What Democrats winning the Senate means

No, people who decide that they prefer America and move here from foreign countries need to learn ENGLISH - and not expect senior citizens born in this country to start learning THEIR language.
There has always been a huge spanish speaking population in the US.
Why should they conform to your language fascism ?
It would help them to speak english which I note that they did. If they want to speak spanish to each other it is really none of your business.
There has always been a huge spanish speaking population in the US.
Why should they conform to your language fascism ?
It would help them to speak english which I note that they did. If they want to speak spanish to each other it is really none of your business.
They came to THIS country, just as my ancestors did. The difference is that until recently, people spoke English is public because they were PROUD to be Americans.

And catering to foreigners who refuse to adapt to English IS my business, as it has indeed affected me. I didn’t get a high-level government post for which I was ideally qualified because they wanted me to be able to write in Spanish to immigrants who wanted more information about free federal benefits.
They came to THIS country, just as my ancestors did. The difference is that until recently, people spoke English is public because they were PROUD to be Americans.

And catering to foreigners who refuse to adapt to English IS my business, as it has indeed affected me. I didn’t get a high-level government post for which I was ideally qualified because they wanted me to be able to write in Spanish to immigrants who wanted more information about free federal benefits.
Revisionist History
They came to THIS country, just as my ancestors did. The difference is that until recently, people spoke English is public because they were PROUD to be Americans.

And catering to foreigners who refuse to adapt to English IS my business, as it has indeed affected me. I didn’t get a high-level government post for which I was ideally qualified because they wanted me to be able to write in Spanish to immigrants who wanted more information about free federal benefits.
California and Texas were both Spanish/Mexican and of course the whole country was stolen from various tribes.

Your argument is basically might is right and that is just fascism.
There’s nothing wrong with immigrants speaking their native languages.

Among themselves, but there is something wrong with their lazy asses making us accommodate them. We didn't invite them, they barged in uninvited. They are not our host (although I'm sure many think they are) they are allowed to stay here because the Communists want to destroy this once nice country.
You miss my point Ray.
Oil being pumped in the US does not necessarily benefit the US. It is a commodity to be sold on the open market.

Correct. And the more oil pumped the less oil costs. What did you people think when you put in an anti-fuel guy to replace a pro-fuel guy that is the leader of the largest exporter of fuel in the world, $1.50 a gallon?
Dementia did. Why do you think our country is so Fd now?

Yea…Dementia Joe

The guy who warned about the dangers of MAGA
The guy who you guys mocked for claiming the election would not be that bad for Democrats

How is that Dementia line working out for you?
Yea…Dementia Joe

The guy who warned about the dangers of MAGA
The guy who you guys mocked for claiming the election would not be that bad for Democrats

How is that Dementia line working out for you?

Sorry, but commie propaganda not accepted hhere. He didn't need to warn anybody about the dangers of MAGA, he needed to by worried about the dangers like him poking a stick at the bear putting us all in danger.
Sorry, but commie propaganda not accepted hhere. He didn't need to warn anybody about the dangers of MAGA, he needed to by worried about the dangers like him poking a stick at the bear putting us all in danger.

Our President did a great job of poking a stick at Fat Donnie
He still is fuming
Yea…Dementia Joe

The guy who warned about the dangers of MAGA
The guy who you guys mocked for claiming the election would not be that bad for Democrats

How is that Dementia line working out for you?
There’s no “danger of MAGA.” The entire thing is a fiction developed by Democrats to keep American citizens from expressing an opinion that differs from Leftism.
They came to THIS country, just as my ancestors did. The difference is that until recently, people spoke English is public because they were PROUD to be Americans.

And catering to foreigners who refuse to adapt to English IS my business, as it has indeed affected me. I didn’t get a high-level government post for which I was ideally qualified because they wanted me to be able to write in Spanish to immigrants who wanted more information about free federal benefits.
If you couldn't do the job, you were not ideally qualified.
BTW, I am sitting in McDonalds, and the ENTIRE place is empty. Along comes some young people, plop down in the booth next to mine, and start yapping LOUDLY in Spanish.

I can’t hear myself think.
Next on the docket. Acceptance of Pedophile relationships, the incipient messaging of Bestiality and the same for Euthanasia for the sickly and elderly.
I can see the dems pushing to give some bureaucrat the power to require sick old conservative farts like me to be euthanized.
I can see the dems pushing to give some bureaucrat the power to require sick old conservative farts like me to be euthanized.
That isn’t far off the mark. An early proposal with Obamacare, put forth by a radical leftist, was to deny old people medical procedures based on a formula determining how many years of “quality” life they had left.

Socialism doesn’t value old people much.

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