What Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

De Blasio wrongly viewed the July 17 death of Eric Garner and a grand jury’s subsequent exoneration of the officer who used a chokehold on him as examples of systemic racism...

NYC Police Say De Blasio s Words Not Policies Betray Them - Bloomberg

Bloomberg is not one to mince the bullshit.
An article that begins with..."NY Police SAY..." and goes on bashing the Mayor is not news, it's opinion.

Try again hack.
This is a no-win situation with you. It's a fucking set-up. I can see where your bullshit is headed.

Fuck you, bitch. :slap:
Just as I thought, hacks always call things "setups" when they can't prove the swill they're spewing.

If you watched the news the past 5 months you'd see that a couple of dozen businesses were destroyed, and if you read the post I posted here about black on white crime you'd realize exactly what we're talking about.

You have no stats or data to back your case up...Just emotional hatred.
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What, specifically, is causing this childish meltdown by the NYPD political leadership?
The assassination of two members of the New York Police Department? Duh?
What does DeBlasio have to do with a nutjob committing a crime? He STATED that it was because of Eric Garner, perhaps if they didn't choke him to death and get away with it, those two cops might still be alive today.
here you go. this should get your panties all bunched up: Demouth Blasio has a choice eh?

Wary NYPD cops letting minor crimes slide
By Larry Celona, Dana Sauchelli, Shawn Cohen and Bruce Golding
December 29, 2014 | 1:27am


Officers at slain cop Rafael Ramos' funeral. Photo: Dennis A. Clark

With cops on edge following the assassination of two patrol officers on a Brooklyn street, many officers have started turning a blind eye to some minor crimes, sources told The Post, while a union mandate that two patrol cars respond to all police calls has led to slower response times to non-emergencies.

“I’m not writing any summonses. Do you think I’m going to stand there so someone can shoot me or hit me in the head with an ax?” One cop said Sunday, referring to the Dec. 20 slayings and another recent attack on the NYPD.

“I’m concerned about my safety,” the cop added. “I want to go to home to my wife and kids.”

An NYPD supervisor noted, “My guys are writing almost no summonses, and probably only making arrests when they have to — like when a store catches a shoplifter.”

And the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association directive for cops to respond with at least two patrol cars has resulted in a manpower shortage that’s delaying response times to non-emergencies — such as burglaries or car crashes without injuries — to as much as four hours, sources said.

Meanwhile, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton predicted a long, cold war between Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYPD’s rank and file Sunday, while admitting that morale among cops was so low, the problem could no longer be denied.

all of it here:

Wary NYPD cops letting minor crimes slide New York Post
What, specifically, is causing this childish meltdown by the NYPD political leadership?
Stop and frisk?
The mayor warned his son about racist cops, and that was enough to set off the police union and others heavily invested in the status quo. Hopefully, rational police officers will decide to start holding their fellow officers to the same standards they apply to civilians?
What, specifically, is causing this childish meltdown by the NYPD political leadership?
Stop and frisk?
The mayor warned his son about racist cops, and that was enough to set off the police union and others heavily invested in the status quo. Hopefully, rational police officers will decide to start holding their fellow officers to the same standards they apply to civilians?

Besides being a muslim terrorist sympathizer, and supporter, this poster is also anti-Police...do you people get to see the connections being made now, and enforced by these 2 demented ideologies?...By any chance George are you a BLACK muslim?

Besides being a muslim terrorist sympathizer, and supporter, this poster is also anti-Police...do you people get to see the connections being made now, and enforced by these 2 demented ideologies?...By any chance George are you a BLACK muslim?
you white-skinned?
Do you support white racist NYPD cops throwing off-duty black officers against a wall for questioning stop and frisk?

"And I’m a (Black) police officer. And I’ve been thrown against the wall off-duty, because they all [inaudible] the mentality that Patrick Lynch and many other officers don’t want to hear about. They don’t have to speak to their kids. They don’t have—if my kids and Patrick Lynch’s son walk the street right now, chances are that, you know, the conversation that I have to have with my son, he won’t have to have. As an officer, I’ve been thrown against the wall. As an officer, I’ve been shown no respect."
NYPD Officer Speaks Out on Fellow Cops Who Turned Backs to Mayor Why People of Color Fear Police Democracy Now
Why do some conservative feel the need to defend racist cops?
Besides being a muslim terrorist sympathizer, and supporter, this poster is also anti-Police...do you people get to see the connections being made now, and enforced by these 2 demented ideologies?...By any chance George are you a BLACK muslim?
you white-skinned?
Do you support white racist NYPD cops throwing off-duty black officers against a wall for questioning stop and frisk?

"And I’m a (Black) police officer. And I’ve been thrown against the wall off-duty, because they all [inaudible] the mentality that Patrick Lynch and many other officers don’t want to hear about. They don’t have to speak to their kids. They don’t have—if my kids and Patrick Lynch’s son walk the street right now, chances are that, you know, the conversation that I have to have with my son, he won’t have to have. As an officer, I’ve been thrown against the wall. As an officer, I’ve been shown no respect."
NYPD Officer Speaks Out on Fellow Cops Who Turned Backs to Mayor Why People of Color Fear Police Democracy Now
Why do some conservative feel the need to defend racist cops?

Why do you continue to LIE like you do... No one was ever thrown up against a wall, and officers have a RIGHT to frisk anyone they come upon IF they suspect that person MIGHT BE ARMED and present an imminent danger to that officer. SOME black cops, are just as bad as the THUGERY being they want to cause SENSATION in the media, who readily laps this shit up. The NYPD 100 Blacks in Law enforcement are just this sort of group, standing for criminals when a white or other minority than black TRIES to do their job, which usually entails a crime committed by another black man.

The only reason I can see that you fucked up muslim Terrorist lovers are even involved is that ISIS has tweeted that they want all their supporters to make as much trouble, and kill as many cops as they can. It's all part of this worldwide SUBVERSIVE and Jihadist movement ...and George, YOU are a PART OF THIS TRASH!...BTW, George, do you know the Cop Killer in Brooklyn was a muslim, and tweeted as such, along with his "2 pigs are gonna get their WINGS today?"
You love how the left/race hustlers pick out one or two incidents out of MILLIONS that goes on every day and lays that on ALL of the police force?

that's their gig folks. Nothing fair or unbiased in stirring up racial hatred for their AGENDA
You love how the left/race hustlers pick out one or two incidents out of MILLIONS that goes on every day and lays that on ALL of the police force?

that's their gig folks. Nothing fair or unbiased in stirring up racial hatred for their AGENDA

White supremacy in action: Cops kill black people, all cops defend killer cop. Black person kills cop, all black ppl expected to apologize.

They do this all the time. Tell you that stop and frisk is good or harassing blacks is ok because blacks commit crimes but goddamit its not fair to treat all police the same. (even tho no one does) because that would be....unfair lol.

Get it...Unfairness and generalizations are only for the no matter what police defenders

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