is warming?
Wait... could it be those prognosticators of the 70s were right?
The return of the Ice Age?
Global cooling was a conjecture, especially during the 1970s, of imminent cooling of the Earth culminating in a period of extensive glaciation, due to the cooling effects of aerosols and orbital forcing. Some press reports in the 1970s speculated about continued cooling; these did not accurately reflect the scientific literature of the time, which was generally more concerned with warming from an enhanced greenhouse effect.
2/3/22 11:18AM Texas
View attachment 596513
In fact, Newton believed that gravity is a bombardment of stones. He was a priest and obscurantist.

His mechanics are just far-fetched, the engeneers don't use it. It is preached only to schoolchildren and the dark population.

I have a Master of Science degree in Physics, and I can assure you that everyone believes in and uses Newtonian Physics.
The only time we have to add additional equations is for the very large (like astronomy), the very small (like electrons), or the very fast (like approaching the speed of light).
Otherwise Newton is fine.
What the heck is that supposed to mean?
Are you denying all science?
Didn't you learn in elementary school that energies flow into one another, and energy is not just thermodynamics? What makes you think, idiot, that all the energy of the sun should work only for thermodynamic movement?
I have done that several times now.
Originally there was no free oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.
It was all methane and ammonia.
But phototropic plants changed the atmosphere, to the nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen we now know.
So plants have a HUGE effect.
And as plants grow, they use up carbon in the air.
When that happens, it gets colder.
Eventually then plants start to die.
When the die they decompose and return the carbon to the atmosphere.
That warms things back up again.
So then plants again start to do well.

Another theory is the Milankovitch Cycle.
Milankovitch cycles are the collective effect of changes in the Earth's movements upon its climate, named after Serbian civil engineer and mathematician Milutin Milanković. The eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit vary in several patterns, resulting in 100,000-year ice age cycles of the Quaternary glaciation over the last few million years. The Earth's axis completes one full cycle of precession approximately every 26,000 years. At the same time, the elliptical orbit rotates, more slowly, leading to a 21,000-year cycle between the seasons and the orbit. In addition, the angle between Earth's rotational axis and the normal to the plane of its orbit moves from 22.1

But please notice that natural climate change cycles are 110,000 years long.
The current warming is for the same heating but in less than 200 years.
That is very unnatural and quick.
I am certainly not an expert on the origins of our earth but I ask this. If as you say---
Originally there was no free oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.
It was all methane and ammonia.-------How did early man survive and contribute to global warming or the ice age? Were there no humans on earth during the ice age?
I have a Master of Science degree in Physics, and I can assure you that everyone believes in and uses Newtonian Physics.
really? Tell me how to apply Newton's laws to calculate the destructive effect of vibration on a railway bridge
The easiest way to get a feel for global warming is to look back at the USN Nautilus going under the North Pole in 1957.
There was no Northwest Passage back then, and we can tell the North Pole ice cap had not ever been open in the last 10,000 years.
But in 1997, it opened up and has been open each summer, since then.
Not sure if it open in the winter yet, but it either is or will be.
That is a very huge and recognizable change.


Note that this image is of the North Pole in the SUMMER of 1957, when the USN Nautilus went under the North Pole, and is solid ice.
I am certainly not an expert on the origins of our earth but I ask this. If as you say---
Originally there was no free oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.
It was all methane and ammonia.-------How did early man survive and contribute to global warming or the ice age? Were there no humans on earth during the ice age?

I explained this several times.
This was billions of years BEFORE there were any primates on the planet.
The planet was much hotter back then.
Man never had the ability to effect climate or ice ages until the discovery of fossil fuels in the last 200 years.
Fossil fuels are hundreds of millions of years worth of concentrated solar energy.
Newton is fine.
Not only does Newtonianism not work, it also

1) Uses the anti-scientific method of dogmatics instead of verification;

2) Logically contradictory: the second law contradicts the third;

3) Uses the anti-scientific principle of long-range action

4) Fundamentally not applicable for anything other than elastic interactions of bodies (for example, it is completely useless for ballistics, even if it were true)
Confronted with scientific facts like this that everyone can see is why the lying left changed the name from "global warming" to "climate change".
--and when u ask how it's changing they'll always say that it's the globe that's warming.

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