What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

The Iraqi government can't decide on squat....do you really expect them to ever get their act together before the conflagration and actually stop it?

Dems are having a hard time making up their minds on what they want to do as well - except on the surrender bill
I think you should, by all means, because - unless the "other boards" you refer to are DU clones, the article to which Rosotar linked will be exposed for what it is: lies, lies, and more lies; lies of ommission - lies of wild, agenda-driven conjecture masquerading as fact - and good, old-fashioned baldfaced lies.

"Objective, dispassionate journalists" like Joe Conason are always a little fuzzy on the details of Iran-Contra - and with good reason. The Democrats come out of it looking like the shitty little traitors they are.

The constitutional crisis of which Conason speaks was precipitated by the Democrats, with the Boland Amendments. The Supreme Court ultimately struck these down as unconstitutional attempts by the Legislative Branch to usurp the President's conduct of foreign policy. In the meantime, however - and with the tireless support of Democrats like John Kerry - the Soviet Union was mounting an aggressive campaign of expansionism into the Western Hemisphere (the Soviet Union was the principal threat of this time, you see; Islamic terrorism against the U.S. was still very much in its infancy). Had President Reagan waited for the Supreme Court decision, the damage would have been done; Soviet aggression in our hemisphere posed an intolerable threat to our security.

Reagan was able to legally circumvent a treacherous law (arguably conceived and enacted with treasonous intent - and ultimately struck down as unconstitutional), and extinguish the potentially disastrous fire that threatened our very shores - a fire whose flames were being fanned by what could most charitably be called dangerously naive Democrats. That this Party, and its minions in the mainstream press, continue to try to bury the truth of these events makes me view them less than charitably. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, maybe it's just a treacherous, traitorous duck.

If anyone would like to try to bail the Democrats out of THIS mess, then we can move on to the other - secondary - part of Iran-Contra: the supposed "arms for hostages" deal. Here's a little teaser: Joe Conason is lying through his teeth.

sure... uh huh... right... what ever you say... :cuckoo:
Like I said ... lies perpetuated into myth. They just keep on telling it until it's so old nobody remembers the truth so they take their word for it.

My current all-time favorite is "Bush (41) didn't finish the job." Listened to that bullshit lie for 12 years.

Lies continually repeated can fool the masses into believing they are the truth... bush used that when he went on and on and on about saddam's WMD... remember?

so? where are they?

and obtw, I supported Bush 1's war on Iraq AND also the fact that he didn't go on to Baghdad...
Not at all

I would pay closer attention if they were offering a way to win and not lose

Of course you have Dems like Motor Mouth Murtha calling Gen Petraeus a political hack and a lier

The Dems also skipped his briefing BEFORE they voted for their surrender bill. Nothing like an open minded liberal

Got a link to this allegation? Or are you just passing gas again?
I did a lot more than any rEpublican jerk that sat behind a walnut desk asked and me and my friends for our lives to only save his own.

Or, were you talking about this from a different context?

sitting on their fat asses, typing away, is what republican "patriots" like rsr do, Psychoblues... they won't actually serve in the military... heaven's no... they just like to write all tough like...

When did you serve P-blues?
Many on the kook left think the US should reason with the terrorists, we need to learn why they hate us, understanding and compassion will melt their bombs and bullets,if anything goes wrong it is Bush's fault and Dems need to start an investagation, and the hysteria over global waming is ignored by libs as they travel in their limos and private jets

Many on the left would love to see the big talking, faux patriotic right enlist so they can actually be a part of the war on terror... faux patriots like you, rsr... so tell me again, what did YOU do during the war on terror besides hide under your desk?
Lies continually repeated can fool the masses into believing they are the truth... bush used that when he went on and on and on about saddam's WMD... remember?

so? where are they?

and obtw, I supported Bush 1's war on Iraq AND also the fact that he didn't go on to Baghdad...

You tell me where they are. Last I saw, there are a couple of tons of WMDs and/or their percursors unaccounted for by the UN, KNOWN to be in Saddam's possession. Assuming they didn't just vanish into thin air, they have to exist somehwere.

And to that extent, Buhs did not lie about WMDs. Saddam had them. He used them. He could not account for them.

I sure took a lot of anthrax shots for nothing when Clinton was President if only Bush believed Saddam had WMDs.
It's too bad you don't have the same standards for your president that you'd like everyone to believe you have for others.

Bush basically declared the war "won" from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln back on the first of May 2003. Remember that one?

Only now it turns out he was really just talking out of his ass because four years later we have three thousand and counting more dead soldiers.

In other words he didn't have a plan for really winning did he rsr? and we are LESS SAFE from future terror attacks then we were back then.

Yet that doesn't seem to bother you at all does it?

Because a real war hero like Murtha knows political bullshit when he sees it.

Petraeus is a political hack and a liar. He is little more than a "yes man" for the Bush administration who landed the job only after George Casey, the previous commander refused to lie for them about the real situation in Iraq.

Who gives a shit?

They've heard it all before. They already knew beforehand what Petraeus' briefing would contain....whatever fresh horseshit he was instructed to repeat by his neocon puppet-masters in the Bush administration!

Good post, but I think it will be totally lost on rsr... maybe the lurkers will see your points...
sitting on their fat asses, typing away, is what republican "patriots" like rsr do, Psychoblues... they won't actually serve in the military... heaven's no... they just like to write all tough like...

When did you serve P-blues?

Depends on which story you want. From the time I joined this board to date, he has served in every branch of the service from the Korean War through the First Gulf War. He also claimed to have been in ground combat, but when the truth came out, he was in the AFNG.

So your guess is as good as anyone's.:lol:
The consensus among the Iraq Survey Group, the CIA, everyone in the diplomatic community, and our top commanders in Iraq, is that this war will never be won militarily without a diplomatic approach.

Are these the people you are calling the "kook left?"

of course, anyone that doesn't tow bush's line is a leftie...
Many on the left would love to see the big talking, faux patriotic right enlist so they can actually be a part of the war on terror... faux patriots like you, rsr... so tell me again, what did YOU do during the war on terror besides hide under your desk?

So only the 4% of the population who have served are the only ones who can voice an opinion on the war

Seems that is NOT what you defended when you served

Or is that what you call free speech?
It was the Washington post that was upset San Fran Nan did not get results from her foreign policy trip last month

I am not opposed to talking to these nations - but I would like Syria to turn over Saddams WMD's they were shipped to them before the war

why don't you go get them for us... you seem to know where they are.

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