What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

I have never slimed our troops. I ahve never demanded that they surrender to anyone. and I CERTAINLY have NEVER suggested that they were loafing in the field and not trying as hard as they could to win..... LIKE YOU DID.

You have smiled them by defending those in your party who have insulted them

You want them to surrender and come home beaten

All Dems care about is their political power and the troops are a stepping stone to that goal
You have smiled them by defending those in your party who have insulted them

You want them to surrender and come home beaten

All Dems care about is their political power and the troops are a stepping stone to that goal

That is your opinion of my position...I disagree.

YOUR position on the efforts put forth by our troops is certainly a position I disagree with. I certainly do not think they are dogging it and slacking off. I certainly do not wish they would get off their lazy asses and start fighting harder...LIKE YOU DO
That is your opinion of my position...I disagree.

YOUR position on the efforts put forth by our troops is certainly a position I disagree with. I certainly do not think they are dogging it and slacking off. I certainly do not wish they would get off their lazy asses and start fighting harder...LIKE YOU DO

You have constantly kissed the asses of the Dems who slimed the troops. You have ignored it when your Dems called them uneducated, terrorists, murderers, Nazi's, compared them to Pol Pot, and operaters of torture chambers

Yes, this is how MM supports the troops

Like a true blue liberal
YOUR position on the efforts put forth by our troops is certainly a position I disagree with. I certainly do not think they are dogging it and slacking off. I certainly do not wish they would get off their lazy asses and start fighting harder...LIKE YOU DO
YOUR position on the efforts put forth by our troops is certainly a position I disagree with. I certainly do not think they are dogging it and slacking off. I certainly do not wish they would get off their lazy asses and start fighting harder...LIKE YOU DO

Libs are always ready to smear the troops - it makes their kook base very happy

No wonder you have been in good mood lately
Libs are always ready to smear the troops - it makes their kook base very happy

No wonder you have been in good mood lately

I don't smear the troops...and I certainly don't sit back in the comfort provided by servicemen and veterans for decades and suggest that our troops are lazy. Like you do.

that is really despicable behavior for a yellow bellied chickenhawk like you.
You don't see "Republicans" ANYWHERE in that statement. I said non-partisan, objective people. If they can put aside their partisanship and make an objective analysis, I could really care less WHERE they come from.

I wasn't suggesting anyone to bring back a politically-biased analysis. I want a TRUTHFUL one.

IF all you were looking for were non partisan people, why did you lament all the while about partisan democrats? with no mention of your own party's partisan members?

Which party was in control congress for the last 6 years? Yours. Did they vote along party lines rubber stamping everything bush wanted without ANY oversight? Yes.

Partisans... they are the bane of our political system. It would be nice if they set their partisanship aside but, don't count on one party doing it while the other doesn't...

Non-partisanship is a two way street.

Do you think there is a chance that your side will see that?
IMO, they're just trying to be a Western-style Democracy in the spitting image of the US Congress.:lol:

However, considering the state of affairs, in all seriousness I would say they have more pressing matters to attend.

After they've had democracy for as long as we have, then they can take 2 month vacations... and also AFTER our troops are no longer dying to give them a chance.

If they want to go on vacation, we ought to leave while they do it.
You don't need to lay the "how many Americans will die" appeal to emotionalism on me. I've faced off with Iraqi's before, and would gladly do so again.

Those Americans are not draftees. Each and every one is a volunteer. NONE can be on their first enlistment having elisted before we were at war. They knew the deal before they walked into it.

They've got a job to do and they're doing it. I can totally relate.

Now, are we going to compare the progress and speed of the Iraq government to the US government when it comes to doing their job? If so, I've been waiting upwards of two decades and counting for ours to do something -- ANYTHING.

you, gunny, aren't the only one reading these words... catch my drift?

waves to the lurkers...

How much time should we give the Iraqi government to get their act together? the answer should be in the form of a number followed by a time increment...
How many americans will die during that time? this answer should only be a number... hopefully a number that does not include anyone you know.

when did you fight the Iraqis, gunny?
Every WESTPAC deployment I was on after the First Gulf War up until I retired in 2000 went to the ME, and we manned the Kuwait-Iraq border for a month or so.

Other than the fact they were shots, I didn't care about getting them. I'd rather be stabbed with a KaBar than get a shot.:lol:

I don't like shots either... :eusa_hand:
intelligence reports 93% of saddam's aresenol destroyed by end of gulf war 1, and another 5% were accounted for in proceeding inspections and bombings.... i can try to find the link for this info, if you would like...

i read this BEFORE we went to war in iraq, this is one reason why i was against the war, saddam was not a major threat, we destroyed his arsenel and destroyed his army and military capabilities.... a true mission accomplished.


too bad bush isn't a trekkie... everyone who is knows that the clingons say...

there is no honor in defeating an inferior foe...
WOW, Stripey - what a devastatingly brilliant, incisive takedown of my post! I should probably count myself lucky that you've displayed the forebearance not to obliterate me completely, with an expertly-placed, "Oh, yeah?", or - horror of horrors - a pithy "Sez you!"

If you have nothing of substance to say, why the hell even reply at all?

If the purpose of this reply was to show how smart YOU are, then you failed... But I bet you're good at failure... aren't ya?
I am a DOVE, and going to war should ONLY occur when we are in an imminent threat, Our soldiers should NOT have to die for us Americans in an unnecessary war of choice...

that is immoral, under any rules!


not to chickenhawks with insatiable blood lust... cuz they don't care who dies in wars as long as it isn't them.
They are there fighting the war - the Surrendercrats are not

neither are the chickenhawks... let's see... the democrats and lefties want the troops home safe and the right winger chickenhawks want them in harms' way, being killed and maimed just to appease their hatred.

sick bastards aren't they?
The US deaths were going down - much to the dismay of the anti war left

The surge is continuing to show signs of progress - also much to the dismay of the anti war left

When troops speak out - the anti war left either ignores them or tries to dimmiss their comments

You are doing both from what I can see

link? or are you just making up shit again?
and you are so giddy over those numbers aren't you?

He's trying to help end the war and reduce the level of american casualties to 0, you are the one that wants them to remain in Iraq so you can vicariously satisfy your own sick blood lust. How many Iraqis have to die before you will say enough? ALL OF THEM? How many americans?
no it was a press release - a british press release - and it was inaccurate.... we have never seen a 60% decrease in casualties because of the success of the surge. Do I really need to post the monthly figures for you again to show you that? Do I really need to show you how American casualties have been steadily rising? How the past eight months have seen 53% MORE Americans die?

Do it... but don't do it for rsr, do it for the lurkers...

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