What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

What is lost on me is how Americans can push for defeat of the US military in Iraq

You dumb bastard. Even the Iraq Study Group, headed by Bush Family consiglieri James Baker, concluded that a military victory wasn't possible in Iraq. POlitics has to come to the forefront to quell the nascent Sunni/Shi'ia civil war before it spreads beyond Iraq's borders.

Just how is removing our troops from the cross-fire of this proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran "surrender"? It's not...It's simple common sense. Get our troops out of the way, let the Sunni and Shi'ia settle this amongst themselves, and deal with the real enemy...Osama bin Laden and his ideological spawn. Remember...? "Git 'im dead or alive...?" Well, he's still alive, and we haven't gotten him and it was him and his followers that planned and executed the attacks of 9/11, not anybody who was in Iraq then or now. So grab your ears, give 'em a good...hard...tug and pop your head outta your ass, why doncha.
You dumb bastard. Even the Iraq Study Group, headed by Bush Family consiglieri James Baker, concluded that a military victory wasn't possible in Iraq. POlitics has to come to the forefront to quell the nascent Sunni/Shi'ia civil war before it spreads beyond Iraq's borders.

Just how is removing our troops from the cross-fire of this proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran "surrender"? It's not...It's simple common sense. Get our troops out of the way, let the Sunni and Shi'ia settle this amongst themselves, and deal with the real enemy...Osama bin Laden and his ideological spawn. Remember...? "Git 'im dead or alive...?" Well, he's still alive, and we haven't gotten him and it was him and his followers that planned and executed the attacks of 9/11, not anybody who was in Iraq then or now. So grab your ears, give 'em a good...hard...tug and pop your head outta your ass, why doncha.

Keep pushing for surrender BP

The approval rating for the Dems have gone from 44% in January to 29% today

Dems now have a lower number then Pres Bush :eusa_clap:
Keep pushing for surrender BP

The approval rating for the Dems have gone from 44% in January to 29% today

Dems now have a lower number then Pres Bush :eusa_clap:

Nice spin RSR.

Since Congress is about 50/50 Reps and Dems that approval rating is more a reflection on GOP obstructionism than it is a reflection on Democrats.
Based on what I've seen in my lifetime, I've come to an awful conclusion:

The Democrats have never met an enemy of America they wouldn't fellate at high noon in the town square on a Friday, if there were the slightest chance that doing so would hurt the Republican Party.

Funny, the democrats in congress have a better record for serving their country than the republicans do... so who do you think better fits the bill for fellating the enemy? those that actually served in the military or those that didn't bother.

how about you, what did you do in the war on terror, mm? besides type, that is...
The military has been pro America - and voted for Pres Bush (twice) by a wide majority

However, the liberal media has always given glowing coverage to any vet and vet group that has gone against the war - since those groups agree with the agenda of the liberal media

Link? or are you just passing gas again?
like I said, you only honor veterans who think like you do and grossly disrespect those who don't.

well, as the deployments get longer and longer and the time spent at home gets shorter and shorter, there won't be quite so many troopers that think like rsr... people like rsr want the troops in Iraq, in harms way and we want them home with their families... if you were in the military now which camp would you think had YOUR best interests at heart?
It COULD be a lot of things....one thing is FACT: the American people supported the democrat's plan to fund the war and set withdrawal dates.

How do you explain that?


he can't... all he can do is run off at the keyboard with unsubstantiated claims... typical winger...
The explanation is not ALL the American people supported the Dems plan or withdrawal dates....are you lying?

he didn't say all... he said americans... I'm an american and I supported the bill that funded the troops and set a deadline for the beginning of a phased withdrawal... the one that bush vetoed... so the blame for the troops not being funded lies at his feet... cuz he's the one that vetoed it.
no more different than saying that the American people elected George Bush as their president in 2004.

the american people supported the democrat's funding bill with deadlines.

sayyyyyyyy... more americans voted for Gore than voted for bush in 2000... I'm talking popular vote, not electoral college.
Good point. So we can conclude that:

Just because Congressional Democrats are pushing legislation that includes a rider attempting to usurp the President's authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive of this nation does not necessarily prove that the American people support it.

The congress holds the purse strings and they are tired of bush's promises that if his plans are given just a few more months that everything will be fine... we've heard that over and over and over and it keeps getting worse...

Do you always stick with failed plans? Had any success with that?

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