What comes around goes around - Hillary beginning to get what she deserves


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I will need to go through an abbreviated history to lead to up to the point. Keep in mind the details are enough to write a long book on, but in a bust she'll I'm hoping to give you enough to follow this.

In 1945, Richard Nixon was a brilliant lawyer for the U.S. Navy. He was in charge of investigating captured nazi documents. What Nixon uncovered was a collusion between the nazis and Allen Dulles. Dulles was very close to none other than Prescott Bush. Once it was discovered what Nixon uncovered, Bush and Dulles offered to heavily finance Nixon's political career for his silence on what he uncovered. Nixon absolutely hated these global elitists, but decided to take advantage of the opportunity. This eventually lead to Nixon becoming president. All was going well for the global elitists, but then things took a turn in the wrong direction for the global elitists, towards the end of Nixon's first term he started moving away from them, and after winning a 2nd term, Nixon really moved towards independence from them, he stopped being compliant with them, he was nowhere near as corrupt as they were. Nixon also wanted to purge the senior leadership of the CIA, of which none other than George H.W. Bush was part of. Something had to be done.

Enter Henry Kissinger, the mastermind behind setting up watergate. Through the propagandist media, which was no better than "Pravda", Watergate was well under way. But it wasn't enough to bring Nixon down.

In order to complete the take down of Nixon, the President had to be denied the due process which could have allowed him an effective legal defense before the House Judiciary Committee where the impeachment resolutions regarding Watergate had been referred. At this time, in 1973, a young Hillary Clinton was working as a staff lawyer for the committee.

Even this early in her career, Clinton showed her willingness to ally herself with powerful, corrupt interests. Clinton along with several other staff members of the committee conspired to deny Nixon access to legal counsel. In order to pull this off, Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal brief and confiscated public documents to hide her deception. Her boss Jeffery Zeifman later fired Hillary for her unethical actions and said about Hillary, "She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.

Forward to now, Hillary's lies and corruption are catching up with her. She is infinite more times corrupt and dishonest than Nixon ever was. Somewhere, Richard Nixon has to be laughing and saying, "ain't karma a bitch!" Hopefully Clinton's scandals will be enough to land her in prison, it would be most deserving.

It is also great to see a member of the Bush family miserably failing. The Bush and Clinton families are like a horse and carriage, it's great to see all the problems both are going through, but hopefull these are the beginnings of many more to come, it's the least they deserve for all the lies, betrayals, treason, and murders that these two reprehensible families have been involved with.

I apologize for the long post, but I did my best to compact it as much as possible.
What comes around goes around - Hillary beginning to get what she deserves

I agree! The White House! Madam President.
Of her cell block!!!
I will need to go through an abbreviated history to lead to up to the point. Keep in mind the details are enough to write a long book on, but in a bust she'll I'm hoping to give you enough to follow this.

In 1945, Richard Nixon was a brilliant lawyer for the U.S. Navy. He was in charge of investigating captured nazi documents. What Nixon uncovered was a collusion between the nazis and Allen Dulles. Dulles was very close to none other than Prescott Bush. Once it was discovered what Nixon uncovered, Bush and Dulles offered to heavily finance Nixon's political career for his silence on what he uncovered. Nixon absolutely hated these global elitists, but decided to take advantage of the opportunity. This eventually lead to Nixon becoming president. All was going well for the global elitists, but then things took a turn in the wrong direction for the global elitists, towards the end of Nixon's first term he started moving away from them, and after winning a 2nd term, Nixon really moved towards independence from them, he stopped being compliant with them, he was nowhere near as corrupt as they were. Nixon also wanted to purge the senior leadership of the CIA, of which none other than George H.W. Bush was part of. Something had to be done.

Enter Henry Kissinger, the mastermind behind setting up watergate. Through the propagandist media, which was no better than "Pravda", Watergate was well under way. But it wasn't enough to bring Nixon down.

In order to complete the take down of Nixon, the President had to be denied the due process which could have allowed him an effective legal defense before the House Judiciary Committee where the impeachment resolutions regarding Watergate had been referred. At this time, in 1973, a young Hillary Clinton was working as a staff lawyer for the committee.

Even this early in her career, Clinton showed her willingness to ally herself with powerful, corrupt interests. Clinton along with several other staff members of the committee conspired to deny Nixon access to legal counsel. In order to pull this off, Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal brief and confiscated public documents to hide her deception. Her boss Jeffery Zeifman later fired Hillary for her unethical actions and said about Hillary, "She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.

Forward to now, Hillary's lies and corruption are catching up with her. She is infinite more times corrupt and dishonest than Nixon ever was. Somewhere, Richard Nixon has to be laughing and saying, "ain't karma a bitch!" Hopefully Clinton's scandals will be enough to land her in prison, it would be most deserving.

It is also great to see a member of the Bush family miserably failing. The Bush and Clinton families are like a horse and carriage, it's great to see all the problems both are going through, but hopefull these are the beginnings of many more to come, it's the least they deserve for all the lies, betrayals, treason, and murders that these two reprehensible families have been involved with.

I apologize for the long post, but I did my best to compact it as much as possible.

Excellent OP.

Hillary won't be the nominee and the mindless zombie Progressives will carry on as if they actually were hoping for Biden to run
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I will need to go through an abbreviated history to lead to up to the point. Keep in mind the details are enough to write a long book on, but in a bust she'll I'm hoping to give you enough to follow this.

In 1945, Richard Nixon was a brilliant lawyer for the U.S. Navy. He was in charge of investigating captured nazi documents. What Nixon uncovered was a collusion between the nazis and Allen Dulles. Dulles was very close to none other than Prescott Bush. Once it was discovered what Nixon uncovered, Bush and Dulles offered to heavily finance Nixon's political career for his silence on what he uncovered. Nixon absolutely hated these global elitists, but decided to take advantage of the opportunity. This eventually lead to Nixon becoming president. All was going well for the global elitists, but then things took a turn in the wrong direction for the global elitists, towards the end of Nixon's first term he started moving away from them, and after winning a 2nd term, Nixon really moved towards independence from them, he stopped being compliant with them, he was nowhere near as corrupt as they were. Nixon also wanted to purge the senior leadership of the CIA, of which none other than George H.W. Bush was part of. Something had to be done.

Enter Henry Kissinger, the mastermind behind setting up watergate. Through the propagandist media, which was no better than "Pravda", Watergate was well under way. But it wasn't enough to bring Nixon down.

In order to complete the take down of Nixon, the President had to be denied the due process which could have allowed him an effective legal defense before the House Judiciary Committee where the impeachment resolutions regarding Watergate had been referred. At this time, in 1973, a young Hillary Clinton was working as a staff lawyer for the committee.

Even this early in her career, Clinton showed her willingness to ally herself with powerful, corrupt interests. Clinton along with several other staff members of the committee conspired to deny Nixon access to legal counsel. In order to pull this off, Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal brief and confiscated public documents to hide her deception. Her boss Jeffery Zeifman later fired Hillary for her unethical actions and said about Hillary, "She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.

Forward to now, Hillary's lies and corruption are catching up with her. She is infinite more times corrupt and dishonest than Nixon ever was. Somewhere, Richard Nixon has to be laughing and saying, "ain't karma a bitch!" Hopefully Clinton's scandals will be enough to land her in prison, it would be most deserving.

It is also great to see a member of the Bush family miserably failing. The Bush and Clinton families are like a horse and carriage, it's great to see all the problems both are going through, but hopefull these are the beginnings of many more to come, it's the least they deserve for all the lies, betrayals, treason, and murders that these two reprehensible families have been involved with.

I apologize for the long post, but I did my best to compact it as much as possible.

What a bizarre post. I totally get where you are going with Hillary. You could have made your point even better by going into ALL of the additional scandals and lies she has been involved in since Watergate. Hillary is a lying, cheating dirtbag unfit for public service snd any other position involving trust and responsibility - agreed.

But then you lash out against the Bush family. This comes completely out of left field and assumes an awful lot. Just what lies, betrayals, treason and murders is the Bush family guilty of? All I can think of is the "read my lips: no new taxes pledge" of George H.W. Bush. Beyond that you are on thin ice, you dingbat!

Then you seem to relish the misfortune of the Clintons and Bushes. Personally, I like the Bush family. I do not see any misfortune they are suffering. I suppose you are talking about Jeb's polling numbers. Honestly, I do not know why he even wants to be President. But are the Bushes really "reprehensible"? This assertion is clearly absurd.

Then there are the Clintons. They are clearly despicable people. But harboring personal glee at their misfortune? Sure, I will be happy to see her lose the election. But it will not me happy to know she is suffering or make me crave to see more bad things happen to her as part of some kind of grand cosmic plan for justice into which you are apparently tapped.

You sound as though you are suffering from frustration. You apparently need to see those unlike you punished in order to avenge your defeated existential being. Let's be real here: you are probably unfit to even wipe Jeb's ass, and the asses of any of the Bushes. Even Bill and Hillary have impressive personal accomplishment, even if they are shit bags.

Your problem is that you are blue collar proud, and that is all that you will ever be. But you should be aware that it really makes you look small and repulsive when you spout this angry bullshit about cosmic justice and how it makes you happy to see somebody suffer a downfall. You are a textbook blue collar simpleton.

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