What Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.

Cops make millions of arrests a year. A tiny fraction result in injury. And of those..99% were injured while they resisted arrest.

If DeBlasios son A) Follows the law and B) Doesnt fight cops if he does get stopped.....then guess what? He has a better shot of being hurt by a Sharknado than a police officer.

You cop haters get more retarded by the day.

If a black or biracial...or ANY race man...follows the law...and doesnt resisit if/when he is stopped for something minor...or if he happens to just be walking in a high crime area and a cops asks to speak to him....then he'll never have to worry about cops.

Its so simple.

Stop and Frisk alone resulted in more abuse than sharnados. That's cute tho...remember stop and Frisk wasn't about ANYONE COMMIT ING A CRIME! Let's also marvel at the fact you just stated that a cop just wants to talk... that's funny. I talk to anyone add long as they don't want to search me and have the ability to take me to jail on a whim.

Could it be possible that cops are human? And they have feelings? Or is it you're contention that every d single solitary case of injury is because every single solitary person was resisting?

You have better odds at getting hit by that Sharknado
He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.

Cops make millions of arrests a year. A tiny fraction result in injury. And of those..99% were injured while they resisted arrest.

If DeBlasios son A) Follows the law and B) Doesnt fight cops if he does get stopped.....then guess what? He has a better shot of being hurt by a Sharknado than a police officer.

You cop haters get more retarded by the day.

If a black or biracial...or ANY race man...follows the law...and doesnt resisit if/when he is stopped for something minor...or if he happens to just be walking in a high crime area and a cops asks to speak to him....then he'll never have to worry about cops.

Its so simple.

Stop and Frisk alone resulted in more abuse than sharnados. That's cute tho...remember stop and Frisk wasn't about ANYONE COMMIT ING A CRIME! Let's also marvel at the fact you just stated that a cop just wants to talk... that's funny. I talk to anyone add long as they don't want to search me and have the ability to take me to jail on a whim.

Could it be possible that cops are human? And they have feelings? Or is it you're contention that every d single solitary case of injury is because every single solitary person was resisting?

You have better odds at getting hit by that Sharknado

Stop and Frisk only hurts criminals. If im walking in the Bronx and a cop wants to pat me down for 5 seconds to be sure im not carrying drugs or a gun...fine with me. Because that means hes checking most other people too.....other people who would ROB OR SHOOT me if not for heavy police presence.


Be inconvenienced and patted down by NYPD for 10 seconds......or.....be robbed or killed by a street thug- and be dead for...well forever.

Yeah. Im fine with it.
The far bigger problem is the lack of lot's of open and concealed carry legal guns in NYC. Ir's a wonder that with carry laws nearly as restrictive as Chicago that the murder rate is not even higher.
The far bigger problem is the lack of lot's of open and concealed carry legal guns in NYC. Ir's a wonder that with carry laws nearly as restrictive as Chicago that the murder rate is not even higher.


But ill just say it. Its extremely politically incorrect....but some populations just cant have open or concealed carry. They're too reckless. Too undisciplined. Too impulsive. Our urban ghettos are just that.

Others...are the opposite. They carry and are safe and reserved and disciplined.

Its everyones right. But ill just be "that guy" who is very politically incorrect. Some people are too dumb to vote. Some are too reckless and violent for a gun. Some are such habitual criminals...they should be searched daily. Screw it. Its not comfortable to say but its true.
The far bigger problem is the lack of lot's of open and concealed carry legal guns in NYC. Ir's a wonder that with carry laws nearly as restrictive as Chicago that the murder rate is not even higher.

But ill just say it. Its extremely politically incorrect....but some populations just cant have open or concealed carry. They're too reckless. Too undisciplined. Too impulsive. Our urban ghettos are just that.
given the felony conviction rate in the ghetto I don't see that as a problem. Have a notation on driver's licenses of felony convictions as FL does. Chicago is strongly indicative of you being wrong in your assumption.
The far bigger problem is the lack of lot's of open and concealed carry legal guns in NYC. Ir's a wonder that with carry laws nearly as restrictive as Chicago that the murder rate is not even higher.

But ill just say it. Its extremely politically incorrect....but some populations just cant have open or concealed carry. They're too reckless. Too undisciplined. Too impulsive. Our urban ghettos are just that.
given the felony conviction rate in the ghetto I don't see that as a problem. Have a notation on driver's licenses of felony convictions as FL does. Chicago is strongly indicative of you being wrong in your assumption.

He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.

Cops make millions of arrests a year. A tiny fraction result in injury. And of those..99% were injured while they resisted arrest.

If DeBlasios son A) Follows the law and B) Doesnt fight cops if he does get stopped.....then guess what? He has a better shot of being hurt by a Sharknado than a police officer.

You cop haters get more retarded by the day.

If a black or biracial...or ANY race man...follows the law...and doesnt resisit if/when he is stopped for something minor...or if he happens to just be walking in a high crime area and a cops asks to speak to him....then he'll never have to worry about cops.

Its so simple.

Stop and Frisk alone resulted in more abuse than sharnados. That's cute tho...remember stop and Frisk wasn't about ANYONE COMMIT ING A CRIME! Let's also marvel at the fact you just stated that a cop just wants to talk... that's funny. I talk to anyone add long as they don't want to search me and have the ability to take me to jail on a whim.

Could it be possible that cops are human? And they have feelings? Or is it you're contention that every d single solitary case of injury is because every single solitary person was resisting?

You have better odds at getting hit by that Sharknado

Stop and Frisk only hurts criminals. If im walking in the Bronx and a cop wants to pat me down for 5 seconds to be sure im not carrying drugs or a gun...fine with me. Because that means hes checking most other people too.....other people who would ROB OR SHOOT me if not for heavy police presence.


Be inconvenienced and patted down by NYPD for 10 seconds......or.....be robbed or killed by a street thug- and be dead for...well forever.

Yeah. Im fine with it.

So to recap, you went from "the police won't bother you" to "if they want to bother you for a little while it should be OK".

Got it, thanks
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.

Cops make millions of arrests a year. A tiny fraction result in injury. And of those..99% were injured while they resisted arrest.

If DeBlasios son A) Follows the law and B) Doesnt fight cops if he does get stopped.....then guess what? He has a better shot of being hurt by a Sharknado than a police officer.

You cop haters get more retarded by the day.

If a black or biracial...or ANY race man...follows the law...and doesnt resisit if/when he is stopped for something minor...or if he happens to just be walking in a high crime area and a cops asks to speak to him....then he'll never have to worry about cops.

Its so simple.

Stop and Frisk alone resulted in more abuse than sharnados. That's cute tho...remember stop and Frisk wasn't about ANYONE COMMIT ING A CRIME! Let's also marvel at the fact you just stated that a cop just wants to talk... that's funny. I talk to anyone add long as they don't want to search me and have the ability to take me to jail on a whim.

Could it be possible that cops are human? And they have feelings? Or is it you're contention that every d single solitary case of injury is because every single solitary person was resisting?

You have better odds at getting hit by that Sharknado

Stop and Frisk only hurts criminals. If im walking in the Bronx and a cop wants to pat me down for 5 seconds to be sure im not carrying drugs or a gun...fine with me. Because that means hes checking most other people too.....other people who would ROB OR SHOOT me if not for heavy police presence.


Be inconvenienced and patted down by NYPD for 10 seconds......or.....be robbed or killed by a street thug- and be dead for...well forever.

Yeah. Im fine with it.

So to recap, you went from "the police won't bother you" to "if they want to bother you for a little while it should be OK".

Got it, thanks

Nope. If you act or look suspicious in a high crime area..they may stop you. Thats not "bothering" you.

If they do stop you...and you comply and dont attack them... then a Sharknado is a bigger threat to yoh than the police.
The far bigger problem is the lack of lot's of open and concealed carry legal guns in NYC. Ir's a wonder that with carry laws nearly as restrictive as Chicago that the murder rate is not even higher.

But ill just say it. Its extremely politically incorrect....but some populations just cant have open or concealed carry. They're too reckless. Too undisciplined. Too impulsive. Our urban ghettos are just that.

Others...are the opposite. They carry and are safe and reserved and disciplined.

Its everyones right. But ill just be "that guy" who is very politically incorrect. Some people are too dumb to vote. Some are too reckless and violent for a gun. Some are such habitual criminals...they should be searched daily. Screw it. Its not comfortable to say but its true.
Now, give Buck a badge with the part to arrest. He already believes that certain "part" of the population. . Blacks should not have the same rights as " another part" of the population

Maybe... just maybe that would leaf but to treat blacks differently.
Maybe. ... just maybe bus would approach the black person in aq aggressive manner because of that ideas that all v blacks are reckless.
And maybe. .. just maybe that would leaf to an arrest. That lands that person in jail so then you can talk about the high prison population within the black community.
He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.
I don't worship anyone. And the mayor, like you, is a moron with unfounded fear.
I have unfortunately had many interactions with cops in my lifetime and just like you or me the vast majority of them are just doing their jobs.

Now go hide under your covers & shut up

Unfounded? I used to play pretend with my kids when they were younger. I used to be a dinosaur and even still I can't begin to pretend as hard as you are right now.
Is that a welfare check in your work boots or just dust & mold?
De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.

Cops make millions of arrests a year. A tiny fraction result in injury. And of those..99% were injured while they resisted arrest.

If DeBlasios son A) Follows the law and B) Doesnt fight cops if he does get stopped.....then guess what? He has a better shot of being hurt by a Sharknado than a police officer.

You cop haters get more retarded by the day.

If a black or biracial...or ANY race man...follows the law...and doesnt resisit if/when he is stopped for something minor...or if he happens to just be walking in a high crime area and a cops asks to speak to him....then he'll never have to worry about cops.

Its so simple.

Stop and Frisk alone resulted in more abuse than sharnados. That's cute tho...remember stop and Frisk wasn't about ANYONE COMMIT ING A CRIME! Let's also marvel at the fact you just stated that a cop just wants to talk... that's funny. I talk to anyone add long as they don't want to search me and have the ability to take me to jail on a whim.

Could it be possible that cops are human? And they have feelings? Or is it you're contention that every d single solitary case of injury is because every single solitary person was resisting?

You have better odds at getting hit by that Sharknado

Stop and Frisk only hurts criminals. If im walking in the Bronx and a cop wants to pat me down for 5 seconds to be sure im not carrying drugs or a gun...fine with me. Because that means hes checking most other people too.....other people who would ROB OR SHOOT me if not for heavy police presence.


Be inconvenienced and patted down by NYPD for 10 seconds......or.....be robbed or killed by a street thug- and be dead for...well forever.

Yeah. Im fine with it.

So to recap, you went from "the police won't bother you" to "if they want to bother you for a little while it should be OK".

Got it, thanks

Nope. If you act or look suspicious in a high crime area..they may stop you. Thats not "bothering" you.

If they do stop you...and you comply and dont attack them... then a Sharknado is a bigger threat to yoh than the police.

And since you are a person with the ability to be bias "looking suspicious" means a lot of the times being black. Lets remember that 90% of the people stopped committed no crime at all and were released only after being sweated by someone who on a whim can change your life. Then you wonder where the animosity comes from when bothering someone to you isnt really bothering someone and harassing isnt really harassing to you...only when its not you. I know, I know...IF someone stopped you and IF they wanted to search you then you'd be fine with it...HYPOTHETICALLY.

But you guys squawk and complain about the same thing at the TSA. Taking off your shoes, x-ray machines etc have ALWAAYS been a "hassle" ONLY when its you tho. Then you turn around and tell blacks THEY shouldnt have a problem being searched and stopped because...thats different
This is why there is high crime...when you make things illegal or more severe only when a black person does it. Then quote the prison stats as confirmation that blacks are bad because your plan worked.

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