What Democrats winning the Senate means

I’ll name two

Extorting Ukraine for personal gain
Inspiring an insurrection against our Capitol

Most Congress members voted to remove him from office

Except for the fact both are lies. He never asked Zelenskyy for anything in return, all the aid was delivered on time, and in spite of the lefts hatred of free speech, we still have it and it's protected by our US Constitution.
That is a LIE

If Biden attacks our Capitol, Democrats will vote to convict

Bullshit. Bill Clinton committed perjury and none of them voted for conviction. The only thing Trump had to do with the Capitol is offering to have the National Guard there from the beginning of the day, which of course Piglosi and the police Chief didn't want and refused the offer.
Oil costs $89 per barrel and gas is at almost $4 a gallon

We have had oil at well over $100 a barrel in the past and kept gas prices below $3 a gallon

Oil companies know a good thing when they see it

Oil companies don't set the price for oil--the commodities market does. What oil investors know is that we have an anti-energy President in charge, and that put OPEC back in the drivers seat and the US in the back seat.
Why don’t you want Republicans to help us with inflation, gas prices, healthcare, infrastructure?
Haha they will help alright... they will help you from making it work/

Inflation: Few things will make inflation go down. 1. stop spending and printing money... all Dems do is spend money. 2. Lower Fuel prices... Biden and the Dems brag about the war on fossil fuels, so thing there. 3. Lower Taxes and Less Regulations: And Dems are only about higher taxes and more regulations and red tape.

Healthcare... lol your answer is more government intervention. Obaminationcare should have showed you that is not the answer. In addition, you answer is more regulations and more red tape, which only increases causes and lowers the quality of services.

Infrastructure: SF spend $1.5 million to build one toilet. $5 BIL train to nowhere in CA. And the CA mentality is what runs the Demorats.

So if the GOP can do anything to prevent the Dems from doing more damage them that is what I want.
Because they can make money???? lt's going to take 20 years for oil to be obsolete. Make hay while the sun shines and it's shining for oil right now.

Lack of production isn't the problem. It's who controls the price of oil that is the problem.

Oil is subject to supply and demand like any other product on the market. It's how prices are set. Oil investors base their decisions on the news of the day. When the largest oil exporter of the world goes from pro-energy leadership to anti-energy leadership, you have what we got now, and that is record breaking fuel prices.

Because environmentalists have such strong control over the Democrat party, investors and OPEC realize we won't do a damn thing when they cut supplies. We just have to pay much more for fuel.
NOPE. They’re sitting here eating. They also speak English, because they just told the McDonald worker who brought their food to the table that their order was wrong, in perfected unaccented English.
Why does it bother you ? Do you want a segregated area ?
Keystone has nothing to do with our gas prices. We don’t buy that cheap shit

Oil companies are sitting on 9000 unused drilling permits

Being energy independent does not stop oil companies from charging the international rate for oil or selling it to the highest bidder
They have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to do so.

Does the US govt have the powers to make oil companies sell oil to the US at a cheaper rate than they can get on the free market ?

That would be useful.
They have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to do so.

Does the US govt have the powers to make oil companies sell oil to the US at a cheaper rate than they can get on the free market ?

That would be useful.

It would be dreadful.

The commodities market was created to help stabilize prices. If not for the market then oil companies could set the price whatever they want. While the market does not work in our favor every time, it would be much worse without it.

A government takeover of our oil companies is yet another step in the direction of Socialism/ Communism, and nobody here wants that. If they can dictate the price of oil, then they can dictate the price of everything.
They might have been there for generations. Did you ask them ?
Or did you just want to stamp on their first amendment rights ?

Democrats need to stop supporting dividing the country into different pockets of people. We are all Americans and should speak a common language. That is how we maintain UNITY - not the division you want.
With Republicans winning the House, serious legislation is impossible

But Mitch McConnell never cared about legislation
He would have used the next two years to block Biden from filling vacant court seats to stockpile them for a Republican President in 2024

Now, Biden will be able to undo some of the damage Trump did to the judiciary by appointing young, liberal judges
What Democrats winning the Senate means?

The continued downward spiralling of the US.
Democrats need to stop supporting dividing the country into different pockets of people. We are all Americans and should speak a common language. That is how we maintain UNITY - not the division you want.

It's also the reason we only allow so many immigrants to enter the country per year. We want them to assimilate with US citizens instead if bringing their country with them. As Democrats created a porous border, we lost that goal. More and more of them pour into the country, don't learn the language, and then we are forced to accommodate them instead of the other way around.

Years ago it was an English only country. Today many government jobs that deal with these people have to be bilingual. Same goes with some teaching jobs. Ballots are printed out in several languages. We didn't have to do all that years ago.

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