CDZ What do American Muslims want?

The thing you completely miss is no one is being "ruled" by Sharia or halakah or any other religious law.

They already do, every time the eat halal, pray, or utilize Sharia compliant business contracts.
Now you have contradicted what you just posted, "The thing you completely miss is no one is being "ruled" by Sharia".

Why won't you simply debate your ideas?

Please forgive my poor quoting of multiple posts, I combined them into one.

Practicing vs ruled by.
So then there's nothing for you to worry about.
The women will still get seriously screwed in a lot of cases. We shouldn't be letting that happen, we're supposed to be a civilized country. I guess you don't care about that.

Women still get screwed in a lot of cases regardless of religion or lack of religion. We shouldn't be letting that happen.

But I guess you don't care about that.
With regards to the topic of the thread, you're the one throwing women to the sharia sharks, not me. I'm trying to convince you not to throw them overboard, they don't deserve that.

You are the one who wants to deny Muslim women their First Amendment rights.

I am the one who believes all women should be protected by both criminal and civil law, regardless of their religion.
We've already established that Freedom of Religion is a fake statement, and that there is no such thing..

No- we have already established that is what you believe.

Meanwhile, everyone's freedom of religion is protected equally by the Constitution- even Muslims, much to your dismay.
How do we police religious law in synagogues? Halakah calls for stoning or burning adulterers and disobedient children as does biblical law. Who is protecting those children and women?
Give one example of Jews burning children to death in the USA, or Israel for that matter.


You still do not have one example to give, of Muslims resolving civil matters under sharia law in the privacy of their homes?

Enough with trolling Electra review the CDZ rules.

I already pointed out earlier in this thread that most religious people in the US don't follow or desire the penal codes.

Your also moving the goal posts, now it is "in the privacy of their own homes"
The same way we protect every other girl from forced marriages in the United States.

Islam is hardly the only culture that has a tradition of arranged marriages.
We are not talking about Islam, we are talking about you advocating that Sharia Law can be practiced in the privacy of Moslem's homes. Under those circumstances there is no protection of Women or Children..

And as I said-

The same way we protect every other girl from forced marriages in the United States.

Islam is hardly the only culture that has a tradition of arranged marriages

Women and children are protected by civil and criminal laws regardless of the religion of the family.
From your citation

The article said the outlawed Oklahoma law and others like it contain "prohibitions on 'international law' and 'foreign law,' nonsensically conflating Sharia with foreign law. Other states, preferring not to wear their bigotry on their sleeves, don't mention Sharia law per se, instead referring only to bans on 'international law.' Their intent, however, is unmistakable."

The article said "these efforts are rooted in the baseless idea that U.S. Muslims wish to impose Islamic law on American courts. Proponents of these misguided measures, which have been introduced in 25 states so far, clearly seek to ride the recent wave of anti-Muslim bias in this country.

"Supporters would have us believe that these laws are designed to uphold the Constitution," the article said. "In reality, these measures distort the protections already provided by the Constitution in ways that harm the rights of individuals, faith communities and businesses.

Why do you cherry pick the "citation", the article shows the ACLU's opposition to banning Sharia law, you should at least quote that portion that states this is the ACLU's opinion, I have included the rebuttal to the ACLU's position.."

I 'cherry picked' exactly as you did- I cited from the article.

You just don't like what the rest of your own citation says.

From your citation

The article said the outlawed Oklahoma law and others like it contain "prohibitions on 'international law' and 'foreign law,' nonsensically conflating Sharia with foreign law. Other states, preferring not to wear their bigotry on their sleeves, don't mention Sharia law per se, instead referring only to bans on 'international law.' Their intent, however, is unmistakable."

The article said "these efforts are rooted in the baseless idea that U.S. Muslims wish to impose Islamic law on American courts. Proponents of these misguided measures, which have been introduced in 25 states so far, clearly seek to ride the recent wave of anti-Muslim bias in this country.

"Supporters would have us believe that these laws are designed to uphold the Constitution," the article said. "In reality, these measures distort the protections already provided by the Constitution in ways that harm the rights of individuals, faith communities and businesses.
Are you saying the First Amendment destroys the Constitution? :wtf:
Are you saying you are against the Constitution, I do not understand why you want Sharia law in the USA.

I don't 'want' Sharia or Judaic or Catholic law in the United States.

I simply recognize that people of faith have First Amendment Rights that you would prefer to ignore.
Woman and girls have no rights under Sharia law.]

Yes they do. Just not the same rights.

Americans in the United States are protected by American law.

As your article notes:

Across the United States, religious courts operate on a routine, everyday basis," the analysis says. "The Roman Catholic Church alone has nearly 200 diocesan tribunals that handle a variety of cases, including an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 marriage annulments each year. In addition, many Orthodox Jews use rabbinical courts to obtain religious divorces, resolve business conflicts and settle other disputes with fellow Jews. Similarly, many Muslims appeal to Islamic clerics to resolve marital disputes and other disagreements with fellow Muslims.

"These laws are unnecessary and serve only to do two things: Single out Muslims as second-class citizens and undermine the Constitution," the article said. "If supporters of these measures genuinely wish to protect the Constitution, they would do well to trust the framers' respect for international law and religious freedom -- and not trade away our most precious values for political advantage."
Muslim girls are not allowed to marry outside their religion according to Sharia law..

Jewish girls are not allowed to marry outside their religion according to Orthodox Judaic Law.

All branches of Orthodox Judaism follow the historic Jewish attitudes to intermarriage, and therefore refuse to accept that intermarriages would have any validity or legitimacy, and strictly forbid sexual intercourse with a member of a different faith.

Luckily in the United States, Muslim and Jewish girls can marry whoever they wish civilly- even if their religions will not accept those marriages.
Un-Luckily, their fathers and family prevent Muslim Girls from choosing who they marry. Woman do not have rights under Sharia Law, not in marriage, not in divorce, Sharia Law can not be allowed in the USA. Period, despite your opinion that it is no different than Kosher food rules.

Fathers and family cannot prevent either Muslim girls or Jewish girls from marrying in the United States.

Meanwhile I will go back now to the actual thread topic- and stop addressing your insistent attack on religious freedom in the United States.
Sharia Law allows men to rape their wife. But according to some in this thread, Sharia Law is protected by the 1st Amendment!

The Real Impact of Sharia Law in America

Does Sharia law allow a husband to rape his wife, even in America? A New Jersey trial judge thought so. In a recently overturned case, a “trial judge found as a fact that defendant committed conduct that constituted a sexual assault” but did not hold the defendant liable because the defendant believed he was exercising his rights over the victim. Fortunately, a New Jersey appellate court reversed the trial judge. But make no mistake about it: this is no isolated incident. We will see more cases here in the United States where others attempt to impose Sharia law, under the guise of First Amendment protections, as a defense against crimes and other civil violations.
Fathers and family cannot prevent either Muslim girls or Jewish girls from marrying in the United States.

Meanwhile I will go back now to the actual thread topic- and stop addressing your insistent attack on religious freedom in the United States.
Sharia Law is the thread topic, but you do remind me how you ranted on about Kosher food, which certainly is not the thread topic.
What do American Muslims want?

Well among the things they want is to not be targeted by Donald Trump

Last week, a Marine veteran named Tayyib M. Rashid rocked Twitter when he challenged Donald Trump’s statements that all Muslim American citizens should carry a ‘special ID’ that identified their religion.

“I already carry a special ID badge. Where’s yours?” Rashid asked.

Over the weekend, many other Muslim military veterans chimed in by creating the hashtag #MuslimID. To break stereotypes and show up Trump, they tweeted photographs of their IDs, gravestones belonging to their fallen brothers and Muslim religious services taking place at American military bases.

For example, one user shared an image celebrating James Ahearn, a veteran who served three tours in Iraq, received a Purple Heart and converted to Islam.
Fathers and family cannot prevent either Muslim girls or Jewish girls from marrying in the United States.

Meanwhile I will go back now to the actual thread topic- and stop addressing your insistent attack on religious freedom in the United States.
Sharia Law is the thread topic, .

Thread topic:
"What do American Muslims want"

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How do we police religious law in synagogues? Halakah calls for stoning or burning adulterers and disobedient children as does biblical law. Who is protecting those children and women?
Give one example of Jews burning children to death in the USA, or Israel for that matter.


You still do not have one example to give, of Muslims resolving civil matters under sharia law in the privacy of their homes?

Enough with trolling Electra review the CDZ rules.

I already pointed out earlier in this thread that most religious people in the US don't follow or desire the penal codes.

Your also moving the goal posts, now it is "in the privacy of their own homes"
You are the one that stated that Muslims were settling civil disputes in the privacy of their homes? Yes? And I am not trolling, I am looking for you support the opinions you keep posting.

Yes follow the CDZ rules and actually debate.
Sharia Law allows men to rape their wife. But according to some in this thread, Sharia Law is protected by the 1st Amendment!

The Real Impact of Sharia Law in America

Does Sharia law allow a husband to rape his wife, even in America? A New Jersey trial judge thought so. In a recently overturned case, a “trial judge found as a fact that defendant committed conduct that constituted a sexual assault” but did not hold the defendant liable because the defendant believed he was exercising his rights over the victim. Fortunately, a New Jersey appellate court reversed the trial judge. But make no mistake about it: this is no isolated incident. We will see more cases here in the United States where others attempt to impose Sharia law, under the guise of First Amendment protections, as a defense against crimes and other civil violations.

No one has said that. In fact everyone has made the statement that it does not overrule US law or Constitution. Domestic battery is a crime regardless of your religion, just like we don't stone people or set them on fire.
Sharia Law allows men to rape their wife. But according to some in this thread, Sharia Law is protected by the 1st Amendment!

The Real Impact of Sharia Law in America

Does Sharia law allow a husband to rape his wife, even in America? A New Jersey trial judge thought so. In a recently overturned case, a “trial judge found as a fact that defendant committed conduct that constituted a sexual assault” but did not hold the defendant liable because the defendant believed he was exercising his rights over the victim. Fortunately, a New Jersey appellate court reversed the trial judge. But make no mistake about it: this is no isolated incident. We will see more cases here in the United States where others attempt to impose Sharia law, under the guise of First Amendment protections, as a defense against crimes and other civil violations.

No one has said that. In fact everyone has made the statement that it does not overrule US law or Constitution. Domestic battery is a crime regardless of your religion, just like we don't stone people or set them on fire.
People have said Sharia Law is protected by the 1st amendment.

Here a Muslim is practicing Sharia law, which resulted in rape. Like I said, Sharia Law is at odds with our rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Elektra: Sharia Law is the thread topic, .

Thread topic:
"What do American Muslims want"

Epic Elektra fail.

Again, American Muslims want sharia law, and syrusly has argued they have a right to sharia law.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

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