What Democrats winning the Senate means

The Dem Party is cheating like hell
The (R) party motto.
No Evidence of any Cheating.

When your party can't win, cry foul.
Before, During, and After the election.

A very SAD lot of a party that you cheer for.
The (R) party motto.
No Evidence of any Cheating.

When your party can't win, cry foul.
Before, During, and After the election.

A very SAD lot of a party that you cheer for.

Right. After we spent four years of whining how we need to change our election system to eliminate the electoral college.
It's also the reason we only allow so many immigrants to enter the country per year. We want them to assimilate with US citizens instead if bringing their country with them. As Democrats created a porous border, we lost that goal. More and more of them pour into the country, don't learn the language, and then we are forced to accommodate them instead of the other way around.

Years ago it was an English only country. Today many government jobs that deal with these people have to be bilingual. Same goes with some teaching jobs. Ballots are printed out in several languages. We didn't have to do all that years ago.
Yes, I lost out on a GS-14 government job for which I was otherwise a perfect match because I had to be able to write in Spanish: the immigrant American citizens expected native-born Americans to communicate with them in the language of their old country.
One of the reasons Trump was able to get the Justices he did confirmed was because of the precedent Harry Ried and the Democrats set in 2013. For those who have forgotten Reid and the Democrats used the so called nuclear option which gave them the power to get lower court justices and cabinet nominees confirmed on just a simple majority vote instead of the 60 it had been. They did this in my opinion because they felt sure they would keep control of the Senate in 2014 and the Presidency in 2016 and then move on to do the same thing with the Supreme Court. As we all know that did not happen and it was McConnell and the Republicans who took advantage of the precedent the Democrats set in 2016 and if the Democrats get the chance they will take advantage of what the Republicans did with the Supreme Court confirmation process. This is what happens when both parties make stupid moves for short term gain with the moronic idea that they will always be in the majority or that the other party who bitched royally about what they did wont take full advantage of it when they get the chance.
One of the reasons Trump was able to get the Justices he did confirmed was because of the precedent Harry Ried and the Democrats set in 2013. For those who have forgotten Reid and the Democrats used the so called nuclear option which gave them the power to get lower court justices and cabinet nominees confirmed on just a simple majority vote instead of the 60 it had been. They did this in my opinion because they felt sure they would keep control of the Senate in 2014 and the Presidency in 2016 and then move on to do the same thing with the Supreme Court. As we all know that did not happen and it was McConnell and the Republicans who took advantage of the precedent the Democrats set in 2016 and if the Democrats get the chance they will take advantage of what the Republicans did with the Supreme Court confirmation process. This is what happens when both parties make stupid moves for short term gain with the moronic idea that they will always be in the majority or that the other party who bitched royally about what they did wont take full advantage of it when they get the chance.
The Nuclear Option was invoked because McConnell was blocking every pick
Eventually even blocking a Supreme Court nominee for a year
The Nuclear Option was invoked because McConnell was blocking every pick
Eventually even blocking a Supreme Court nominee for a year
How did that work out for the Democrats? It was set up the way it was so neither party could just ram through what or who they wanted and force them to compromise and try and nominate people who both sides would find acceptable. Don't forget both Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer floated the idea of blocking a Supreme Court nomination during an election during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and Geroge W Bush no seat opened up during that time for either President so we don't know if they would have done it but they were willing to consider it. Over the years both sides have made the idea of compromise to be we are going to do what we want and you just shut up and accept it the blind partisans on both sides can pretend this is not ture all they want it won't change the fact it is.
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Let's hope you get the House too

America really needs to see you fully in action with Biden 2.0 unleashed

We deserve this
Sadly, in 1933, many people in Germany thought that after a few years of Nazi rule, Germany will reject Nazism. Instead Nazism got solidified.

I am afraid of total Democrat dictatorship and solidification of power.
Your daily misery does bring me pleasure.
Many Leftist Revolutionaries in France under Robespierre and in USSR under Stalin were cancelled by the very Revolutions they helped bring about. It is likely that many Democrats will be cancelled by Democratic Rule.
How did that work out for the Democrats? It was set up the way it was so neither party could just ram through what or who they wanted and force them to compromise and try and nominate people who both sides would find acceptable. Don't forget both Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer floated the idea of blocking a Supreme Court nomination during an election during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and Geroge W Bush no seat opened up during that time for either President so we don't know if they would have done it but they were willing to consider it. Over the years both sides have made the idea of compromise to be we are going to do what we want and you just shut up and accept it the blind partisans on both sides can pretend this is not ture all they want it won't change the fact it is.
Actually, prior to McConnell, a President was allowed to fill Court vacancies with only an occasional rejection

McConnell made every appointment subject to a 60 vote threshold.

He poisoned the well
It would be dreadful.

The commodities market was created to help stabilize prices. If not for the market then oil companies could set the price whatever they want. While the market does not work in our favor every time, it would be much worse without it.

A government takeover of our oil companies is yet another step in the direction of Socialism/ Communism, and nobody here wants that. If they can dictate the price of oil, then they can dictate the price of everything.
You miss my point Ray.
Oil being pumped in the US does not necessarily benefit the US. It is a commodity to be sold on the open market.

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