What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

Apparently you haven't seen his poll numbers lately. He's tied with Jimmy Carter as the worst president ever.

Do you think the American people were behind Carter when his poll numbers were at rock bottom?

nope... I didn' like Jimmy "I have no big money ties" Carter... did you?
This is interesting MM.

You asked RSR a direct question and rather than respond to the specifics in the question he derails the entire question with this....

The folks do not support surrender MM

which takes you full circle right back to where you started.

This is the same twisted logic and manipulative wordplay used by the Bush administration to not answer questions.

I think there's an epidemic of stupidity going on!


passes Rosotar a ceeeeeeegar... bubble gum of course...
Okay ... let's spell this out.

The bill is funding for the troops. Democrats attached a rider attempting usurp the authority of the President, and has NOTHING to do with funding.

What is the end result of those timelines being signed into law? They announce to the enemy the dates we are going to abandon the field to them.

That may not be surrendering one's army, but it IS surrendering the field.

so you'd rather that the troops just stay there forever? is that your solution?
Dems don't have to lose the war...Dems are ready to just pick up and run away...there is a difference between losing and quitting. This war will not end when we leave Iraq...it will simply be fought on different ground and by civilians..

Dems are a tower of Jello when it comes to fighting terrorists

Dems want the troops home with their families... you want them dying in Iraq... why do you hate the american military?
are you still trying to sell that bullshit that Iran is funding Al Qaeda, by the way?

when we leave, the shiites will eventually prevail. It is no great secret that the shiites of Iraq are and will continue to be closely aligned with the shiites of Iran. We should have been smart enough to see that coming before we invaded in the first place. We will be unable to stop an elected shiite government in Iraq from creating close ties to the shiite government in Iran.

why not? They're neighbors.
oh, please provide some non-partisan link that would show that persian shiite Iran was providing assistance to sunni arab AQ.

Answer the question about Britain if you dare.

the Gallup poll has congress at that number....not democrats.

my guess is, if congress were all democrats, we wouldn't have this sort of mess.

correct, they would have overridden bush's veto of the bill funding the troops... bush is the one that is holding up their money...

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