What Constitutional Gun Control....

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No world is perfect nor is any law.

Wow. You just realized that? Did you come up with that profound thought on your own or did your 2nd grade teacher tell you that?
How is that even relevant?

No law is perfect. But it should at least be somewhat effective. And gun control laws are not effective crime control. Criminal control is effective crime control.

And lunatic control might be helpful.
...initiative could have stopped the shooting at the school in Georgia?

The facts are:

The shooter was a convicted felon.

The shooter was mentally ill.

The crime scene was a gun free zone.

The firearm was stolen.

Lets' take them one at a time:

The shooter was a convicted felon. Laws which restrict felons from owning, possessing or having a firearm in their custody or control would not have prevented the crime in question, since the weapon was stolen. However, had the felon been stopped and the weapon had been found he would receive a mandatory commitment to the State Prison for possession of stolen property and that sentence would be enhanced by his possession of a firearm.

The shooter was mentally ill. Laws which restrict the mentally ill from owning, possessing, etc a firearm are ineffectual do to HIPAA privacy restrictions. If I had my way anyone detained as a danger to themselves or others in a locked psychiatric facility should be flagged in the criminal records of the state and reflect their lack of eligibility without reason to licensed gun purveyors.

I also support laws to deny the right to own, possess, etc. a firearm to anyone convicted of DUI, domestic violence, battery with GBI, sales or transportation of drugs.

Gun Free Zone Again, a Gun Free Zone won't prevent a crime, but anyone in possession, etc. of a firearm within such a zone gets sent to jail. No ifs, ands or buts, a jail sentence is mandatory.

Stolen Firearm When the legal owner of the gun was careless I support holding him/her civilly culpable if that stolen gun is used in a crime.

No laws will prevent wanton violence. The proliferation of guns allows felons, the mentally ill and persons with a violent history easy access.

"The proliferation of guns". Another meaningless phrase.
There are about 100M guns in the United States. Probably more. If we shut down every gun maker and importer, there would still be 100M guns. generally they have a service life of nearly forever (I own several that are over 100 years old and work fine). All of them are potentially available to criminals through theft, etc.

As for the rest of your crap: you support barring people convicted of DUIs from guns? A DUI is typically a misdemeanor. What misdemeanor should result in loss of COnstitutional rights? Similarly with domestic abuse, which Lautenberg, he should burn in hell, actually enacted. There are millions of people with DA convictions who are guilty basically of throwing a plate at a wall. But that will result in DA convictions in many cases. It is wrong.
Laws preventing access do not prevent access. They criminalize normal activity. It is a fool's errand.

Try over 300 million guns if not more.
No world is perfect nor is any law.

Wow. You just realized that? Did you come up with that profound thought on your own or did your 2nd grade teacher tell you that?
How is that even relevant?

No law is perfect. But it should at least be somewhat effective. And gun control laws are not effective crime control. Criminal control is effective crime control.

The idea behind the laws is to stop at least 9 out of 10 from getting a gun...people will always slip through the cracks. Having background checks and beefed up federal inventory checks is not taking away your guns. Having guns locks or cases being mandatory is not taking away your guns.

Ammo size is stupid. And I am against banning any gun period.

This idea that we shouldnt pass any laws because the ops topic happened is moronic.
Every time there is a shooting, the same folks pop up saying "SEE...we need more gun control!!!!"

Is what they are proposing isn't going to stop the shooting they are up in arms over, why are they popping off?

Sit down and STFU if your "solution" isn't going to solve the problem you are using to sell your snake oil...it's as simple as that.

This guy passed a background check.

The last guy stole the weapon.

The guy before that stole the weapon. (Lanza)

The guy before that passed a background check. (Joker)

The guy before that passed a background check. (Loughner)

So why the fuck are some idiots, including the President of the United States (Idiot in Chief) pushing Background checks?


How about some REAL common sense solutions...like fixing the background checks.

And if you want universal background checks...let's background check everyone and just be able to call in and check on the PURCHASER and leave the gun out of it.

That way, law abiding citizens will know that they are selling firearms to other law abiding citizens, and there is no chance of a firearm registry.

Citizens can be responsible for keeping the documentation of who they sold a firearm to.

If the police need that information, they can ask for it, or get a warrant for it.


And before you say "But criminals will..."

...they are going to do that no matter what.

They will claim the weapon was lost or stolen and Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, when it turns up in the hands of a criminal...as it was supposedly stolen.
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I favor the mandatory control of all AMMUNITION -- and its sparing release to gun owners for well documented purposes.

It would also be good if the ammunition allotted to a person were "marked" in some way, so that if a spent bullet at a crime scene were recovered, it could be traced back to the individual who owned that particular bullet.

Let me guess. You've never even held a gun....
Actually, I did do some target practice as a child -- but then I put childish things behind me.
:confused: Then why do you act like a spoiled brat?
Laws against abortion will never stop all abortions.

Is that a good argument against banning abortion?

A good topic for another thread.

This thread is about gun control being proposed that won't fix the problem that the gun grabbers are using to fuel new legislation.

I notice you haven't answered.

Nycaribineer, what proposed gun control would have prevented these shootings?
...initiative could have stopped the shooting at the school in Georgia?

The facts are:

The shooter was a convicted felon.

The shooter was mentally ill.

The crime scene was a gun free zone.

The firearm was stolen.


There is no such thing as constitutional gun control. The Gun Control Act of 1968 is a BOLD FACE USURPATION. And all freemen should ignore it.

The facts that you identified are correct but one very important additional fact:

The schizo had the element of surprise.

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Well keep waiting...there is no miracle cure for these things.nor is that the point.
...initiative could have stopped the shooting at the school in Georgia?

The facts are:

The shooter was a convicted felon.

The shooter was mentally ill.

The crime scene was a gun free zone.

The firearm was stolen.


There is no such thing as constitutional gun control. The Gun Control Act of 1968 is a BOLD FACE USURPATION. And all freemen should ignore it.

The facts that you identified are correct but one very important additional fact:

The schizo had the element of surprise.



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