What Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

De Blasio slams cops for 'disrespect' despite his wife wearing jeans to funeral

Examiner ^

New York City's First Lady wears jeans to funeral. While thousands of present and former members of the New York City Police Department have recently displayed their displeasure and anger at Mayor Bill de Blasio by turning their collective backs on him, the mayor fired back by referring to those officers as "disrespectful," but made no mention of his wife sporting denim blue jeans to the funeral of assassinated Detective Wenjian Liu this past Sunday. As reported by The Washington Post on Jan. 5, 2015, accompanied by his ever present Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, the city's mayor Bill de Blasio...
The public isn't exactly behind Deblasio. He started it when he kept the schools open during a blizzard. He's been a dipshit since day one. Maybe that's why his daughter is a junkie.
The public isn't exactly behind Deblasio. He started it when he kept the schools open during a blizzard. He's been a dipshit since day one. Maybe that's why his daughter is a junkie.
Personal attacks now eh?

Why are you so emotionally invested? Has DeBlasio hurt you or your family in some way?
He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.
He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.
I don't worship anyone. And the mayor, like you, is a moron with unfounded fear.
I have unfortunately had many interactions with cops in my lifetime and just like you or me the vast majority of them are just doing their jobs.

Now go hide under your covers & shut up
I think his little sit down with his kid pretty much telling him that it's just a matter of time
before he is gunned down by the NYPD might have gotten the Cops a little pissed.
He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.
I don't worship anyone. And the mayor, like you, is a moron with unfounded fear.
I have unfortunately had many interactions with cops in my lifetime and just like you or me the vast majority of them are just doing their jobs.

Now go hide under your covers & shut up

Unfounded? I used to play pretend with my kids when they were younger. I used to be a dinosaur and even still I can't begin to pretend as hard as you are right now.
He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.

Cops make millions of arrests a year. A tiny fraction result in injury. And of those..99% were injured while they resisted arrest.

If DeBlasios son A) Follows the law and B) Doesnt fight cops if he does get stopped.....then guess what? He has a better shot of being hurt by a Sharknado than a police officer.

You cop haters get more retarded by the day.

If a black or biracial...or ANY race man...follows the law...and doesnt resisit if/when he is stopped for something minor...or if he happens to just be walking in a high crime area and a cops asks to speak to him....then he'll never have to worry about cops.

Its so simple.
To the point of the OP's topic........who cares??

In the end, the mayor will lose. He's already losing as city revenues go into the toilet.....virtually no citations being written and millions being lost ftmfw!!! THATS gonna go over real well with the big boys!!!:2up:

Murders back in the 80's were up around 2,000/ year and down to about 240 last year!!! Wait'll the folks of the city get aload of the rapid rise in violent crime in the next several months!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You fuck with the police in the manner this dickhead Sandanista mayor has, u'll lOse!!:fu:

Lets remember too.........a lot of progressive idiots in this forum don't navigate in the real world........hailing from places like Stinkholeville USA and Blowmetown USA........all the places where the ivory tower gayness can flourish!!!:spinner:
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He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.
I don't worship anyone. And the mayor, like you, is a moron with unfounded fear.
I have unfortunately had many interactions with cops in my lifetime and just like you or me the vast majority of them are just doing their jobs.

Now go hide under your covers & shut up

Very fair statement. I think 80% of cop haters problem is that they HATE acknowledging another human has direct authority over them. Its why the protesters suck in the workplace and managers fire them for insubordination.

They have to accept that we have laws. Men enforce those laws. And a few of those men will have bad attitudes and some are even corrupt...because all groups of men have that....but most arent.

I too, as an ex cop, have been stopped about 10 times by cops in my life. All but 2 were traffic tickets. I wasnt rude. Did what they said to do. Got warnings half the time. Tickets the other times. And the 2 non traffic ones were bc my vehicle was similar to a robbery suspect vehicle and the other was a cop stopping me while I walked at night in downtown Atlanta in an area white guys typically arent around.

Never got shot or beaten. A couple guys were rude and bossy. Whatever. Cops arent here to patty cake me and hug me and tell me Im special. If I dont resist...I dont expect them to step over the line. Fair enough.
He told the truth about the NYPD
You are a moron.

I told the truth about you.

De Blasio said he worried about his son's safety being that he is biracial. Please explain what is not true about that statement, particularly considering that 90% of Stop and Frisk harassment stops were targeted towards people of color. Then please explain to me what it is about conservatives and your obsession with worshiping people in uniform.

Wow. You nailed it!

Fucking genius!


NYC today is just like it was in the 70's when the Bronx was burning. How do you know so darn much about any given topic?

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