What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

You dumb bastard. Even the Iraq Study Group, headed by Bush Family consiglieri James Baker, concluded that a military victory wasn't possible in Iraq. POlitics has to come to the forefront to quell the nascent Sunni/Shi'ia civil war before it spreads beyond Iraq's borders.

Just how is removing our troops from the cross-fire of this proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran "surrender"? It's not...It's simple common sense. Get our troops out of the way, let the Sunni and Shi'ia settle this amongst themselves, and deal with the real enemy...Osama bin Laden and his ideological spawn. Remember...? "Git 'im dead or alive...?" Well, he's still alive, and we haven't gotten him and it was him and his followers that planned and executed the attacks of 9/11, not anybody who was in Iraq then or now. So grab your ears, give 'em a good...hard...tug and pop your head outta your ass, why doncha.

great post, Bully... and I'm truly sorry that my rep pointing day is done...
Nice spin RSR.

Since Congress is about 50/50 Reps and Dems that approval rating is more a reflection on GOP obstructionism than it is a reflection on Democrats.

math and logic are lost on rsr...

now the lurkers, they're a different sort... they understand...

waves to the lurkers...
sayyyyyyyy... more americans voted for Gore than voted for bush in 2000... I'm talking popular vote, not electoral college.

We do not elect the President by the popular vote

Once again the US Constitution gets in the way of your rants
rsr is whining... again.

why do you keep backing bush with only a 28% approval? do you like losers?

Dems have a LOWER approval in the Gallop poll

Pres Bush beat the Dems in three elections - the only losers are the ones who voted for the Dems in 06

They were lied to and played for suckers
where are you going to find those non-partisan republicans? I haven't seen any of them anywhere. You complain about partisan democrats... what about the partisans in your own party? Or is that ok because they are of your own party?

You don't see "Republicans" ANYWHERE in that statement. I said non-partisan, objective people. If they can put aside their partisanship and make an objective analysis, I could really care less WHERE they come from.

I wasn't suggesting anyone to bring back a politically-biased analysis. I want a TRUTHFUL one.
Do you think the Iraqi government be allowed to take 2 months off this summer?

IMO, they're just trying to be a Western-style Democracy in the spitting image of the US Congress.:lol:

However, considering the state of affairs, in all seriousness I would say they have more pressing matters to attend.
How long should we give them? How many americans will die while you're giving them a chance? How many more will be wounded? When will it be enough?

You don't need to lay the "how many Americans will die" appeal to emotionalism on me. I've faced off with Iraqi's before, and would gladly do so again.

Those Americans are not draftees. Each and every one is a volunteer. NONE can be on their first enlistment having elisted before we were at war. They knew the deal before they walked into it.

They've got a job to do and they're doing it. I can totally relate.

Now, are we going to compare the progress and speed of the Iraq government to the US government when it comes to doing their job? If so, I've been waiting upwards of two decades and counting for ours to do something -- ANYTHING.
they were destroyed... back in the 90s... if they weren't, then where are they?

Assuming they were destroyed in the 90s is an assumption while stating he possessed and used them and tons are unaccounted for is factual.

If I knew where they were, you'd be seeing me on CNN, Newsweek ... you know .... retired Gunny manufactures tons of WMDs, hides them in Iraq, and claims they were Saddam's.;)

sorry about those shots, better safe than sorry, right? where were you that you were getting them?

Every WESTPAC deployment I was on after the First Gulf War up until I retired in 2000 went to the ME, and we manned the Kuwait-Iraq border for a month or so.

Other than the fact they were shots, I didn't care about getting them. I'd rather be stabbed with a KaBar than get a shot.:lol:
they were destroyed... back in the 90s... if they weren't, then where are they?

sorry about those shots, better safe than sorry, right? where were you that you were getting them?

intelligence reports 93% of saddam's aresenol destroyed by end of gulf war 1, and another 5% were accounted for in proceeding inspections and bombings.... i can try to find the link for this info, if you would like...

i read this BEFORE we went to war in iraq, this is one reason why i was against the war, saddam was not a major threat, we destroyed his arsenel and destroyed his army and military capabilities.... a true mission accomplished.

Why do you keep harping on "intelligence"?

intelligence reports 93% of saddam's aresenol destroyed by end of gulf war 1, and another 5% were accounted for in proceeding inspections and bombings.... i can try to find the link for this info, if you would like...

i read this BEFORE we went to war in iraq, this is one reason why i was against the war, saddam was not a major threat, we destroyed his arsenel and destroyed his army and military capabilities.... a true mission accomplished.


You will find little of that in this bullshit conversation!!!!!!

That's OK!!! Have a good time anyway!!!!!!!
{Post #282} sure... uh huh... right... what ever you say... :cuckoo:

WOW, Stripey - what a devastatingly brilliant, incisive takedown of my post! I should probably count myself lucky that you've displayed the forebearance not to obliterate me completely, with an expertly-placed, "Oh, yeah?", or - horror of horrors - a pithy "Sez you!"

If you have nothing of substance to say, why the hell even reply at all?
WOW, Stripey - what a devastatingly brilliant, incisive takedown of my post! I should probably count myself lucky that you've displayed the forebearance not to obliterate me completely, with an expertly-placed, "Oh, yeah?", or - horror of horrors - a pithy "Sez you!"

If you have nothing of substance to say, why the hell even reply at all?

He is on a roll - ins't he?
intelligence reports 93% of saddam's aresenol destroyed by end of gulf war 1, and another 5% were accounted for in proceeding inspections and bombings.... i can try to find the link for this info, if you would like...

i read this BEFORE we went to war in iraq, this is one reason why i was against the war, saddam was not a major threat, we destroyed his arsenel and destroyed his army and military capabilities.... a true mission accomplished.


You were also against the war because you are an appeaser when it comes to terrorists
You were also against the war because you are an appeaser when it comes to terrorists

I am a DOVE, and going to war should ONLY occur when we are in an imminent threat, Our soldiers should NOT have to die for us Americans in an unnecessary war of choice...

that is immoral, under any rules!

I am a DOVE, and going to war should ONLY occur when we are in an imminent threat, Our soldiers should NOT have to die for us Americans in an unnecessary war of choice...

that is immoral, under any rules!


being a dove will do nothing to stop the terrorists and funny how many of the troops are speaking out how they want to stay and finish the job
are you suggesting that we run our foreign policy based upon polls taken of the wishes of military personnel?

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