What do Clinton's Neurological Records Show?

It is well known that falls can cause seizure, short circuits.

FOXNEWS: What Do Clinton's Neurological Records Show?
Clinton's neurological records show she is several orders of magnitude more intelligent and stable than 99 percent of Trump's Chumps.

They actually show the condition of her health and nothing of trump supporters. She has a form of dementia. She is a liability and is unfit to be president.
Put down the crack pipe. You're projecting.
Show me a Democrat that doesn't lie, cheat and/or steal and I'll show you a dead Democrat - though it WILL still vote.
"The executive director of a physicians’ organization questions how the mainstream media can ignore signs of what could be a traumatic brain injury in the Democrat nominee for president.

Videos widely circulated on the internet are, if authentic, very concerning. One shows prolonged, inappropriate laughter; another, strange head movements. In a third, she appeared momentarily dazed and confused, and lost her train of thought. Reportedly, she has a volcanic temper. (This is probably not new.)"

"Obviously, it would be very dangerous for a person subject to symptoms like this to be dealing with foreign leaders or making critical decisions,” she states. “The President of the United States may have to make world-changing decisions on a moment’s notice. For example, should we launch nuclear-armed missiles? And if the Commander in Chief is confused, who will make the call?”

All she has to do is release her medical records. Then we can see if it's a lie or not. Right?

The real report from her Doctor was already released, see post #3. But, yeah, keep believing those nutty conspiracy theory sites that keep scooping the big news from the real media only to be forgotten days later. Mostly because those sites are just lying to you, but you're one of those dumb assholes who keeps buying it over and over and over again.
Real media?

That's an oxymoron.

No, it's not. WND, Gateway Pundit, the usual band of merry misfits you guys post from have horrendous track records and are beyond biased but you guys keep claiming the MSM is too liberal.

Jesus, you morons are looking to kick out well established conservatives from the GOP, you don't trust polls because a) you don't understand them and b) you disagree with them only because of your own bias.

If Clinton wins, you'll be convinced she stole the election, because you're a bunch of dumb assholes who can't get past your own bias while you point to everyone else's .
You guys? Please show me ANY post from the above named sites, that I have quoted.

I'm not a Republican and never have been.

You dumb asses label anyone who deviates from your narrative.

We are not all drones like you Progressive Marxists.

Bias? Yes. Yes you are biased.

Great, then you are condemning right wing morons at USMB who use Gateway Pundit and WND because somehow they are more honest than the MSM. Sure you do, bucko.
Sorry Slick!

I don't condemn people for their beliefs nor their sources.

I'm not a Progressive Marxist, like you.

I come here to poke a stick at this hornets nest just to get a rise out of those who light their hair on fire and foam at the mouth at this nonsense.

That's all. Nothing more. You are a source of amusement.

Get used to it.
The real report from her Doctor was already released, see post #3. But, yeah, keep believing those nutty conspiracy theory sites that keep scooping the big news from the real media only to be forgotten days later. Mostly because those sites are just lying to you, but you're one of those dumb assholes who keeps buying it over and over and over again.
Real media?

That's an oxymoron.

No, it's not. WND, Gateway Pundit, the usual band of merry misfits you guys post from have horrendous track records and are beyond biased but you guys keep claiming the MSM is too liberal.

Jesus, you morons are looking to kick out well established conservatives from the GOP, you don't trust polls because a) you don't understand them and b) you disagree with them only because of your own bias.

If Clinton wins, you'll be convinced she stole the election, because you're a bunch of dumb assholes who can't get past your own bias while you point to everyone else's .
You guys? Please show me ANY post from the above named sites, that I have quoted.

I'm not a Republican and never have been.

You dumb asses label anyone who deviates from your narrative.

We are not all drones like you Progressive Marxists.

Bias? Yes. Yes you are biased.

Great, then you are condemning right wing morons at USMB who use Gateway Pundit and WND because somehow they are more honest than the MSM. Sure you do, bucko.
Sorry Slick!

I don't condemn people for their beliefs nor their sources.

I'm not a Progressive Marxist, like you.

I come here to poke a stick at this hornets nest just to get a rise out of those who light their hair on fire and foam at the mouth at this nonsense.

That's all. Nothing more. You are a source of amusement.

Get used to it.

You're a modern day conservative, why would care about quality news sources.
Real media?

That's an oxymoron.

No, it's not. WND, Gateway Pundit, the usual band of merry misfits you guys post from have horrendous track records and are beyond biased but you guys keep claiming the MSM is too liberal.

Jesus, you morons are looking to kick out well established conservatives from the GOP, you don't trust polls because a) you don't understand them and b) you disagree with them only because of your own bias.

If Clinton wins, you'll be convinced she stole the election, because you're a bunch of dumb assholes who can't get past your own bias while you point to everyone else's .
You guys? Please show me ANY post from the above named sites, that I have quoted.

I'm not a Republican and never have been.

You dumb asses label anyone who deviates from your narrative.

We are not all drones like you Progressive Marxists.

Bias? Yes. Yes you are biased.

Great, then you are condemning right wing morons at USMB who use Gateway Pundit and WND because somehow they are more honest than the MSM. Sure you do, bucko.
Sorry Slick!

I don't condemn people for their beliefs nor their sources.

I'm not a Progressive Marxist, like you.

I come here to poke a stick at this hornets nest just to get a rise out of those who light their hair on fire and foam at the mouth at this nonsense.

That's all. Nothing more. You are a source of amusement.

Get used to it.

You're a modern day conservative, why would care about quality news sources.
What would you know about quality?

Still thinking I'm a Republican are you?

No, it's not. WND, Gateway Pundit, the usual band of merry misfits you guys post from have horrendous track records and are beyond biased but you guys keep claiming the MSM is too liberal.

Jesus, you morons are looking to kick out well established conservatives from the GOP, you don't trust polls because a) you don't understand them and b) you disagree with them only because of your own bias.

If Clinton wins, you'll be convinced she stole the election, because you're a bunch of dumb assholes who can't get past your own bias while you point to everyone else's .
You guys? Please show me ANY post from the above named sites, that I have quoted.

I'm not a Republican and never have been.

You dumb asses label anyone who deviates from your narrative.

We are not all drones like you Progressive Marxists.

Bias? Yes. Yes you are biased.

Great, then you are condemning right wing morons at USMB who use Gateway Pundit and WND because somehow they are more honest than the MSM. Sure you do, bucko.
Sorry Slick!

I don't condemn people for their beliefs nor their sources.

I'm not a Progressive Marxist, like you.

I come here to poke a stick at this hornets nest just to get a rise out of those who light their hair on fire and foam at the mouth at this nonsense.

That's all. Nothing more. You are a source of amusement.

Get used to it.

You're a modern day conservative, why would care about quality news sources.
What would you know about quality?

Still thinking I'm a Republican are you?


Don't know if you're a Republican and I don't care, wingnuts extend past that party.
You guys? Please show me ANY post from the above named sites, that I have quoted.

I'm not a Republican and never have been.

You dumb asses label anyone who deviates from your narrative.

We are not all drones like you Progressive Marxists.

Bias? Yes. Yes you are biased.

Great, then you are condemning right wing morons at USMB who use Gateway Pundit and WND because somehow they are more honest than the MSM. Sure you do, bucko.
Sorry Slick!

I don't condemn people for their beliefs nor their sources.

I'm not a Progressive Marxist, like you.

I come here to poke a stick at this hornets nest just to get a rise out of those who light their hair on fire and foam at the mouth at this nonsense.

That's all. Nothing more. You are a source of amusement.

Get used to it.

You're a modern day conservative, why would care about quality news sources.
What would you know about quality?

Still thinking I'm a Republican are you?


Don't know if you're a Republican and I don't care, wingnuts extend past that party.
Nope. Wrong again, Slick.

I don't subscribe to your illness.
Any of the dupes who still believe Sicko, Hillary the Crook would make a good president is as SICK as she is. But now knowing that she is really a Sicko, in all ways scares the hell out of people in this this country and wold be enough to keep me and most people awake at night, knowing that a shaking sicko has the ability to push that button .

Hillary cannot, will not be the next president, No freeken way.

She will be as long as Trump keeps acting more insane than she.

You may be right!

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