What did President Trump do to the Dems?

What did President Trump do to the Democrats to make them hate him so much?
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Pulled back the curtain to expose them for who they are...


Caused their heads to explode because no one had stood up to them / fought back like he did before...

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Triggered them...

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Made them cry and wail...

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Made them run out into the streets and scream at the sky...

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Made them turn traitor - violate the Constitution, Violate the Patriot Act, Defrauded the FISA court, Violate the Rule Of Law, illegally spy on Americans and the President, attempt a failed Russian Collusion coup attempt, Attempt failed coup Impeachments based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses, forced desperate Democrats to manufacture false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by attempting to illegally, treasonously remove a sitting President from office...


great post... thanks for the laughs..
Humor us.
At this late date what's the use? Part of the reason some people despise Trump is that he has brought out the worst in people like you. He somehow made being a hateful bitch (or bastard) into a patriotic virtue. He has split families and made political discourse impossible. I have family members I will probably never speak to again because they joined his belligerence cult and seem to take great joy in giving me shit.
It wasn't what he did to the Dems. It was the stones he threw in the path of globalists and their agenda. Since the Dems have basically become the Globalism Party of America (as in sell your country out to the highest foreign bidder), they are the political tool which globalists use to manipulate politics in America, and get us to give away our power. President Trump's policies simply put America first and prevented them from achieving their goals so easily. Since the globalists grip on America exists mostly through the Democratic Party, that is the part that swats at Trump when Trump stands in the way. Otherwise getting personal would give their true identities away. They need Obamas and Bidens and Pelosis to influence liberal America to go along with the plan, or to agree to things which enable the plan.
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What did President Trump do to the Democrats to make them hate him so much?
During his campaign to get elected Trump made several campaign promises....

Which he meant and kept.

He gave no quarter to those who opposed him while trying to keep those promises. He didn't bargain away any of his campaign promises and gave the democrats nothing. He considered them competition and outmaneuvered them consistently.

First time in a long time a president has done that.
During his campaign to get elected Trump made several campaign promises....

Which he meant and kept.

He gave no quarter to those who opposed him while trying to keep those promises. He didn't bargain away any of his campaign promises and gave the democrats nothing. He considered them competition and outmaneuvered them consistently.

First time in a long time a president has done that.

I thought you weren't into politics,...
I want to see you explain yourself in paragraphs because I don't believe you can.
You totally ignored one reason I gave. Why should I give you more? With every post you prove you are not really interested. You would rather have your self-righteous rage than wisdom.
At this late date what's the use? Part of the reason some people despise Trump is that he has brought out the worst in people like you. He somehow made being a hateful bitch (or bastard) into a patriotic virtue. He has split families and made political discourse impossible. I have family members I will probably never speak to again because they joined his belligerence cult and seem to take great joy in giving me shit.
The left have hated us for decades. What's the matter can't handle a dose of your own medicine?
So far you have given me zip unless I'm missing something.
Look at the part of my post you edited out without taking two seconds to consider what I said.
Part of the reason some people despise Trump is that he has brought out the worst in people like you. He somehow made being a hateful bitch (or bastard) into a patriotic virtue. He has split families and made political discourse impossible. I have family members I will probably never speak to again because they joined his belligerence cult and seem to take great joy in giving me shit.
Trumpism — the inexplicable cult of personality that has consumed and perverted so much of his party — has done to Democrats what it has done to many Independents and many Republicans.

It has shown us the ugly, paranoid, ignorant, bigoted underbelly of our country, a country we all thought was so much better than this.

It has been a bitter pill to swallow, that’s for damn sure.
If you people don't understand by now you never will. In any case I'm pretty sure you'd rather remain ignorant just the way He likes you.

If I'm "ignorant", please educate me. What did Trump do to make you leftists protest, riot, burn, loot, and murder throughout the whole year of 2020? What did he do that made you want to elect someone who's left you standing there with your pants down around your ankles and your dick in your hand while gasoline rose to twice the price it was during 2018, the inflation rate rose to 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the middle class, and retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 4 million more illegals within the last two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, a weakened, pussified military, and IRS arming and training to be home invaders, an FBI acting like Nazi storm troopers, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens like they did to Salman Rushdie, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China being energy and militarily dominant, a war in Europe that could even go nuclear, and China and North Korea threatening the US?

I'm all ears here. Clue me in, bro.
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