What Conditions Should be in a Default Recovery Deal?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
With NJ and CA racing to be the first state to default now seems to be the right time to debate the terms and preconditions of a default recovery deal. Here are some of those points I believe to be needed:

A purge of voter rolls of everyone but living citizens for federal ballots. This should result in a cleaner sweep of the riff-raff and crooks that robbed the state blind.

An independent counsel to investigate all current and retired elected, appointed, civil service or patronage office holders in the state. The independent counsel should be paid by a percentage of forfeiture due to mis or malfeasance. This should restore some degree of solvency to the state.

Treble damages should be paid by the bribe givers. This will help even more with restoring solvency

Restoration of sequestered funds can begin when those two conditions above are met.

Blackball everyone who runs up court costs. The blackballed are not permitted to hold office at any level of US government.

What did I miss?

DarkFury, kaz , Picaro
Here would be my deal:


Not a nickle to bail out New Jersey.

Not a nickle to bail out Californimexico.

Not a nickle to bail out Illinois.
Here would be my deal:


Not a nickle to bail out New Jersey.

Not a nickle to bail out Californimexico.

Not a nickle to bail out Illinois.
Here would be my deal:


Not a nickle to bail out New Jersey.

Not a nickle to bail out Californimexico.

Not a nickle to bail out Illinois.

1) You seem to believe you are not in the path of the leftist barbarian hordes. I suggest you read the rulings of the Supreme court on California's attempt to keep out the Okies during the Great Depression. Keeping as many of the bozos in bozo land as possible should be priority one.

2) Sending senior Ds and their donors to jail or at least making them broke if they don't roll over on everyone in their eco-system is an effective way to prevent a recurrence of this kind of crap.

3) we are looking at low trillions for capture and deportation costs with some kind of deal for the voters that put these packs of thieves in the state house. if this cyst breaks and we don't have willing cooperation from the local police multiply those costs by at least 10.

4) If we put them back on their feet with money attributed to the D thieves and their donors It ain't coming out of our pockets!

5) you really want to concentrate the attention of the other blue states on the personal downside of not straightening this mess out. They will then look at their own state finances and start cutting costs so they don't default.
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With NJ and CA racing to be the first state to default now seems to be the right time to debate the terms and preconditions of a default recovery deal. Here are some of those points I believe to be needed:

A purge of voter rolls of everyone but living citizens for federal ballots. This should result in a cleaner sweep of the riff-raff and crooks that robbed the state blind.

An independent counsel to investigate all current and retired elected, appointed, civil service or patronage office holders in the state. The independent counsel should be paid by a percentage of forfeiture due to mis or malfeasance. This should restore some degree of solvency to the state.

Treble damages should be paid by the bribe givers. This will help even more with restoring solvency

Restoration of sequestered funds can begin when those two conditions above are met.

Blackball everyone who runs up court costs. The blackballed are not permitted to hold office at any level of US government.

What did I miss?

DarkFury, kaz , Picaro

If by Recovery deal, you mean a Federally funded one. I say no to that. Let them stew in their own juices. Look at other socialist leftist utopias like Greece. When they were bailed out by the EU, they continually proved they'd learned zero from the experience.

What happened to Illinois? Did they drop out of the race? They seemed to be leading at one point
With NJ and CA racing to be the first state to default now seems to be the right time to debate the terms and preconditions of a default recovery deal. Here are some of those points I believe to be needed:

A purge of voter rolls of everyone but living citizens for federal ballots. This should result in a cleaner sweep of the riff-raff and crooks that robbed the state blind.

An independent counsel to investigate all current and retired elected, appointed, civil service or patronage office holders in the state. The independent counsel should be paid by a percentage of forfeiture due to mis or malfeasance. This should restore some degree of solvency to the state.

Treble damages should be paid by the bribe givers. This will help even more with restoring solvency

Restoration of sequestered funds can begin when those two conditions above are met.

Blackball everyone who runs up court costs. The blackballed are not permitted to hold office at any level of US government.

What did I miss

Not much. Bond rating agencies should be required to act much sooner to downgrade the ratings of such states; while it's true the rating agencies are 'private' they also serve as guardians for the values of public pension funds and their ability to stay in compliance with the restrictions and regulations of those funds, so they do act in a public capacity and rate regulating. This at least will allow earlier dumping by the funds and alleviate some of their losses.

The Feds should take over the welfare and other local spending projects anyway; it's stupid to have a state bureaucracy added to the chain of distribution in the first place; poor people would have a lot more options and flexibility of action if they weren't imprisoned by having to depend on local govt. hacks, for instance; they could move to where ever they wanted, and many would indeed leave these ghettoes politicians love so dearly. They could move to much cheaper areas, for one, away from those shithole cities like Baltimore and Chicago.
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The govt. mostly bails out private companies, always has; kind of hard to sell not bailing out states when every bank and big corp in the country not only gets trillions in bailouts every few years but is also constantly subsidized on a daily basis as well, and then gets tax breaks on top of it all to boot. The corruption at the state govt level is just biz as usual; it's to be expected when businessmen run the govt. that the govt. gets run like a big business, so a lot of the sniveling in that narrative is just for comic value. Yes, they should all be allowed to go bankrupt, but until they actually are good luck convincing people states should be treated differently. Since Reagan it has been far more lucrative for businessmen to loot companies into bankruptcy than try and run them profitably; just ask Romney and most other 'Private Equity' scammers.
If the bailout is an independent counsel recovering corruption money the bailout consists of putting state politicians and their financial backers in jail. Selling state parks is another source of revenues. Going after fraudulent claims for sport franchises is another source of revenues.

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