What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

Okay ... let's spell this out.

The bill is funding for the troops. Democrats attached a rider attempting usurp the authority of the President, and has NOTHING to do with funding..

Are you saying Bush should continue receiving a blank check with no oversight into what he's doing with the money?

Here's the deal. Congress is willing to give Bush the $ he wants but there are conditions on it. That's not unusual. Nobody is "usurping" his authority. Congress has the authority to fund and monitor that funding. It's called "checks and balances" on government. Bush doesn't like it because he's a spoiled brat and he's not used to being held accountable.

What is the end result of those timelines being signed into law? They announce to the enemy the dates we are going to abandon the field to them.

That may not be surrendering one's army, but it IS surrendering the field.

Remember when Bush proposed this assinine "surge" in troop levels?

We were told that we should know whether or not it was going to work within six months. Congress has given Bush plenty of time for his surge to work or not.

What's the problem? If the deadline comes and goes something different needs to be done anyway.
When you tell the enemy when you are leaving and they will be able to spread their terror unchecked - that is surrender

no...when you turn over your encampments and positions to the legitimate government that you helped to establish and that you fully support, that is not surrender. Go read the definition of the word. You are misusing it.

I ask again: Did Britain surrender Palestine in the spring of 1948? Can you answer that question?
Are you saying Bush should continue receiving a blank check with no oversight into what he's doing with the money?

Here's the deal. Congress is willing to give Bush the $ he wants but there are conditions on it. That's not unusual. Nobody is "usurping" his authority. Congress has the authority to fund and monitor that funding. It's called "checks and balances" on government. Bush doesn't like it because he's a spoiled brat and he's not used to being held accountable.

Remember when Bush proposed this assinine "surge" in troop levels?

We were told that we should know whether or not it was going to work within six months. Congress has given Bush plenty of time for his surge to work or not.

What's the problem? If the deadline comes and goes something different needs to be done anyway.

Fioe well over a year Dems like San Fran Nan and White Flag Reid wanted more troops sent to Iraq

Then, when Pres Bush wants to send more troops - they are suddenly against it

Not great surprise
no...when you turn over your encampments and positions to the legitimate government that you helped to establish and that you fully support, that is not surrender. Go read the definition of the word. You are misusing it.

I ask again: Did Britain surrender Palestine in the spring of 1948? Can you answer that question?

It is surrender MM - learn to accept the truth
Okay ... let's spell this out.

The bill is funding for the troops. Democrats attached a rider attempting usurp the authority of the President, and has NOTHING to do with funding.

What is the end result of those timelines being signed into law? They announce to the enemy the dates we are going to abandon the field to them.

That may not be surrendering one's army, but it IS surrendering the field.

surrendering the field to whom? to sunni and shiite militias at war with one another? Whenever we leave we will do that. Are you suggesting that America annex Iraq and just stay there forever?
surrendering the field to whom? to sunni and shiite militias at war with one another? Whenever we leave we will do that. Are you suggesting that America annex Iraq and just stay there forever?

surrendering to terrorists and Iran
surrendering to terrorists and Iran

are you still trying to sell that bullshit that Iran is funding Al Qaeda, by the way?

when we leave, the shiites will eventually prevail. It is no great secret that the shiites of Iraq are and will continue to be closely aligned with the shiites of Iran. We should have been smart enough to see that coming before we invaded in the first place. We will be unable to stop an elected shiite government in Iraq from creating close ties to the shiite government in Iran.
I ask again: did Britain surrender, or give up or submit to any enemy power when they left Palestine in the spring of 1948?
are you still trying to sell that bullshit that Iran is funding Al Qaeda, by the way?

when we leave, the shiites will eventually prevail. It is no great secret that the shiites of Iraq are and will continue to be closely aligned with the shiites of Iran. We should have been smart enough to see that coming before we invaded in the first place. We will be unable to stop an elected shiite government in Iraq from creating close ties to the shiite government in Iran.

Al Qaeda is in Iraq and are being assisted by Iran

I am not the only one calling the surrdender plan what it is

The voters are starting to see it as well - the Gallup poll has Dems at 27%
Al Qaeda is in Iraq and are being assisted by Iran

I am not the only one calling the surrdender plan what it is

The voters are starting to see it as well - the Gallup poll has Dems at 27%

oh, please provide some non-partisan link that would show that persian shiite Iran was providing assistance to sunni arab AQ.

Answer the question about Britain if you dare.

the Gallup poll has congress at that number....not democrats.

my guess is, if congress were all democrats, we wouldn't have this sort of mess.
oh, please provide some non-partisan link that would show that persian shiite Iran was providing assistance to sunni arab AQ.

Answer the question about Britain if you dare.

the Gallup poll has congress at that number....not democrats.

my guess is, if congress were all democrats, we wouldn't have this sort of mess.

I have and being a good little liberal - you dismiss them

Surrender is surender MM - if you won;t accept the truth - that is your problem
I have and being a good little liberal - you dismiss them

Surrender is surender MM - if you won;t accept the truth - that is your problem

you have never provided anything that states that Iran would fund Al Qaeda...and the mere fact that you continue to suggest such idiocy is proof of your total lack of understanding about the various factions in this conflict.

Will you answer my question about Britain, please?

did Britain surrender, or give up or submit to any enemy power when they left Palestine in the spring of 1948?
you have never provided anything that states that Iran would fund Al Qaeda...and the mere fact that you continue to suggest such idiocy is proof of your total lack of understanding about the various factions in this conflict.

Will you answer my question about Britain, please?

did Britain surrender, or give up or submit to any enemy power when they left Palestine in the spring of 1948?

Leep living in your fantasy world of Liberalville

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