What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

it is not a surrender bill. period.

please show me the language in the bill where we surrender any encampments or military assets to any enemy.

and you cannot escape the fact that the AMerican people were solidly behind the democrat's funding bill....they realize that Bush and his administration don't know what the fuck they are doing.

Keep telling that to the 37.5% of people who support the surrender Congress
Keep telling that to the 37.5% of people who support the surrender Congress

the polling question is quite clear. Did you miss it in my quinnipiac thread? you should go back and read it. but I think, instead of addressing it, you will continue to ignore it like you do everything that doesn't fit your preconceived notions of the world
the polling question is quite clear. Did you miss it in my quinnipiac thread? you should go back and read it. but I think, instead of addressing it, you will continue to ignore it like you do everything that doesn't fit your preconceived notions of the world

I see the 37.5% approval for the Dem Congress - that speaks lound
I see the 37.5% approval for the Dem Congress - that speaks lound

and you are aware, are you not, that congress is made up of nearly equal numbers of democrats and republicans. the polling data is clear: Americans supported the democrat's war funding bill..... all you seem to be able to do is to run away from that. here it is again, in case you missed it:

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"As you may know, President Bush vetoed a bill passed by Congress that would have provided additional funds for the war in Iraq and would have set a specific date for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from that country. Do you approve or disapprove of Bush's decision to veto that bill?"
Approve 44
Disapprove 54
Unsure 2

"One proposal would provide additional funds for U.S. troops in Iraq and would require the U.S. to start withdrawing all its troops from Iraq by a specific date. Would you favor or oppose this bill?"

Favor 57
Oppose 41
Unsure 2
and you are aware, are you not, that congress is made up of nearly equal numbers of democrats and republicans. the polling data is clear: Americans supported the democrat's war funding bill..... all you seem to be able to do is to run away from that. here it is again, in case you missed it:

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"As you may know, President Bush vetoed a bill passed by Congress that would have provided additional funds for the war in Iraq and would have set a specific date for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from that country. Do you approve or disapprove of Bush's decision to veto that bill?"
Approve 44
Disapprove 54
Unsure 2

"One proposal would provide additional funds for U.S. troops in Iraq and would require the U.S. to start withdrawing all its troops from Iraq by a specific date. Would you favor or oppose this bill?"

Favor 57
Oppose 41
Unsure 2

I saw the poll - then I see their low approval numbers
I saw the poll - then I see their low approval numbers

approval numbers don't address the fact that the people support the democrat's funding bill...approval ratings questions are not asked about the democrats in congress, but about congress, which, as we know, is nearly 50/50. Now address the poll questions. What do you think they mean about America's support for the war and the fact that they like the democrat's funding bill with deadlines?
approval numbers don't address the fact that the people support the democrat's funding bill...approval ratings questions are not asked about the democrats in congress, but about congress, which, as we know, is nearly 50/50. Now address the poll questions. What do you think they mean about America's support for the war and the fact that they like the democrat's funding bill with deadlines?

The folks do not support surrender MM
I agree...and your calling the democrat's funding bill a surrender bill is not fooling Americans. They know it is not and that is why they DO support it.

Then why are they not speaking up and gving Dems higher approval ratings?

They know the Dems are pushing a surrender bill not a funding bill
CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"As you may know, President Bush vetoed a bill passed by Congress that would have provided additional funds for the war in Iraq and would have set a specific date for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from that country. Do you approve or disapprove of Bush's decision to veto that bill?"

Approve 44
Disapprove 54
Unsure 2

"One proposal would provide additional funds for U.S. troops in Iraq and would require the U.S. to start withdrawing all its troops from Iraq by a specific date. Would you favor or oppose this bill?"

Favor 57
Oppose 41
Unsure 2
CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"As you may know, President Bush vetoed a bill passed by Congress that would have provided additional funds for the war in Iraq and would have set a specific date for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from that country. Do you approve or disapprove of Bush's decision to veto that bill?"

Approve 44
Disapprove 54
Unsure 2

"One proposal would provide additional funds for U.S. troops in Iraq and would require the U.S. to start withdrawing all its troops from Iraq by a specific date. Would you favor or oppose this bill?"

Favor 57
Oppose 41
Unsure 2

MM is spamming

I saw the poll - but I also see where the Dems Congress is only a few points ahead of Pres Bush in approval
MM is spamming

I saw the poll - but I also see where the Dems Congress is only a few points ahead of Pres Bush in approval

YOU see it, but you never discuss it!!!

why not comment on the poll that shows that American support the democrat's funding bill?

why not acknowledge that the congressional poll numbers were not taken about the democratic leadership of congress, but about congress itself which is nearly evenly divided between the two parties?
YOU see it, but you never discuss it!!!

why not comment on the poll that shows that American support the democrat's funding bill?

why not acknowledge that the congressional poll numbers were not taken about the democratic leadership of congress, but about congress itself which is nearly evenly divided between the two parties?

I am looking at your poll and I see the approval rating for DEMOCRAT Congress

You are the one who wants it both ways
I am looking at your poll and I see the approval rating for DEMOCRAT Congress

You are the one who wants it both ways

the poll question about congress does not mention party. Congress is nearly equally divided. the poll question about the funding bill proposed by the democrats is pretty clear.... the people support it...and you have no answer for that.
the poll question about congress does not mention party. Congress is nearly equally divided. the poll question about the funding bill proposed by the democrats is pretty clear.... the people support it...and you have no answer for that.

Dems are not getting support for their surrender bill and their poll numbers show they voters do not like the job they are doing
He vetoed a surrebder bill - not a funding bill

the bill he vetoed the American people supported and disagreed with his veto thereof.

If you want to continue referring to it as a surrender bill and never once show me where in the bill we surrender anything to any enemy.... then we should move on to other issues
the bill he vetoed the American people supported and disagreed with his veto thereof.

If you want to continue referring to it as a surrender bill and never once show me where in the bill we surrender anything to any enemy.... then we should move on to other issues

First it was White Flag Harry - now it is White Flag Mainman

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