What did President Trump do to the Dems?

I could write paragraphs but even if you read them you would be no wiser. You jerks are not worth educating. If you actually valued things like other people's freedom, rule of law and fair and free elections you would not be following this shitstain to begin with.
If you say that with a straight face you should win an Oscar. Or one of the biggest buffoons to walk the earth.
Speaking for me only, I don't like being lied to or to be embarrassed to be an American by our President.
Of course you like being led. You're a servile prog. You wouldn't know what to do if you could make your own decisions.
What did President Trump do to the Democrats to make them hate him so much?

What did President Trump do to the Dems?​

He said or implied that the Democrat base…..wetbacks, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals, degenerate lowlife beggars and unwise ignorant indoctrinated college kids were bad for America.
It's an act. I was raised by Christian zealots. I know what it's like to be obsessed with the Devil and Hell.
Is it really? Why are you more miserable than they are. I’m pretty sure they don’t hold the same hatred of you that you hold for them. This seems to be a you problem.
Is it really? Why are you more miserable than they are. I’m pretty sure they don’t hold the same hatred of you that you hold for them. This seems to be a you problem.
I'm way happier since I let all that fearful nonsense go. It's even worse now since rightwing politics staged a hostile takeover of American Christianity. Now you can go to hell for not voting correctly.

What did President Trump do to the Dems?​

He said or implied that the Democrat base…..wetbacks, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals, degenerate lowlife beggars and unwise ignorant indoctrinated college kids were bad for America.
And? 🤔
I like beer. It’s not required to have fun. Jesus was a pretty decent guy, not sure why you would hate him.

I do see why you may not get along though. Maybe the drunk Jesus hating guy is a cramp on their get together. This seems more like a you problem than a them problem.
Jesus would be fun at a party, I think. When he gets drunk he's been known to ride a donkey backward and stumble into tables, knocking them over. Fun guy!
I don't know who this guy is...he's probably just a normal everyday american who pays attention to history and politics. His analysis is as good as if not better than any allegedly educated leftist pundit...repunk pundit too i'd say for the most part.

Justin Chevet
Studied at Georgia State UniversityAuthor has 333 answers and 1.8M answer views3y
Originally Answered: What does the media seems so hatefully obsessed with Trump?
Because Donald Trump did the unthinkable, the unforgivable, and the worst thing you can do. He mocked them, defied them and proved them wrong.
If our founders could have foreseen what our media has become, I am solidly convinced they would have thought twice about “freedom of the press”
Instead of being a solid foundation of truthful reporting at the expense of the powerful for the benefit of the common man, they have become the opposite in fact.
Our media creates narrative, then they omit what facts contradict the narrative, and build the facts that support it. During the revolution, our press was made up by people like Benjamin Franklin, rebels, and their apprentices like Johnny Tremain (Sons of Liberty) But today’s media and press are comprised of elitist snobs from Ivy League schools that have become their own branch of government, their own ruling class. They can make or break a candidate in one sound bite (think Candy Crowley in Obama/Romney debate). They doctor their own polls in order to show us, (the stupid people) how unlikely it is our guy will win. And we believed them. We lapped it up. Until 2016.
We watched as Romney helplessly sat there, silenced, as Crowley interjected in a debate on the side of Obama with some record to prove something that was not really true.
We listened time after time as one side got maliciously scrutinized, and the other was praised.
the media became its own branch of government, they became their own ruling class. Then came Donald Trump.
We all remember that day he came down that escalator, waving his hand. And we all rolled our eyes and thought “yeah right! again dude!”
but something happened this time! He said things the media had dictated was politically incorrect! He called SOME illegal aliens “murderers and rapists” Because we all know that only angels come out of Tijuana, Juarez, and Laredo!!! NOOOOO!!! you were not supposed to say that! He dared to say that Obama was anything less than the angelic saint they insisted he was. He even attacked the media themselves! What!?!? THIS could not happen!!!
Oh well, whatever! We, the press, will just trash him every chance we get! We will doctor EVERY poll to show how ignorant you must be to support a guy like Trump.
The only problem is that nobody cared! he tapped into problems everyday people cared and worried about! stagnant wages as a result of importing cheap labor, loose immigration (generous here——try NON existant immigration policy) whereby cartels and gangs could wield their wrath at will.
The media would have NONE of this….. so they attacked, but he attacked back. and with a vengeance that made most squirm. He did not care. He doubled down, kept touring. Like a poker player confident of his hand, he continued his macabre, unconventional campaign. And lo and behold, it began to take hold.
Former politicians, Generals, and everyone else joined CNN’s chorus of doom and gloom should he win the primary. But he did, and effortlessly.
The media doubled down as hard as he did…… they devised every poll that said Hillary would sweep up Georgia, Arizona, hell, TEXAS was now in play! Bad news there! Trump continued to not only ignore it, but campaign in democrat strongholds. His own adopted party did not like him??? Well Fuck em. was his swashbuckling response. Oh, prominent GOP members now want to vote for Hillary!!??! OOOOh, that should be the nail in the coffin, right?
NO! it proved what Trump was preaching…they are ALL in the same boat!
The media predicted that Trump would be so soundly defeated that he would shrink into oblivion, along with the poor souls who supported him. That did not stop the Trump machine! He continued to smash every rule of conventional politics…..hell, he even smashed every rule of fuckin decency! He mocked a disabled reporter, lashed out at a famous debate moderator and accused her of being on her period, accused a POW senator of not being a hero. His support only grew!
Then he did the unthinkable! The unforgivable! he waged his war on the media itself! He labelled them “fake news”. At his tens of thousand of people rallies, he pointed them out as “the enemy”. Called some of them fat, disgusting, and everything else.
But no matter. Whatever! This would be the most humiliating defeat there ever was and ever would be! On election night all would be vindicated. Only that the opposite happened. The dirty, blue collar, unwashed, uneducated had their say. and with their vote, they turned the elite, superior educated on their heads.
And so they will never forgive this grave sin. This offense to the order of what was their universe! Trump not only accomplished the unthinkable, he did it in adversity to their wisdom, and rubbed their faces in it! They will never get over it! You will feel their rage, betrayal, and defeat on every airwave
I don't hate Jesus but his lousy fan club is the most miserable bunch of busybody complainers ever.
It seems like the “complainers” are those always in our face begging for more tolerance, more inclusiveness, less decency and less morality. We are simple…we just want America left alone, we want to preserve and protect it….you hate that.
It seems like the “complainers” are those always in our face begging for more tolerance, more inclusiveness, less decency and less morality. We are simple…we just want leave America alone and protect and preserve it.
Pretty sure the Taliban wants the same thing for Afghanistan. Gotta bust a lot of heads to protect and preserve theocracy.

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